My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 344 The Holy Lord of the Overlord Sword

Chapter 344 The Holy Lord of the Overlord Sword (Third)
"This is Ba Dao City?"

Chaos Tianzun and others looked at the majestic city in front of them and said.

The city in front of me, with a radius of hundreds of miles, is like a prehistoric beast, dominating among the mountains and forests, suppressing Huanggu.

There are eight gates in the city. The wall is as high as a thousand feet, and the thickness is nearly a hundred feet. The whole body of the city wall is silvery, and it is all made of the essence of stars. In addition, the extremely stable black and yellow stones are added to make the whole city a whole. It is so strong that even the strong in the late Hunyuan period would never want to smash the city wall with one blow.

On the city wall, towers are towering and row upon row. There are all kinds of buildings inside, and they are arranged according to a certain rule. There are countless fairy formations, large and small, tens of thousands of them. Even if it is a perfect Hunyuan strongman, if he enters it rashly, he will be trapped in it, and he will not be able to get out for a while, and will be strangled by the big formation in the end.

As for the Tianzun strongman, only the Tianzun strongman of the same level can deal with it. No matter how many such large formations are, they will not be able to stop the Tianzun strongman.It is a qualitative leap to reach the Heaven Realm.

Inside and outside the city walls, as well as in the upper and lower aisles, there are guards walking back and forth, patrolling and investigating to prevent foreign enemies from invading.Most of these guards are monks in the early stage of Hunyuan, and even the captains are in the middle stage of Hunyuan.

In this world, there are discords among various forces, and battles will break out at any time. No one knows who the enemy's next target will be, so we have to guard against it.

If you wait for the outbreak of the war, then it will be too late, and you will only regret it.

In the center of the city is a tall tower, like a sharp sword, straight into the sky, it is the tallest building in the city, it can see in all directions, and it is equipped with special detection equipment, once other armies attack, they can be found immediately, so they can do it quickly respond.

In the city, there are many terrifying soldiers of war, staring at the outside, making people shudder.

The whole city bears a trace of vicissitudes and ancient times, and people can tell that it has existed for countless years.

When Emperor Wushi and others saw this city, they were shocked.They have seen many cities, such as the last Emperor Pass on the Starry Sky Ancient Road in the Zhetian Realm, and the majestic Emperor Pass in the Perfect World, but this city is simply insignificant, not on the same level at all.

The first impression of this city is vast, the second one is shocking, and the third one is frightening.

Facing this city, they had no desire to resist at all.But after a while, that feeling disappeared, making people think that it was an illusion, but it was not.

"Master, shall we go to this city now?" Ye Fan asked.

"Of course, if you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, you need resources, and the city lord of this city is also a powerful saint, so the resources will definitely not let you down." Chaos Tianzun said.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Ye Fan and the others were taken aback for a moment, then asked.

"Of course I went to grab it."

"Steal?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Not bad!"

Chaos Tianzun was very calm.The most powerful person in this land of heaven is the powerful Tianzun. Since Chaos Tianzun broke through, he has never been afraid of anyone. He mainly trains the devil and others, otherwise he would have already ascended to the eternal world.

Chaos Tianzun put away the crowd, then turned into a cloud of chaos, and then disappeared, but the real body actually passed through many formations and entered the city.

These large formations are indeed powerful, but they can't stop Chaos. Chaos represents nothingness, and it has turned into nothingness. How can we stop it?
The City Lord's Mansion is in the center of the City Lord, near the high tower. It is a resplendent and magnificent mansion. This is also the place where the holy spirit is the strongest in the whole city, and the cultivation speed is the fastest here.

In the city lord's mansion, the guards are not strict, because the city lord is the person with the highest cultivation in the city, if even the city lord can't deal with it, then the others are even more useless.

At this moment, in a secret room deep in the City Lord's Mansion, a majestic and domineering middle-aged man in black is sitting cross-legged on a white jade altar and practicing. He has maintained this posture for tens of thousands of years.

Several veins of the Holy Spirit around him turned into a storm of spiritual energy and injected them into the man's body.

This holy spirit vein contains a special and strong dao rhyme breath, which is more precious than the holy spar. This kind of breath can not only cleanse oneself, make the body more pure, and more suitable for the Dao, but also increase the understanding of the origin of the Dao. comprehension.

The brilliance of various colors flickered, the holy essence flowed into the body, the aura of the avenue permeated the lost, and the saber aura criss-crossed, as if entering a heaven of swords.

If the secret room was not made of special materials and blessed with a large formation, it would have been smashed to pieces long ago.

This man is the Ba Saber Sage.

"Great Weakness Technique!"

Suddenly, a mysterious voice appeared in this silent secret room, which surprised Ba Dao Shengzun.Immediately, he felt that the Saint Yuan in his body became uncontrollably chaotic, and his Dao became weak, as if he had fallen into the state of the five declines of heaven and man, or even the decline of the Dao. His whole body was extremely weak, Cultivation is about to go backwards.

"who are you?"

The man suddenly shouted, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, escaped countless large formations and investigations, and entered his secret room, even he didn't find it, how is this possible?

Unless... this person is a strong Tianzun.

His heart sank, and he wanted to send a message, but he found that he was in a mess, and he was no longer in the original place. He couldn't even mobilize the Tao in his body, let alone other things. His body became Incomparably heavy, but incomparably empty inside.


Chaos Tianzun didn't answer his words, but said coldly.

Immediately, Ba Dao Shengzun felt an invisible, colorless, tasteless, illusory but pure and mysterious power entering his body. He wanted to stop it, but he couldn't bring out the slightest power.

This mysterious power entered into his mind, invaded every part of his body, illuminated his soul, and purified his heart. His heart was full of shadows loyal to Chaos God, just like these In [-], he was not following the Emperor Zhongtian but the Chaos Heavenly Venerable, and he could not raise the slightest desire to resist.

With the influx of that mysterious power, his heart became extremely comfortable, and he really wanted to be immersed in this state forever.

At this moment, he felt that the person in front of him was so tall, so stalwart, and he was so kind, and he could not even have the slightest thought of betraying him no matter what.

"Meet the master!"

Opening his eyes, the domineering sage showed respect, and without hesitation, he knelt down and bowed to the chaos celestial being.

At the beginning, Yuan Shi divided the mind into the ordinary state, the ice state, the master state, the world of mortals, and the true state. Now he is the true state, and he has also deduced the subsequent state, which is the boundary state.

The so-called state of mind is the world of happiness in one thought.The mind world is illusory, invisible and qualityless, but it is all-encompassing and encompasses all ways. It exists between "nothingness", which cannot be touched or felt, and can only be experienced with the heart.

The strength of the heart realm also has a certain relationship with one's own Dao, but more is the strength of the heart power.

After opening up the mind realm, one thought can sink the Holy Lord, one glance can see through the heart of the person, and what the heart thinks is the truth.The direction of the heart is the direction, and the direction of the heart is the way.

One thought turns ten thousand swords, one thought destroys the mind of Taoism, one thought creates demons, and one thought makes falsehood come true!

It can be said that only when one has truly reached the state of mind can one be considered a true spiritual practitioner.In the previous state, most of them were strange and auxiliary, and their combat power was not too strong. Only when they reached the state of mind, the terrifying combat power of mental power practitioners would explode.

Every step of mind cultivation is extremely difficult.

There are very few practitioners who can comprehend the power of the mind, and there are almost no practitioners who can grow to the state of the mind.

Now, it has reached its peak to deal with the power of the Holy Master with the mental strength of returning to the true state. As for the power of the Holy Lord, it is reluctant, and they can only be successful after their will is damaged.As for the strong ones in the Tianzun realm, they can only barely interfere with it, and the effect is not great. To deal with the strong ones in the Tianzun realm, only practitioners of spiritual power in the realm of state of mind can be dealt with.

Looking at the Ba Saber Holy Venerable in front of him, Chaos Tianzun withdrew from the domain and returned to the secret room of the City Lord's Mansion.

Afterwards, he released the Demon Lord, the Empress, Wushi and others, pointed at them and said, "You arrange a suitable identity for them, and provide them with resources to cultivate by the way."

"Yes, Master."

Having seen the previous scene, the demon lord and others were not surprised by this at all. Chaos Tianzun said to them: "From today onwards, you should practice in this city first, and after your strength breaks through, you can go out to practice. I want you Reach the peak of Hunyuan as soon as possible."

"Yes, Palace Master." Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing this.

After arranging everyone, Chaos Heavenly Venerate began to walk in this land of heaven, and he needed to know more about this place.At the same time, by the way, he spent a few of his subordinates in various cities.

On the surface, the land of heaven is still the same as before, without any major changes, but in the dark, many forces have the subordinates of Chaos Tianzun.

A piece of information was transmitted from the hands of the major city lords to Chaos Tianzun, and no one knew that a terrifying force was born.

(End of this chapter)

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