Chapter 347
One day, in the Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King was drinking and having fun with the monkeys. The monkeys cheered, how happy they are!
Suddenly, an old white ape who drank a few mouthfuls of wine fell to the ground and never got up again.The monkeys were startled and stepped forward to call:

"Old white ape, what's wrong with you?"

"Haha, could it be that he drank too much alcohol, died, and fainted?"

"Wake up, wake up!"

However, the monkeys pushed for a long time, but the old white ape still didn't make any movement. Then the monkeys realized something was wrong, and quickly surrounded him. The Monkey King also came up to him, and asked curiously, "Who is he?" What's the matter, why didn't you wake up?"

At this time, an old gibbon came over, turned the old white ape on the ground over, looked at it, and said with a serious face: "My lord, this old white ape is old and frail. ,already dead."

"What, dead?"

The Monkey King was shocked. He had seen other creatures die, so he knew that death was not a good thing.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The old ape nodded his head and said: "Everything in the world has a number of lives, and life and death are governed by the sky. Once the life span is up, it will die, and the soul will enter the underworld and suffer the pain of reincarnation. In the future, I will do the same." Like this old white ape, it is a natural law to die of old age and frailty."

"Old ape, how can you recognize these truths?" the Monkey King asked.

The old gibbon is the oldest, breathing the haze in this mountain, nourished by the aura of Huaguo Mountain, and has some Taoism. It said: "My lord, this old man has been to the world in the past. Divide your knowledge and know some things that ordinary people can't know."

This old ape is a brachial ape, who has been to the human world, but unfortunately, when a monkey comes to the human world, he is destined to cause some troubles. The past is unbearable, so he shook his head and refused to say more.

"The old ape is really knowledgeable, so do you know the reason behind it, please tell me in detail?" the Monkey King asked hastily.

The arm-armed monkey said: "The old ape is not talented, he's showing off."

Immediately, it cleared its throat and said, "Your Majesty, do you know that since the creation of this world, there have been countless species of creatures in the world, countless, but they all have a limited lifespan. Among them, the ones with the longest lifespan are like the ancient big toon, and Eight thousand years is spring, and eight thousand years is autumn. Those with a short lifespan, like floating on the water, can only live for a short time. However, no matter how long the lifespan is, when the time comes, they will die and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. This is a continuous cycle. Like me ape One category, although it is not under the control of the unicorns, dragons, phoenixes, or humans, they are free and at ease, but they only have a lifespan of hundreds of years, and when the time comes, the king of Hades will come to claim his life."

After hearing this, the others didn't take it seriously, these life and death are normal things, they are simple-minded, they don't think too much, hundreds of years are enough for them to play.

But the Monkey King was greatly shocked when he heard this, he asked: "Old ape, is there a way of longevity in this world?"

The arm-armed monkey pondered for a moment, then said, "Yes."

The Monkey King was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked: "Where is it? Tell me quickly."

The arm-armed monkey said: "Among the five insects with scales and feathers in this world, there are only three types of creatures that are not under the control of the Hades."

"Which three categories?"

"Buddha, Immortal and Sacred, these three have learned the method of longevity, escaped reincarnation, immortal, and live as long as the heavens, earth, mountains and rivers."

The Monkey King's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Where can I learn this method of longevity."

The arm-armed ape smiled helplessly and said, "My lord, I don't know about this either. I think there must be places like fairy islands overseas and fairy lands in Lingshan."

After hearing this, the Monkey King thought to himself, "Where can I find a teacher to teach me?"

The Monkey King is certain that Dang even made up his mind to go overseas to visit fairy mountains, ask a teacher, and learn the law of longevity.

Afterwards, it sent a monkey to rob a boat by the sea, and then it drove the boat and traveled overseas, looking for immortals and asking questions.

In this way, the Monkey King began his years-long arduous journey of finding the way, breaking through wind and waves, eating and sleeping in the open, and bravely confronting demons and ghosts, experiencing endless hardships.

This is a path of seeking, and it has been practiced since stepping on this path.

The Monkey King's unruly, unafraid, fearless, and daring to poke a hole in the world's character came from his experience on this road of seeking.

The ups and downs of this journey are not for nothing.


In the ancient starry sky, on the Supreme Lunar Star, there is a secret realm named Yuegui Secret Realm, in which there is a heavenly palace named Taiyin Palace, which is the place where the moon god Chang'e lives.

The lunar star is deserted, lonely and desolate, the moonlight is shining on the earth, and there are no living beings.

Only in the secret realm of laurel, there are spiritual plants, celestial herbs, and magical medicines, and there is also a laurel tree with innate spiritual roots.In addition, there are only the moon god Chang'e, her pet Taiyin Jade Rabbit, and Wu Gang who keeps cutting laurel.

Wu Gang's predecessor was Houyi. Chang'e would sit in front of the moon palace every day, quietly watching Wu Gang who was cutting laurel. She didn't know what she was thinking. She sat for two or three hours, and finally sighed helplessly and returned to the moon palace. among.

Day after day, year after year, always.

Today, the moonlight is shining, and the secret place is filled with soft brilliance, like layers of water waves, rippling in people's hearts. In this deserted moon palace, it brings people a bit of loneliness.

Wu Gang said that he was dressed in rough clothes, and he was burly. He was holding an ax at the moment, and he kept swinging it up and down.


There was silence between the sky and the earth, only the sound of the ax chopping on the tree kept ringing, adding a bit of vitality to the lonely moon palace.

Chang'e was sitting in front of the Moon Palace not far away, looking at it quietly. The Lunar Jade Rabbit was bouncing around in the medicine garden not far away, digging medicine with a medicine hoe.

After an unknown amount of time, Chang'e sighed and returned to the moon palace.

Wu Gang's expression remained the same, as if he hadn't seen anything. He had always had this expression all these years.

Suddenly, Wu Gang's expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years finally changed. His face was shocked, his eyes were full of surprise and curiosity, but the movements in his hands did not stop.

His gaze, looking out of the starry sky through the sky, didn't know what he was thinking, and then turned his head to look in other directions, his face suddenly changed again and again.

In the end, he said nothing, returned to his original state, and continued to cut laurel.


Chaos beyond the sky, a mysterious place, Zixiao Palace is like a mountain peak, suppressing this piece of chaos, making the atmosphere of chaos around it extremely calm, not daring to riot.

In Zixiao Palace, Patriarch Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of Honghuang. His indifferent and cold expression changed, with joy, complexity, and fear...

It took him a long time to recover.


Kunlun Mountain, in the Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi sat cross-legged on the Dao platform, surrounded by misty clouds, and behind him stood an ancient tea tree that enlightened Dao, constantly exuding Dao rhyme, spreading in this world.He is wandering in the sky, dreaming of the world, and comprehending the Dao.

Suddenly, Yuan Shi opened his eyes, and a look of surprise and uncertainty flashed in his eyes, and then a noble and dazzling purple light shot out of his eyes, and he looked towards the void.

His eyes penetrated the void, passed through the ancient star field, and even passed through the prehistoric world, beyond the infinite chaos, and saw into another dimension.

Yuanshi saw the endless dark, cold, lonely, indifferent, and empty time and space, and saw bubble-like worlds. Those worlds were originally moving according to specific trajectories, and all the heavens and myriad worlds were like this.

But just now, in the direction Yuan Shi looked at, a piece of the world was moving rapidly. Of course, this rapidity is only relative. Compared with before, this speed can be said to be extremely abnormal.

Even Yuan Shi could see that these worlds were moving in one direction.

And that direction is exactly where Yuan Shi was located.

Yuan Shi's face changed, and he continued to look in other directions. He soon discovered that the world in eight directions began to be abnormal, and they were all moving towards the prehistoric world.

"What's going on here? Cosmic collision? Or a war of ten thousand realms?"

Yuanshi pondered for a long time, and he thought of the news he got from the avatar Chaos Tianzun, the battle in the realm swept the heavens.Is this the prelude to the great war?or something else?
After thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with the slightest clue. The only thing he could do was to improve his strength and deal with it calmly.No matter what happens, as long as he is strong enough, he will not be afraid.

"Looking at the situation, at most a thousand years, it will collide with the Great Desolation." Yuan Shi said silently with his eyes twinkling.

"My strength is about to break through. Chaos Tianzun has had a breakthrough experience, and my success rate is very high." Yuan Shi thought silently.

No more thinking about it, Yuanshi was about to continue to comprehend the Dao, but at this moment, a monkey went up Kunlun Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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