My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 346 Flower and Fruit Water Curtain Monkey King

Chapter 346 Flower and Fruit Water Curtain Monkey King

In the ancient starry sky, above the Ziwei Emperor Star, a young man was dressed in a white imperial robe, with a long sword hanging on his waist, with the words "Zhenwu" engraved on it.He is walking towards the Ziwei Star Palace at the moment.

This person is none other than Tianzun Zhenwu Emperor Taixuan.

"I don't know why Emperor Ziwei is looking for me?" At this moment, Taixuan was muttering in his heart, secretly guessing the purpose of this trip.

He was invited by Emperor Ziwei. This morning, people from Ziwei Palace came to his mansion, saying that Emperor Ziwei invited him to Ziweixing, but they don't know the purpose.

"This Emperor Ziwei is the benevolent corpse of the Kunlun Yuanshi Holy Lord. I really don't want to have anything to do with him. We don't have any contact with each other at ordinary times. I don't know what he wants to invite me this time." Taixuan secretly suspected.

After a while, under the leadership of the star officials, they came to Ziwei Star Palace.

Ziwei Star Palace is in the depths of Ziwei Star, where the sky is full of purple energy and the stars are shining brightly. The power of stars all gather here. The power of stars is high-level energy. If you practice here, one day is equivalent to other places one year.

Emperor Ziwei is the lord of many stars in ancient times, and Emperor Ziwei is one of the six emperors who rule the stars.

Among the many stars, there is also a mother of stars, Doumu Yuanjun, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who can also mobilize the power of the stars in the sky.

Among the many other ancient stars, there is almost a star official sitting in each of them, such as Seven Kills, Tanlang, Pojun, Qiyao Star Officials, Beidou, Taiyin, Sun, etc., all have specific immortal officials, under the influence of Emperor Ziwei. rule.

Arriving at Ziwei Star Palace, Taixuan soon met Emperor Ziwei.

"I have seen the emperor!"

Taixuan cupped his hands and worshiped, and everyone was the emperor. Although Taixuan's position as the Northern Zhenwu Great Emperor was not as high as that of Ziwei Great Emperor, he was still considered a colleague, so he did not kneel down.

Emperor Ziwei waved his hand and told the star officials to step back, then smiled at Taixuan and said, "You don't know me anymore?"

"You are—" Tai Xuan puzzled.

"Look again!"

Emperor Ziwei's body shone with light, and he changed into another appearance, exactly the appearance when Yuanshi accepted Taixuan as his apprentice, Zixu Yuanjun.


Taixuan exclaimed, and said: " are a teacher?!"

Emperor Ziwei changed back to his original appearance again, each of Yuanshi's avatars had different personalities, and the good corpse was extremely kind.He nodded with a smile and said, "This is what I really look like."

"It turns out that the teacher is Yuanshi Tianzun."

Taixuan murmured, then came to his senses, knelt down and said: "The apprentice pays homage to the teacher, but he doesn't know the teacher when he sees him, please punish him!"

"It's okay, if I don't want you to know, you won't know that I am Zixu Yuanjun." Emperor Ziwei shook his head and said with a smile.

"Those who don't know are innocent, get up."

"Yes, teacher!" Taixuan stood up.

Ziwei looked at Taixuan and was extremely satisfied. Among the many disciples, Taixuan had the best aptitude. He only taught him for a few years. Taixuan relied on himself to cultivate to the current state. It's the late stage of the saint, and it's even more heaven-defying than other disciples of Yuanshi.

"Since then, my teacher has called you here to show you something, which may be beneficial to your cultivation." Emperor Ziwei waved his hand and took out the "Taixuan Remnant Plaque" he brought back from the chaos, and sent it to Taixuan in front of you.

"This is……"

Taixuan subconsciously caught the plaque, and was about to thank him, but when he saw the word "Taixuan", he was stunned.

He felt that the word "Taixuan" had a deep attraction to him, and with just one glance, he felt that his realm had loosened, and the Dao rhyme in it was very suitable for him.

He always had a strange feeling in his heart, as if these two words were written by himself.

Having settled his mind, he looked back at Emperor Ziwei and asked, "Teacher, this is..."

"This is a broken palace that my teacher picked up when he was traveling in the chaos. Most of the other things were broken, but this piece of broken plaque still has some meaning. These two words contain the meaning of the supreme Tao. If you match, I will send you to enlightenment."

"Thank you teacher!" Taixuan didn't refuse, he felt that this thing was extremely important to him.

"Yeah." Emperor Ziwei smiled and nodded, he likes Taixuan's habit, not hypocritical, not sticking to small details, pure Dao heart, not mixed with other things.

"You and I have not seen each other for a long time, come and play a game of chess with me."

Emperor Ziwei waved his hand and took out a chessboard. This chessboard had no lines, but only a miniature of the entire starry sky, which was completely built according to the prehistoric starry sky. The chess pieces were stars, which were consistent with the prehistoric stars, but shrunk several times.In fact, these stars are not small, they just used space means to shrink this piece of heaven and earth countless times.

"Heaven makes the chessboard, the stars are the masters, the teacher is really bold." Taixuan praised.

Then he was not humble, stepped forward and sat down, grabbed a star and threw it into the starry sky.


In Huaguo Mountain, the stone monkey walks and jumps in the mountain, picks mountain flowers, drinks mountain springs, eats mountain fruits, packs with tigers and wolves, lives with apes, spends nights under the cliffs, and shuttles between peaks and forests, living a very uncomfortable life.

One day, a group of monkeys came to a waterfall along the mountain stream. The monstrous waterfall was like a white rainbow with a width of thousands of feet. When the waterfall fell, the splashed water was like white snow.The entire huge waterfall is like a curtain hanging in the mountains and hanging from the top of the mountain.

The waterfall flew straight down, rolled away, and poured into the East China Sea.

Seeing this scene, a group of monkeys shouted happily.Suddenly a monkey opened his mouth and shouted:
"Whoever has the ability to get into this waterfall, if he finds the source without hurting himself, I will worship him as king."

Even shouting several times, no monkey responded.It turns out that this waterfall is really too fierce. It is probably more than ten thousand jun's strength to rush down rumblingly. Who has the ability to go in.Although it is good to be king, it is only to enjoy life.

"I come!"

Just when the monkeys were about to disperse, a loud shout startled the monkeys. They followed the sound and found that the person who came was the stone monkey.

The stone monkey jumped up and came up to him, and asked, "If I go in and come out, will you really worship me as king?"

The old monkey said: "Of course!" The other monkeys also nodded.

"In that case, I'll go!"

The stone monkey let out a cry of joy, jumped out and landed on a big rock in front of the waterfall.

Seeing the rumbling water rushing down, it was not afraid. It squatted down, blissful to its soul, and jumped into the waterfall.

The stone monkey closed its eyes and jumped into the waterfall. Suddenly, it felt solid under its feet. When it opened its eyes, there was no water in it, but a cave, connecting the east and west cliffs.

The stone monkey walked inside, looked while walking, and said in his heart: "It's weird! I've never been to this place, but I have a feeling of déjà vu. What's going on?"

He didn't think much, and continued to walk forward. After crossing the stone bridge, he saw a stone tablet.The stone tablet is tens of feet high, and there are two lines of characters engraved on it. The red handwriting, surrounded by vines, is extremely eye-catching.

When the stone monkey saw these two lines of characters, a flash of lightning seemed to flash across its mind. It was usually illiterate, but now it could recognize these characters: Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave and Heaven.

Seeing this, the stone monkey stood still for a long time before waking up, and then walked forward again. There were flowers and trees in the cave, stone pots, basins, beds, benches, etc., everything was complete.

The more the stone monkey looked at it, the more it seemed familiar. It's just that since it was born, it was naturally jumpy, and if it couldn't remember it, it didn't want to, but it always felt a little uncomfortable in its heart.

After a while, it jumped out and waved to the monkeys: "Come in, come in, good fortune!"

When everyone heard the words, they asked it what was going on, and after it explained, all the monkeys followed it into the waterfall and into the cave.

After entering the cave, seeing the scene inside, all the monkeys played happily for a while.

In the end, all the monkeys kept their promise, worshiped the stone monkey as king, and called it the "Monkey King"!
(End of this chapter)

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