My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 348 Infinite Wheel Chapter

Chapter 348 Infinite Reincarnation
In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi went out of the gate, summoned a boy outside the door, and said: "Tonger, after three days down the mountain, there will be a stone monkey coming to worship the mountain, you don't need to worry about other things, just bring it in. "

"Yes, master!" Boy Bai He took the order and left.

Three days later, a monster monkey really came to worship the mountain, and it was the Monkey King.

Kunlun Mountain is the hometown of the gods, which is what it has learned from traveling all over the years. Of course, it is not the only place where there are gods, but Kunlun Mountain is the most famous among them.The holy prestige of the Holy Lord Yuanshi is well known throughout the world. If it wants to learn from a master, it naturally wants to learn from the strongest and best master.

Coupled with the causal traction of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, without the interference of Western Buddhism, the monster monkey came here naturally.

"Who is here, and why are you worshiping at the foot of the mountain?" Baihe Boy rode a white cloud, landed at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, looked at the bowing Monkey King below, and asked.

"Immortal, I am the Monkey King of Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, and I am here to learn from you." The Monkey King said excitedly when he saw the white crane boy descending on the cloud.

"Are you a stone monkey?" Boy Baihe asked.

"It's me, it's me!" the Monkey King said hastily.

"En." The boy nodded and said, "The teacher has ordered me to come and lead you up the mountain. Just follow me."

As he said that, the boy took the Monkey King and flew towards the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, driving a colorful cloud.

Soon, one person and one monkey came to Yuxu Palace, and the boy led the Monkey King directly to meet Yuanshi.

"Who is this monkey? Do you need Xiaobai to lead the way?"

"I don't know, it looks like its cultivation is so weak."

"I'm afraid he's a newcomer. He wants to be a teacher."

"That's not right, isn't it necessary to pass the external test as an apprentice? Why go to see the Patriarch directly."


The rest of the big monsters or mounts on Kunlun Mountain, seeing this scene, started discussing one after another, guessing the origin of this monster monkey.

After passing through many mountains, one person and one monkey came directly to the back mountain and met Yuanshi.

"My lord." The boy knelt down and bowed.

"Meet the teacher!" Seeing this, the Monkey King also prostrated himself on the ground, calling out the teacher.

"Go down first." Yuan Shi said to Boy Baihe.

"Yes, master." The boy bowed again and stepped back respectfully.Only the stupid Monkey King and Yuan Shi were left in place.

Yuan Shi looked at the monkey, and the monkey also looked at him, and the two looked at each other.

Suddenly, Yuan Shi opened his mouth and said: "I already know all about your origin and your purpose of coming here. Let me ask you, what is the purpose of your cultivation?"

"Longevity." The Monkey King said without hesitation.

Yuan Shi smiled and said: "If you want to live forever, I tell you that even if you become a fairy or a god, you can only live forever, not die!"

"Why?" The monkey scratched its head, puzzled and said, if it lives forever, it won't die.

"Eternal life is easy, not dying is difficult. Just because the law of the jungle is the law of survival in this world, a mountain is taller than a mountain, and the strong have their own strong opponents. Even if you live long, you will still be able to kill you easily when you meet a powerful person. "

Yuan Shi said lightly, this is the most basic truth, he wants to let the stone monkey know that he doesn't want to cultivate an apprentice who shows off his abilities everywhere, knows nothing about the heights of heaven and earth, but is actually like a clown in the eyes of everyone, who can be manipulated at will.

The Monkey King heard that it remembered what it had seen in these years of travelling, battles between monsters, cultivators fighting, and predation by ferocious beasts, etc. It is true.It suddenly became anxious, and said: "Then what should we do?"

"If you are stronger than others, others will naturally not be able to bully you." Yuan Shi said lightly.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it, please teach me!" the monkey bowed.

"Don't worry, you sleep first, and come to me after you wake up." Yuan Shi smiled mysteriously.

"Sleep?" The Monkey King was puzzled, blinked his eyes, and expressed his doubts, but then, he saw Yuan Shi's big sleeve brushing towards him, his eyelids twitched, and he became exhausted , as if sleeping.

Confused, it vaguely heard the words "infinite reincarnation", and soon it completely lost consciousness.

When the Monkey King woke up, he found that he was still a demon monkey, who was also born in the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain. An adventure made him get the way of cultivating Taoism. up.

It found that it was born with supernatural powers to control water, and it was stronger than ordinary dragons.So, it began to attract the attention of its neighbors, the East China Sea Dragon Clan.After some planning, it practiced the Dragon Clan Kungfu, married the Dragon King's daughter, and gave birth to three sons.

Its strength is getting stronger day by day, and its ambition is also beginning to expand. It wants to be the god of water in the world, the lord of all waters.It started to create floods, causing disasters in the world, and it wanted to let everyone know that it is the supreme water king, ruling all waters in the world.

However, later, it met a man named Si Wenming, who led the crowd to deal with the flood, and finally defeated it and beheaded it.

The monkey king's consciousness fell into darkness again. After recovering, all his previous memories disappeared. This time, he became a stone monkey and the Monkey King of the Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave. Later, he asked the fairy, Worship under the door of Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains.

Successful in cultivation, he was driven back to Huaguo Mountain by his master. He came back from his studies and befriended seven brothers. After that, he made trouble in the underworld, tore up the book of life and death, went to the heavenly court, made a big disturbance in the heavenly palace, and swept away the immortals. great sage.

Later, it was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain by the Tathagata Buddha of the West. 500 years later, a man named Tang Seng appeared, took it through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, and went to the West to obtain the scriptures.

It's just that the later Fighting Victory Buddha is no longer the original Monkey King.

Once again, the consciousness was in a coma, and the same memory disappeared after waking up. The Monkey King became a bandit this time, named Zhizunbao. After some entanglement, he fell in love with a fairy named Zixia. Monkey King, continue its westward journey.

After waking up for the fourth time, it was still Monkey King, who was imprisoned for 500 years for disrespecting the Emperor of Heaven. Later, the Emperor of Heaven gave him grace and asked him to do three things to atone for his previous sins.

The three things are to protect a monk to go to the west to learn scriptures, to kill the four demon kings, the Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King, the Huntian Great Sage Peng Demon King, the Tongtian Great Sage Macaque King, and the Qitian Great Sage Monkey King. Tell it at the end...

After waking up for the fifth time, it is a time traveler who knows its future destiny. After surviving, he worshiped the Bodhi Patriarch to practice and was involved in the confrontation between the demons and the Heavenly Court. During the period, he played a game with the Bodhi Patriarch and the Taishang Laojun, and fought bloody battles with the Heavenly Court. It was helpless, sad, and cried bitterly. I have lived, prayed, been angry, laughed wildly...but never accepted my fate...

the sixth time……

Seventh time……


In the infinite reincarnation, the Monkey King has experienced Wu Zhiqi's life, and experienced a series of stories such as "Journey to the West", "Moonlight Box", "Wukong Biography", "The Great Monkey", "The Return of the Great Sage", etc. In the story, it is the protagonist.

Similar characters, similar experiences, similar endings, similar fates!

Everything is telling that it is the similar monster monkey. Is its fate already doomed?


The Monkey King suddenly let out a mournful cry, its eyes were already wet with tears, but it didn't realize that its heart had already drifted to an unknown distance.

On Kunlun Mountain, the Monkey King stood up. Various complex emotions such as sadness, bitterness, helplessness, nostalgia, joy, unwillingness, and unyielding flashed in his eyes, and finally turned into a touch of firmness.

At the same time, an earth-shattering fighting spirit erupted from its body, which shocked the nine heavens instantly.

Immediately, it entered Yuxu's sect and began its lifelong path of cultivation.At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it took the Dao name for it, and it is still "Wukong", Wukong for one generation, Wukong for all generations, and Wukong for enlightenment and becoming emptiness!

(End of this chapter)

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