Chapter 357

The sky and the earth made a roaring sound, as if they were about to collapse.

As a destructive aura of calamity emerges, it spreads into the prehistoric world, permeating all directions, and the world seems to be covered with a layer of smog. Fierce battle.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The aura of killing and cutting is earth-shattering. Except for a few peak forces in the prehistoric world, there will be monstrous evil aura rising into the sky. Amidst the roar of the sky and the earth, killing and cutting can be seen everywhere, and countless creatures blood stain the mountains and rivers.

On this land, you can see shocking battles happening all the time.

But the strange thing is that no one came out to stop it. Whether it was the saints or other major forces such as the Heavenly Court and the Beiming Palace, they seemed to turn a deaf ear to the endless killing and ignored it.

For these strong people, these weak people are like ants in their eyes, and they are not worthy of their concern. The higher a person's strength is, the more he will look at the problem differently.Just like under the Dao of Heaven, all living beings are dogs, and the Dao of Heaven treats dogs with the same attitude.

In the eyes of the gods, the weak are straw dogs, and there are as many straw dogs as there are, which is not worthy of their concern.


As the years passed, this killing force became more and more powerful.

As the killing intensified, the battle gradually spread, and it was no longer limited to the human world. At this time, except for some powerful places where there are strong men sitting in command, other places, the heaven and the nether world are also shrouded in this catastrophe, and they fight .

As the battle broke out, some forces reappeared in front of everyone.

In Beiming, a mysterious person who occupies the body of Kunpeng's ancestor appears. In the name of a demon master, he gathers demons from all over the world, occupies the northern land, and gathers luck.

The Patriarch Styx in the depths of the Nether Blood Sea has been in the depths of the Blood Sea since he broke through the Hunyuan, and he has never appeared in the depths of the Blood Sea. Endless slaughter.

The Asura clan is a fighting race born with the murderous aura of heaven and earth, and their fighting talent is extremely amazing. In a short period of time, they have occupied a large area of ​​prehistoric territory.It seems that this leader has broken through the Hunyuan, his confidence has greatly increased, and he wants to compete with the saints.

Xiniu Hezhou, Taihua Mountain Tribulation Demon Palace.

Every time the calamity comes, it is an opportunity for the people of the Jiemo Palace, and the robbery energy between the heaven and the earth is the best cultivation resource for these Jiemo.

This catastrophe was no exception. Many robbers from the Devil's Temple were dispatched, setting off endless killings in the prehistoric, and the blood rain was flying. Bathed in this blood rain, they became completely crazy.

In the Nether Realm, Emperor Sansheng, Emperor Jiuyou, Lord of Hell, and Emperor Wanling have dispatched to suppress the turmoil in the Netherworld. For the time being, the Netherworld is relatively calm, but the dark tide is surging.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi ordered Baihe Boy to ring the golden bell, summon back the disciples of Chanjiao scattered all over the prehistoric land, give instructions to all the disciples, and explain the situation, telling them not to run around at will, and he went to retreat by himself.

Although this collision of ten thousand realms is a catastrophe, it is also a great opportunity. If he can grasp it, he will be able to profit in the war and break through quickly.

He has already observed that the worlds that came first were some weaker than the prehistoric worlds, and there were not many masters, so his disciples were enough to deal with them.

In Biyou Palace, Tongtian's Shan Corpse came out to preside over the overall situation. After being screened in the Conferred God War, the remaining members of the Interceptors were more loyal to the Interceptors, so he was able to control them very well. Everything, not easy to manage.

In the Heaven Realm, God Haotian personally presided over the handling of various government affairs, but there was not much turmoil.

However, the forces in the human world are mixed and not unified. There are constant collisions and killings between various ethnic groups.

The evil spirit rushed straight to the nine heavens, the world was dark, all kinds of killing and bloody atmosphere filled the air, the four poles of the world continued to roar, darkness enveloped the world, and the doomsday came to the world.


In Beiju Luzhou, there was a sudden roar in the sky above the earth, and there was a monstrous explosion sound, as if a thousand thunderbolts turned into thunderbolts, fiercely tearing apart the void.


Then, the gods saw a large mountain suspended between the [-] mountains of Luzhou in Beiju.

That is the sacred mountain of the Yaozu—the Hanging Mountain.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of Dao divine lights shot out, and suddenly trembled violently. Between the roar of heaven and earth, the breath of Dao Rhyme lingered, and the torrential sound was endless. Immediately, a majestic voice came out:

"The great chaos has come, and my Luya has returned. I want to set up the Supreme Demon Court in the Hanging Mountain, gather all the demons from all directions, and fight against the catastrophe. All the strong monsters of our demon clan will come back quickly!"

Lu Ya's voice carried a brilliant prestige, which spread between the heaven and the earth, and a bloody aura unique to the king of the monster clan gushed out, straight to the nine heavens, and spread in all directions.


The billowing demonic aura erupted, and a great sun suddenly rose in the sky above Luzhou in Beiju. Press down towards the sky and the earth.

The real fire of the sun was blazing, cracking the sky, and the momentum was overwhelming. Countless monster enemies in the world were suppressed by this breath from the depths of the blood, and knelt down on the ground.

At the moment, on the Hanging Mountain, there are several ancient demon gods such as Bai Ze and Guiche, as well as some ancient demon clan powerhouses. Obviously, they were found by Lu Ya, and they supported Lu Ya, who has the blood of the demon clan emperor, to become the demon emperor.

"The demon emperor has appeared. My demon clan has been lonely since the ancient war, and has been suppressed by the human race since then. Now the opportunity to rise has finally come."

"Great, the demon emperor's aura is so terrifying, comparable to a saint, I will follow the demon emperor now."

"The Demon Emperor has appeared, and the Demon Court will appear!"

"I will swear to the death to follow the Demon Emperor!"

"The demon emperor? The bullshit demon emperor, the demon emperor died at the beginning, who wants to be under the control of his demon court?"

"Hehe, I am living a very happy life like a monster, why should I be suppressed by others?"


Lu Ya's supreme demon power immediately alarmed many great gods in the prehistoric world. The gods discussed a lot, among which the strong ones belonging to the demon clan were the most fierce. Some agreed to re-establish the demon court, while others were unwilling to go back.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The sky and the earth trembled, and the roars of the strong monsters came from every corner of the prehistoric world. The roars became more and more louder, shaking the sky.Afterwards, countless big monsters were seen soaring into the sky, rushing towards Beiju Luzhou.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless monster lights flickered and shot out, and the billowing monster energy gathered and connected into one piece, forming an earth-shattering and supreme monster spirit, sweeping the three realms.

In Beiming, there is also a demon clan force. Now that the prince of the demon clan, Lu Ya, returns and re-establishes the demon court, there will inevitably be conflicts with Beiming Palace, because one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

At this time, "Kunpeng" came out of the customs, looked at the big sun hanging high above, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said loudly: "From today onwards, my Beiming Palace is independent from the Demon Court. Hades has nothing to do with it!"

"Hmph! Kunpeng, even though you are a demon master, you chose to run away during the ancient war, and you dare to split the demon clan at this time, and you will be punished! Take my trick and see if you have the right to choose independence?"

Lu Ya spoke suddenly, his voice was extremely indifferent, but with majesty, echoing in the void.

Both belong to the northern land, but one is on land and the other is in the ocean. Lu Ya, carrying the power of the sun, strode towards Kunpeng.


A terrifying coercion erupted, taking away the brilliance of the sun in the sky, and the sun and the moon became dim. At this moment, Lu Ya seemed to replace the sun in the sky. The billowing flames rushed towards the direction of the Beiming Palace, and the entire northern land was shaken. It became trembling, as if about to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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