Chapter 356
Taixuan, the cheap apprentice Yuan Shi accepted during his travels, is not only unparalleled in talent, but also has a somewhat mysterious background.

Thinking of Taixuan, Yuan Shi couldn't help feeling his monstrous breakthrough speed.

Since Taixuan received the Taixuan Remnant Plaque bestowed by Emperor Ziwei, his strength has broken through, as if there is no bottleneck, he quickly became a perfect Hunyuan, and then quickly broke through Hunyuan, and after becoming a Hunyuan, his speed remained unabated. It is already the third level of Hunyuan.

And even if it has slowed down now, compared to other saints, it is still extremely fast.

If this scene is seen by Amitabha, Zhunti Buddha, and Taishang saints, will they be angry? When they break through, they need countless time to adjust, but Taixuan doesn't seem to need it.

This made Yuanshi have to sigh, this is not cultivation, cultivation is as simple as drinking water, do you want to be so heaven-defying.

Compared with Taixuan, the other protagonists are simply weak.

At the same time, Yuanshi also found some signs, this Taixuan, it seems that it is not simple.He didn't seem to be comprehending the Dao, but more like finding his own Dao.

It was as if the true meaning of the Dao contained in the Taixuan Remnant Plaque itself belonged to him.This had to make Yuan Shi guess whether this Taixuan had any connection with the mysterious Palace Master of Taixuan Palace, or that one of Taixuan's countless previous lives had a connection with the Taixuan Palace in the eternal world.

It's a pity that there are no other clues, and the information he got is too little. Maybe, when the Holy Master Xuanyu from Taixuan Palace comes, he can find some clues.


"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Om—"

In recent years, the prehistoric region has become no longer peaceful. At the edge of the prehistoric region, some natural disasters and accidents often occur, such as volcanic eruptions, floods, cracks in the earth, steep cliffs, and thunder bursts from the sky. Dark clouds, lightning and thunder, heavy rain, and sometimes even a chaotic light appeared, causing the destruction of the continent.

This is a scene of the end of the world.

As time went by, the movement became bigger and bigger, and gradually spread towards the center of the prehistoric. More and more people discovered this change, countless people began to become panicked, and even some powerful people began to doubt this Does it mean that something is going to happen, is it that the calamity is about to come again?

With the occurrence of these disasters, there is also a catastrophe. Countless negative energies gather, fill the sky, and spread to all directions. All living beings in the prehistoric world can feel a dark haze covering their hearts.

Under the influence of this evil spirit, the great gods from all sides came out one after another, and began to slaughter and hunt on this prehistoric land, fighting endlessly.

Many great gods sensed this haze, and couldn't help trembling, and their faces became extremely dignified. This is the breath of the coming calamity, and it is an extremely terrifying calamity. Some people, demons, and witches who have experienced the age of mythology The great gods of the tribal war were even more terrified, because they found that the aura of calamity was no less than that of the tribal war, and even surpassed it.

"What?! Calamity is coming again!"

"What's going on, didn't the calamity just pass?"

"Hiss! This calamity is so terrifying, it might affect the Three Realms."

"What should I do? How can I escape this calamity? When the three clans fought, blood rained down, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers. I might as well forget that horrible scene. It's even more terrifying that time, what should I do?"


Many people with great supernatural powers panicked immediately, and they took countermeasures one after another, trying to avoid this calamity.

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, on the back mountain.

After Yuan Shi noticed this terrifying aura of disaster, his face was solemn and his heart was a little heavy, but he was not afraid, and he didn't even move a little bit, letting the strong wind blow by, making his clothes rattle.

Yuanshi cast his eyes in the direction of Zixiao Palace in the chaos, and then looked at the depths of the Western Lingshan Mountain, where the two Hierarchs in the West were in retreat. Finally, his gaze passed through the wilderness, through the chaos, and into nothingness. Looking at the worlds that were close to the prehistoric world, Yuanshi was expressionless. After a long time, he sighed and said:

"It's time to come, but it will come after all. In this battle, I will completely break through the realm of heaven!"

As he said that, a bright light flashed in Yuanshi's eyes, and his eyes became indifferent again.He already knew what happened in the prehistoric world, but he didn't care too much. After all, he had to face it. In this catastrophe, he was able to help for a while, but he couldn't help for a while. Perhaps, it is time to let them know the truth in the universe. It's cruel.

Taishang and Tongtian are still in seclusion. More than [-] years have passed outside, while in the original space, thousands of Yuanhui have passed, and both of them have broken through to the peak of the late Hunyuan period.

In Wa's palace, Nuwa woke up from her retreat. The light of good fortune flashed in her eyes, and then the light of destruction. The good fortune and destruction flowed back and forth, and the ten colorful lights flashed away. The starry sky shattered, the universe collapsed, The scene of the destruction of the heavens flashed in her eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

On her noble and fair pretty face, there was also a heavy and worried look at this moment, but after a few breaths, she closed her eyes and practiced hard again, grasping the limited time to practice.

In the depths of the Western Lingshan Mountains, here is a bright and peaceful world. The world is full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, lingering Zen sounds, curling Buddha sounds, Sanskrit chants, and incense all over the sky.

This is the world of bliss opened up by the two leaders.

In the world, under the bodhi tree, the two saints of the West looked at each other silently.


After a long silence, Zhunti suddenly let out a long sigh, then looked at Amitabha Buddha, and said solemnly: "With my brother's cultivation, I still have a chance to get rid of the control of the primordial purple energy, but I..."

He shook his head, and continued: "If that happens, senior brother can just face the difficulties and don't need to take care of me! Junior brother, I have already left my means. Even if I die this time, I will be reborn and come back after countless calamities." !"

When Zhunti said this, although his face was still calm, there was inevitably a trace of bitterness in his eyes. He knew that his cultivation was at the bottom of all the saints, and at this moment even the primordial purple energy that had merged into the primordial spirit could not be controlled. There is no way to peel it off, and it will only cause trouble for the senior brother in a big battle.

"Junior brother, this calamity, the collision of ten thousand realms, even the Dao of Heaven will not be spared, Hongjun will definitely not let go of this breakthrough opportunity, although you and I are the saints, but to Hongjun, I am afraid that they are just ants But ants are still alive, and mayflies also have the ambition to shake the sky. Even if Hongjun wants my life, we will not let him succeed easily. Presumably the same is true for Kunlun Sanqing. When the time comes, Hongjun will have to deal with not only You and I."

Amitabha's face was sad, full of thoughts.

"Brother, you mean to unite with Sanqing to deal with Hongjun together." Zhunti said with his eyes brightened.

"Exactly, I have never been able to see through the Kunlun Sanqing. Among them, Yuqing and Yuanshi are the most mysterious. The feeling of Yuanshi to me has even reached the level of Hongjun, so I can't underestimate it." Amitabha said.

"That's right, as for Junior Sister Nuwa, Junior Sister Nuwa is also quite mysterious recently."

"Nuwa, that's not easy. Among all the saints, she is the one who understands the principle of being wise and protecting one's life. She doesn't favor anyone, doesn't set up a religion, doesn't accept disciples, but she still has luck. In the deep water of the prehistoric, she I have never waded in the water, just paddling on the boat, sometimes seeing the timing and throwing a few baits at random. I thought I had seen through this person before, but now it seems that she is far from being as simple as the surface." Amitabha shook his head ,road.

"Yeah, during the war between the three clans, she made a move, but only lightly. In the end, she didn't even care about the affairs of her own monster clan. During the Conferred God Calamity, she made another move and sent Xuanyuan Tomb The three demons wreak havoc on the Yin and Shang dynasties, and they throw out spirit beads to promote the development of Quanjie. Nuwa, it is indeed not easy." Zhunti nodded.

The two fell silent for a moment. No matter Sanqing or Nuwa, they both brought great pressure on them. Among all the saints, they are now the weakest, which made them feel bitter.

"Alas! One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi!" After a long time, Zhunti said.


Afterwards, a Buddha's voice resounded through the Paradise, which lasted for a long time.


(End of this chapter)

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