Chapter 355
The calamity has passed, and Buddhism has flourished, because Buddhist temples have been established along the road from Lingshan to Dongtu Datang, and the brilliance of Buddhism spreads all over the land.But Buddhism also declined because of this, because Xuanzang, who was a Buddhist scripture learner, rebelled and joined the East.

Western Buddhism was furious and wanted to punish Xuanzang, but with the intervention of the Eastern gods, this matter became nothing.It's just because the two Western leaders are in retreat at the moment.

The world is long, and the years are slowly passing by in this plain and peaceful atmosphere.

200 years have passed since Journey to the East.


On this day, in the eyes of all the powerful people in the prehistoric world, the secrets of the sky became no longer clear and transparent again, and gradually evolved into endless complexity and mystery.


Many great powers in Honghuang woke up from the retreat one after another, sighed deeply, expressed emotion and helplessness at the sudden obscurity of the heavenly secrets, and speculated whether something big was going to happen again?

In the end, no one figured it out, and the gods could only go their own way.

In this rare peaceful time, some gods are busy teaching their disciples, some are discussing with each other, some are unwilling to be mediocre, ambitious and want to expand their power, and some are not avoiding hardships and painstakingly cultivating the Tao, wanting to go further .

Those who can persist in cultivating the Tao under such difficult circumstances are all outstanding people, and they will surely succeed in the future.

It's a pity that the catastrophe is coming, and such peace may be difficult to come across in the future.

Others don't know what's going on, but Yuan Shi and other saints naturally understand that this is a sign of the coming catastrophe.

100 years, only the last 100 years.

Looking at this prosperous and peaceful prehistoric world, which will soon suffer a catastrophe, Yuan Shi felt a lot of emotion in his heart.Even the world will be destroyed. In this world, who can truly be immortal?
What about the strong ones in the Dao of Heaven?Even those who are strong in the Dao of Heaven can be killed by stronger enemies. I am afraid that only those who are truly invincible can live forever!

"Wukong, come here!" Yuan Shi suddenly called out to Monkey King who was playing with other brothers in Kunlun Mountain.

"Huh? The teacher calls me grandson?"

Monkey King's expression moved, and he disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, it arrived in front of Yuan Shi, respectfully worshiping Yuan Shi: "Disciple pays homage to teacher."

"Well, you must have a breakthrough too." Yuan Shi looked at Monkey King and said.He could see that Sun Wukong was about to break through recently.

"Yes, teacher, my old grandson came to Kunlun this time to break through the quasi-sage realm." Sun Wukong replied.

"Well, with your aptitude, it is not difficult to break through the quasi-sage, but after the breakthrough, if you want to go further in a short time, you need to spend a lot of effort. Now that the catastrophe is approaching, the most lacking thing is time. The five elements The six-eared macaque at the foot of the mountain is one of the four monkeys of the Hunshi, but you know the origin of the four monkeys of the Hunshi." Yuan Shi said.

"Four Monkeys in a Confused World? I don't know, I don't know, what is its origin?" Monkey King scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Before the world was opened, there were three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and one of them was a chaotic demon ape, who mastered the avenue of war and was extremely tyrannical. But in the end of the catastrophe, he fell during the battle with Pangu. His avenue was originally Four copies, after flying into the newly opened prehistoric world, and then turning into four monkeys, these are the four monkeys of the mixed world." Yuan Shi said lightly.

"Doesn't that mean that my old grandson is one of the four monkeys, a descendant of the Chaos Demon Ape?" Sun Wukong asked.

"That's right." Yuan Shi nodded.

Sun Wukong blinked his eyes and said, "What does the teacher mean?"

"Each of the four monkeys in the world has unique abilities and cannot be extinct. If they embark on the path of cultivation, they will become the supreme demon king in the future. Even if they are just mortal monkeys, reincarnation is indelible. After reincarnation, they can still be the four monkeys of the world. One of the monkeys. For example, the six-eared macaque appeared in the age of mythology, and finally died in the hands of other monks, and now it is reincarnated again."

"You four monkeys of chaos belong to the same origin. If you use the other three monkeys to cut off the good corpses and finally become one, you will surely return to the original and majestic appearance of the chaotic demon ape." Yuan Shi said lightly.

"The teacher wants me to find the other three monkeys? Use them to cut off my own three corpses?" Monkey King scratched his earplugs and asked.


"But now, my old grandson only knows the whereabouts of the six-eared macaque and the gibbon monkey."

Sun Wukong said.The gibbon monkey appeared in Huaguo Mountain. Before, it thought it was just an ordinary monkey, but since it practiced, it knew that it was also a terrifying monkey king.It appeared in front of me and persuaded me to practice, probably with the same attention.

"It's okay, I already know the whereabouts of Chijiri Mahou, and I want to tell you this time." Yuan Shi said.

"Where is it?" Sun Wukong was overjoyed and asked.

Yuan Shi smiled and said: "Speaking of which, you are also destined to have it, and it is in your own body."

"In my old grandson's body?" Sun Wukong was stunned. He looked at himself, turned around and jumped around, but found nothing.

"Where? Where?"

"You don't need to look for it, it has already merged with you." Yuan Shi said, "Your Wuzhiqi in your previous life was a red-tailed horse monkey. Even the water god Gonggong can't match the ability to control water. After its reincarnation , and become one with you Lingming stone monkey."

"Unified?" Sun Wukong was stunned.

"Yes, so you just need to cut it out of your body. You need Wukong to break the obstinate emptiness, and I believe in you." Yuanshi said so, and then disappeared.The next thing naturally needs to be resolved by itself, and what should be said has already been said.

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and then stood there quietly, motionless.

Three days later, there was a terrifying coercion from the mountain behind Kunlun, Yuan Shi smiled and didn't care much.

Obviously, Sun Wukong broke through.

Five years later, Sun Wukong cut off the good corpse with the help of the arm-armed ape, breaking through the middle stage of quasi-sage.

Ten years later, Monkey King came to the six-eared macaque that was suppressed by the Marble Mountains. Looking at the six-eared macaque whose head was covered with withered grass, he thought of himself in reincarnation, and the self in his dream was just like the six-eared macaque. Generally, he was suppressed by Tathagata under the Five Elements Mountain.

At this moment, it suddenly smiled mysteriously, and a figure walked out and entered the body of the six-eared macaque. Monkey King used the six-eared macaque to cut off the corpse.

Marble Mountain no longer exists.

It only took ten short years for Sun Wukong to break through the late stage of quasi-sage and quasi-sage, which shocked everyone, making people unbelievable that all this is true.

But in fact it is.Yuan Shi was not surprised by this. There are three reasons for Sun Wukong's breakthrough speed. First, in the infinite reincarnation of Monkey King, he had already had the experience of breaking through the quasi-sage. No surprise.

Second, Sun Wukong's way of beheading corpses is different from others. Others use things with innate origins, but it uses the same kind derived from the origin of gods and demons. It uses three monkeys to behead three corpses, but it is quite It is not too difficult to find the origin that belongs to oneself.

Third, it is so easy to cut off the three corpses, which has a certain relationship with its character.Sun Wukong is straightforward, smart by nature, lively, loyal, jealous of evil, and doesn't have too many calculations. For such a person, their hearts are very simple. It is not surprising that he can kill both good and evil corpses.As for the corpse, it can only be said that after reincarnation, it has seen through the essence, and happened to meet the six-eared macaque. The two have similar experiences, so they can take this opportunity to kill the corpse.

Now that Sun Wukong cuts off the three corpses, he only needs to fuse the three corpses, and it can reach the perfection of quasi-sage, and it can also become the body of a chaotic demon ape, and its own potential will surely increase again.Breaking through the Hunyuan is only a matter of time.

Sun Wukong is so against the sky, but compared to Taixuan's cheap apprentice, he still seems to be a bit inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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