Chapter 358 Lu Ya Daojun (Third)
Facing Lu Ya's strength, "Kunpeng Patriarch" was not afraid at all, and a trace of coldness flashed away in his eyes.

"Hmph! You'll know if you're qualified to try it! Let me, the ancestor, teach you a lesson today." Kunpeng snorted coldly, and stepped forward to meet him.

The ancestor of Kunpeng was very fast, but in the blink of an eye, he was close.Behind him, there was nothingness and darkness, and a huge black hole slowly transformed, absorbing all the surrounding light, and the sky and the earth seemed to be turned into nothingness by it.

The earth-shattering real fire of the sun rushed in, but it couldn't set off any sparks, and was swallowed by the black hole.

Ancestor Kunpeng raised his hand and struck out with a palm, surrounded by dozens of black holes, with the intent of devouring the sky, turning the surrounding void into nothingness, and devouring towards the landing pressure.


Lu Ya's expression turned normal immediately, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Kunpeng, how could you also have the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

However, although he was shocked, he didn't panic. He punched out, and ten great suns appeared around him, illuminating the void, and it was red all over, burning the void into red, like a burnt iron block in a furnace.

The sun was shining brightly, and the golden crow screamed, shaking the mind and shattering several black holes of Kunpeng. The sky and the earth roared, and the terrifying breath shocked the prehistoric people. The roaring power turned into air waves and rushed away.

"Hiss! When did Kunpeng become so powerful?"

The prehistoric gods all showed horror. They really didn't expect that Kunpeng, who usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, is so powerful, comparable to a saint.

"Baby, please turn around!"

At this time, Lu Ya suddenly spat out five words, and then everyone saw a platinum-gold gourd appear in the void in front of Lu Ya. This gourd was about the size of an ordinary person, and it made a buzzing sound. Surrounded by a layer of unique dao rhyme, it spread out.

Lu Ya bowed to the gourd, and in an instant, a white light rushed out from the mouth of the gourd.


The speed of the white light was so fast that it simply surpassed time and space. The distance was meaningless before its eyes. The white light streaked across the sky, and a huge crack appeared on the surrounding void. The breath of gold cannot be healed for a long time.

The white light pierced through the void and moved towards Patriarch Kunpeng.After Kunpeng heard Lu Ya's words, he was startled. He knew Lu Ya's magic weapon too well. Although he didn't think Lu Ya could bring the real magic weapon into this world, even if it was an imitation, it was extremely powerful, no? General Hunyuan masters can resist it.

"Time - stands still!"

"Kunpeng step!"

Kunpeng directly casts his own taboo law, the supreme supernatural power. Time is still. He knows that his comprehension of the law of time is not deep enough, and time stillness cannot break the magic weapon, so he only expects to delay a little time. Time, flashing that white light, pressed towards the landing.

The body of the mysterious person occupying the ancestor of Kunpeng is Chaos Kunpeng. Kunpeng step represents extreme speed, transcending space. When the speed reaches a certain speed, it will affect time. This is the law of time that he comprehends.

The white light streaked across the place where Kunpeng used to be, and directly cut the void into two halves. The void was broken, and the chaotic breath in the depths burst out, rolling continuously.


Everyone gasped, the power of this white light was beyond imagination, it directly cut through the boundary wall and penetrated into the depths of chaos.

Slivers of chaotic divine light burst out like lightning through the cracks in the void, devouring everything around, but the prehistoric boundary wall moved at this moment, and an immortal blue light flashed, erasing the chaotic light, and the void began to heal.

Chaos Kunpeng began to fight back, and a huge palm appeared in the sky. Laws lingered on the palm, and Gang Qi flashed. Grab towards Lu Ya.

Feeling the strong force of repression pressing towards him, the thick dao rhyme rushed towards his face, Lu Ya showed a dignified expression, he gave a cold drink, raised his fist, and the golden flames of the billowing sun erupted Come out, it seems to want to burn everything up.


The fists and palms intersected, and a strong light burst out, illuminating the heavens.Fists and palms have always been just a means, and the confrontation between the laws and avenues is the goal.

The earth trembled, and the black light covered the golden light in the sky. Kunpeng's Kunpeng palm destroyed the golden flame of the big sun, which was slightly better.

"Mysterious spiritual energy? Chaotic Kunpeng?" Lu Ya was startled, his face showed surprise, and he retreated, surprised.

"Xuanming Qi, Daoist Lu Ya! If you don't play with your mortal world, you will be your free-spirited saint, what are you doing here?" Chaos Kunpeng said.

"You all come here to play, and I will come to play too." Lu Ya said indifferently.

"Old ancestor, I just came here, and I found this world is quite interesting. Brothers and sisters have appeared, and now even you have appeared. Haha." Chaos Kunpeng laughed.

"Of course, this is the last place where that person disappeared. It is rumored that his fortune is hidden here, and now even other forces have intervened." Lu Ya said.

"You mean... those worlds that crashed into the prehistoric world are the result of the intervention of the forces from the upper realm?"

"of course."

"That's more interesting."


The two chatted for a while, and no one knew what they were talking about. Everyone only saw the two people who were fighting just now, but they started talking and laughing the next moment. This scene surprised everyone.

Soon, Lu Ya returned to Hanging Mountain, and Chaos Kunpeng also returned to Beiming Palace. The two had a tacit understanding and did not mention the previous things.

Everyone only knows that from today onwards, the prestige of Patriarch Kunpeng and Demon Emperor Luya has been widely spread in the prehistoric world. It is said that these two people have the strength comparable to saints and are the two leaders of the monster clan today.

In Kunlun Mountain, it is impossible for Yuanshi not to know the news. It is difficult for him not to notice such a movement.

"Hongjun, Nuwa, Luya, Kunpeng? It's interesting, and it's getting more and more interesting." A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Yuanshi's mouth.

"So... where is the founding spirit?"

These four people who were normal before suddenly became abnormal, and Yuan Shi suddenly remembered the news he had known in his previous life.

He had heard a rumor in his previous life that at the beginning of the universe, there was a primordial spirit who was born with mixed primordial origin, whose spiritual orifice had just opened and gradually became sane.He later got the artifact from the beginning of the universe, practiced it for an unknown number of lives, and finally achieved success in Taoism.

The founding Yuanling accepted four disciples, namely Patriarch Hongjun, Patriarch Hun Kun, Nuwa and Daojun Lu Ya.They respectively cultivated the four qi of Qing, Ling, Kong and Ming separated by the innate Hunyuan qi that created the primordial spirit, and became the great power at the beginning of the universe, with boundless mana.

Now that these mysterious powers have begun to appear, then, the appearance of the person behind the scenes may not be far away.

"What are they doing in this world? Hong Huang seems to have nothing worthy of their attention?"

Yuanshi's thoughts were flying, and he thought of a lot. There must be some reason he didn't know that so many strong men came to the prehistoric world. He would not naively think that all this was a coincidence. Come to Honghuang to play if you have nothing to do.

"So, what's so special about Honghuang? It deserves their attention?" Yuan Shi began to recall slowly, but after thinking for a long time, he still didn't find anything special.

"Oh, there is still too little information."

Yuan Shi shook his head helplessly, and said: "Forget it, sooner or later the truth will come to light. What we have to do now is to face everything with strong strength."

Yuan Shi couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it and continued to retreat, because the real chaos was about to begin.

Although Honghuang is still in chaos now, there are basically no major crises, and more are the upcoming crises from the outside world.


On this day, in the chaos of the prehistoric east, there was a loud bang, and a whole world descended, shocking the world.

(End of this chapter)

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