My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 349 The Mysterious Nuwa

Chapter 349 The Mysterious Nuwa
Chaos is beyond the sky, chaos is an eternal theme.

Violent chaotic storms blow by from time to time, and the emptiness of chaotic air is raging. There is no sky, no earth, no sun, moon, stars, or even light and darkness. Loneliness is the only color.

Yuanshi was dressed in white, stepped out of Kunlun Mountain step by step, and came towards Chaos Outer Heaven step by step. After a few breaths of time, he was in Chaos. Injected into the vast and boundless sea, without the slightest wave, it becomes extremely calm.

Yuan Shi stood in the chaos, doing nothing, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Half a quarter of an hour later, two figures appeared in front of Yuan Shi, and said to Yuan Shi, "See you, brother!"

The two are the Supreme Being and Tongtian.

Yuan Shi glanced at the two of them, nodded lightly, and said, "There is no need to be too polite."

What Yuanshi thought in his heart was that it was time to get rid of the primordial purple energy from Taiqing and Tongtian. The influence of that thing on the two of them has become greater and greater. No matter what the plan is, this majestic purple energy is the means he left after all, so don't expect any accidents.

"Brother, do you know why the teacher called me to go this time?" Tong Tian asked.

Taiqing next to him also looked at Yuanshi. They were not cultivated enough, so they didn't find any changes other than prehistoric.

"The catastrophe is approaching, the ancestor may have something to explain." Yuan Shi said.

"Great calamity? Is it the calamity of the Western Buddhist scriptures going east? I'm afraid this matter will not alarm the teacher."

Tong Tian and the others thought that what Yuan Shi was talking about was the calamity of the great prosperity of Buddhism, but they didn't know that what Yuan Shi was talking about was not this matter, and Yuan Shi hadn't taken this matter into his heart.

Yuan Shi shook his head and said: "The catastrophe is approaching, and the advancement of western learning to the east is just a trivial matter. What I am talking about is not about it, but a major event related to the life and death of the prehistoric world."

"What's so important, can't you and the teacher's level of cultivation, senior brother, solve it?" Tong Tian said, startled when he heard Yuan Shi's heavy tone.

"This catastrophe came from outside the wilderness." Yuan Shi didn't say much, but just this sentence brought a huge impact to the two of them.

Beyond the prehistoric?There is nothing but chaos beyond the prehistoric world, but they know that there are many worlds beyond the prehistoric world, and there are many masters. Could it be that the danger is the masters from other worlds.

The faces of the two of them suddenly became serious. They didn't arrogantly think that Honghuang was the strongest, they were the strongest, and in the chaos, even they didn't dare to get involved easily.For everyone, chaos is a forbidden zone that they dare not set foot on easily.

If the crisis came from chaos, I'm afraid it really deserves everyone's attention.

"Go to Zixiao Palace later, be careful of Hongjun." Yuan Shi suddenly said such a sentence in the minds of the two.

The two were shocked immediately, be careful of Hongjun?Who is Hongjun? That is their teacher. He personally trained the existence of the six saints. Be careful what he is doing?Could it be that Hongjun wanted to harm them?
The minds of the two suddenly became heavy, but they also knew that this was not the time to ask the detailed reasons, because this prehistoric place was Hongjun's territory.

Not long after, the two western sages Zhunti and Yingying also came.The two of them were travel-laden, with sad looks on their faces, as if someone owed them some spiritual treasures.

"The three Dao brothers came so early." Both parties greeted each other with a salute.

Ever since the two sages of the West branched out into another branch and founded Buddhism, the relationship between the two parties has become rigid. In conclusion, it is nothing more than a dispute of luck.

"I wonder if the three Taoists know what the teacher asked us to do this time?" Zhun asked.

"I don't know what Daozu's thoughts are like, I don't know." Yuan Shi said lightly.

It's not surprising that Jieyin and Zhunti mentioned it, it would be strange if they knew about it.Then he said: "Brother Dao, your Eastern Buddhism also has its unique features, and my Western Buddhism can also be regarded as the ancestor of Buddhism. You and I can take this opportunity to exchange ideas, how about it?"

Yuan Shi looked at him as if he knew that what the other party was talking about was this prehistoric event. The prosperity of Buddhism is the general trend of the world, which cannot be hindered, but can only be changed.Originally, if there had been no Eastern Buddhism, the West would have flourished, but that is not necessarily the case now.Because the power of the way of heaven is the great prosperity of Buddhism, but Buddhism is divided into the West and the East, no one can say for sure.

He knew that this matter could not be stopped, so after a little thought, he agreed: "Yes. But the place of communication must be our east, and you Western Buddhism must send envoys to spread Buddhist teachings in my east after going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. "


Zhunti was furious and was about to scold, but was interrupted by the guide.Everyone knows that whoever has the upper hand in this matter will get more benefits. If it is true what Yuan Shi said, the luck of Eastern Buddhism will also increase greatly.

Jieyin took a deep breath and said, "Yes."

What he thought of was more. This nine-nine-eight-one disaster is not only a necessary disaster to measure the calamity, but it is also the best way to gain merit. On the way from Xiniu Hezhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou, many places Uncivilized, there are many other countries. This is a good place to spread Buddhist scriptures. If this matter is handled properly, Western Buddhism may not be unable to rise.

Yuan Shi took a deep look at Jieyin and didn't say much.Jieyin was able to create a unique lineage and create Buddhism. He is not a simple person who knows how to choose and reject.In fact, if this happens, the West will not lose, but gain.

It's just that the catastrophe is approaching, and Yuan Shi didn't have much thought to play such small games in the wilderness. His eyes were set farther away. So what about the great religion of China, it can only be submerged in the torrent of history.

Therefore, the two sides discussed for a while about the specific process and details surrounding the matter of Western learning going eastward.

It wasn't until they saw Nuwa coming that the two sides stopped.

Nuwa, who has been living in the imperial palace, has become more and more noble at this moment. There is an ethereal feeling on Nuwa's body, which makes people feel inexplicably happy when they see it.

In the past, Nuwa was more noble with a temperament of fraternity and love for the common people. Her compassion for the common people and the character of loving the world caused her to have that unique temperament, but at this moment, Nuwa has nothing but In addition to this kind of temperament, there is also a kind of clean and ethereal atmosphere of the empty mountain after the rain.

Like an orchid in an empty valley, and like a lotus in water, it can be seen from a distance but not played with.

Yuanshi even felt an unfathomable aura from her, which was different from the Nuwa before, more like Hongjun Daozu.Even so, Yuanshi didn't feel the aura that threatened him. This shows that although Nuwa's strength is strong, she is not as good as him.

Yuan Shi took a deep look at Nu Wa, this woman is hiding deeply enough.

Nuwa's face was flat, she looked at the crowd, and paid special attention to Yuanshi a few times. She found that even though her strength had improved, she still couldn't see Yuanshi clearly. No dangerous smell.

Nuwa was startled. She has been practicing since she awakened, and she is still practicing again. What she cultivates is the supreme mysterious air. Now she is only in the late stage of Hunyuan, and she is still one step away from consummation. But what happened to Yuanshi? ?He is a native of the wilderness, and he is even stronger than her. How is this possible?

She found that she had underestimated this world, and yes, this world has a good fortune that even the master covets, so how can it be ordinary? This side of the world.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, you are behind this time." Yuan Shi looked at Nuwa and said with a faint smile.

"I've seen you Dao brothers, hasn't the Dao ancestor not yet appeared?" Nu Wa also looked indifferent.

Yuan Shi caught two keywords from her mouth, "Brother Dao" and "Ancestor Dao".He knew that Nuwa would call them senior brother when they met before, and call herself junior sister, and call Hongjun Patriarch also Teacher, but now she only called Daozu.

What brought her such a change, strength?I'm afraid more than that?
The rest of the people didn't find anything wrong, Yuan Shi thought about it and remembered it in his heart.

At this time, in the boundless chaos, a gorgeous purple palace suddenly appeared, suppressing the surrounding chaos.

Immediately, the six golden lights turned into six golden bridges, extending to the feet of the saints. The saints looked at each other, stepped on the golden bridge, and immediately arrived in the Zixiao Palace.


(End of this chapter)

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