My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 343 The Scary Land of Heaven

Chapter 343 The Scary Land of Heaven
Chaos Tianzun looked at the two creatures in his hands, and his mind changed slightly.

He glanced at the monster that looked like a black bull, and said to everyone: "Don't you need to replenish energy? This monster is just right, and it is also a monster of the Hunyuan level. I'm afraid you have never eaten such a monster in your life." food."

Upon hearing this, Ye Fan and the others' eyes lit up immediately. To be honest, they had never eaten Hunyuan-level ingredients.What's more, with their cultivation base, they have stopped eating for a long time, but when they arrive in this world, they will be inexplicably hungry. Seeing this monster at this moment, they are also very excited, not to mention anything else, just this Hunyuan A strong person at the level sounds very tall.

Seeing that he was caught, the monster immediately panicked. When it heard this sentence, it panicked even more. It quickly said: "Senior, the calf is not delicious at all, my meat is smelly, so you treat me as a meat!" Let the fart go!"

"Heh, you black cow is interesting. If you want me to let you go, it's okay, unless..." Tianzun said.

"Unless what? Although my calf is not high in cultivation, I will never give in." The monster's eyes rolled around, not knowing what it was thinking.

"Be my mount." Tianzun said calmly, as if he didn't hear what it said.

"Meet the master!"

As soon as the words fell, before everyone could react, the monster immediately knelt down, the speed was unimaginable.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched: "..."

Didn't you say you don't give in?Why did you kneel down the next moment? What about your integrity?
Middle-aged man: "..."

He blushed, if he could, he would definitely pretend not to know the cow.

"You black cow, do you have a name?" Chaos Tianzun seemed to know its habits, not surprised, but asked its name.

"Master, Maverick, I am not a black bull, but a chasing wind beetle. Among the reckless bulls, I am famous for my speed. Don't look at Maverick, my strength is not very good, but my speed is not faster than that of the late Hunyuan period. Little. Maverick, I have a title called Black Wind Great Sage!" The monster didn't blush at all, but shamelessly said his title.

But he said in his heart, you are so stupid, the person in front of him, at a glance, can tell that he is at least the Holy Lord strong man with perfect Hunyuan, if I don't recognize the Lord, I'm afraid I'm really going to die today, young master, I haven't lived enough yet , how can it die, what's more, with a powerful master, it will not be hunted down from time to time like today.

"What Black Wind Great Sage? From today onwards, you will be called Maverick." Chaos Heavenly Venerable said.

"Yes, Master, what is the Black Wind Great Sage? My name is Maverick." The chasing wind beetle said hastily.

Everyone: "..."

The level of shamelessness of this monster once again refreshed their perception of shamelessness. How could the beast have such a thick skin?

The corner of Chaos Tianzun's mouth slightly turned up, and he cast his gaze on another creature.

"Where is this place? Who are you? Where are you from? Also, some basic information about this place. Presumably, you won't let me down." Chaos Tianzun said lightly.

"So you are from other worlds?"

Hearing this, the creature suddenly realized, and he smiled wryly: "If I don't say it, I'm afraid you won't let me go. If you want me to say it, yes, but I have one condition. I want you to promise that after I say it, you will Let me go."

He looked at Primal Chaos Heavenly Venerable, but he ignored all the others. Their cultivation bases were all in the early stage of Hunyuan, and there were three people who were not Hunyuan, so they didn't deserve his attention.

"I don't want to say my words again. If you don't want to say it, it's fine. I have a way to make you spit it out." Chaos Tianzun said lightly, his voice was very soft, but it made the creature shiver. He could hear out of which meaning.

The creature strengthened his composure, and said: "If I blew myself up, you would also not be able to know that your mount is a monster, and it doesn't know much about human affairs." He didn't know the exact cultivation level of Chaos Heaven , so he dared to speak like this.


Chaos Tianzun looked at the chasing wind beetle. That day the bull was trembling with fear, and nodded quickly. It usually rarely comes to the human land, and it has been to very few human lands. Indeed, it doesn't know much.

Chaos Heavenly Venerable turned his gaze back to the human creature, and said with a smile, "Very good."

Hearing this, the creature breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately, he heard a cold voice, which shocked him unceasingly:

Immediately, a mysterious power appeared in the void, surrounded the creature, and began to invade his body, but within a few breaths, the power disappeared.

Immediately, under Maverick's astonished eyes, the human kneeled down to Chaos Heavenly Venerable, with piety on his face, respectfully said: "Meet the master!"

Human beings who were reluctant to say anything before, but in the blink of an eye, they became this humble.How is this possible, what kind of weird technique is this?Or magic weapon?
Chasing the Wind Beetle looked at the Chaos Heavenly Venerable in front of it, and suddenly shuddered. At this moment, it felt that its previous decision was so wise. If it did not agree, it would not have died, but would have become the person in front of it. This way.With its strength, it can be seen that this person has surrendered physically and mentally, so what is the point of living like this.

"Now we can talk about it." Chaos Tianzun said calmly.

"Master, this subordinate deserves to die." The man suddenly panicked.


"Yes, master. His subordinate's name is Lin Yi. He was originally a member of the Zhongtian Great World. Before two epochs (6000 billion years as the first epoch and [-] trillion years as the first epoch), Emperor Zhongtian unified the Great World. Lead the people to break through the boundary wall and appear in this world. This world is called the land of the sky. It is said that it is a battlefield that fell from the upper world. We call the upper world the above of the sky.

As soon as they arrived in this world, everyone was more shocked by the powerful rules of this world and the vastness of the holy yuan, and then everyone found a wealth of resources in the world, which can make people break through quickly, whether it is Hunyuan or others, cultivation is like No bottlenecks in general.As a result, everyone went crazy and began to plunder resources crazily.However, not only one world discovered this world, but hundreds of big worlds discovered it. In order to compete for resources, a great war broke out.

The war has been going on for hundreds of millions of years, and it is still going on now. However, until now, it has roughly divided into several camps.Among the human race, the six heavenly masters each have their own forces, the monster race has five heavenly masters, and the demon race has four heavenly masters, each of which has established a faction to compete for the resources and land of this world.

I am the general of an army under the command of Hongwu Tianzun, one of the six Tianzuns of the human race, under the seat of Basao Shengzun under Zhongtian Shengzhu.

Under Hongwu Tianzun's seat, there are nine holy lord powerhouses, namely...

There are twelve holy masters under Zhongtian Holy Master, Ba Dao Sheng Zun is only one of them, sitting in Ba Dao City, there are twenty holy emperors and hundreds of holy masters under his command.

The other gods are...

There are many Dao fruits, divine medicines, divine materials, divine crystals, etc., as well as..."


With Lin Yi's introduction, everyone also had a preliminary impression of the land of heaven. At the same time, they also took a breath for the number of strong men in this world. Everyone's face was shocked. Fifteen strong men, Nearly two hundred holy master level powerhouses, thousands of holy venerables, tens of thousands of holy emperors, and holy king powerhouses in the early Hunyuan period have begun to flood, which is nothing.

There are also a variety of cultivation resources, which make people overwhelmed and everyone's mouth watering.

This is an extremely terrifying world, where the strong are like clouds and rain, and the law of the jungle is in full play.

The land of the sky is so terrifying, how terrifying is the world above the sky and the eternal world?
At this moment, after everyone was shocked, they were not intimidated, but aroused their supreme ambition and fighting spirit. Others can do this, why can't I?I am no worse than others.

He can, so can I, and I can surpass him!

A whole new world, a new challenge, begins.

(End of this chapter)

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