My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 362 Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 362 Chaos Battlefield ([-]rd)

Booming sounds kept coming out of the chaos, earth-shattering, and if one looked in the direction of the sound, one would see explosions of light from the north to the east and then to the south of the Great Desolation at this moment.

I saw Yuan Shi and others opening up a battlefield in the prehistoric, smashing the chaos, and the pieces of chaos were smashed and turned into pieces of open space.

The battlefield does not need to be beautiful, it only needs to be strong, reliable, and wide.In fact, chaos itself is a huge protective barrier.

In the chaos, pieces of open and vast battlefields were opened up and spread, which was shocking.

The size of the battlefield is almost immeasurable.The scope and size of the battlefield directly covered more than half of the Great Desolation, from north to east to south.As for the other half, it is the task of other saints.

Honghuang is like a huge island, surrounded by many small dots, those are Honghuang's subsidiary universe, and the whole chaos is an endless sea.The sea surrounds Honghuang Island, covering its surroundings from top to bottom. Honghuang and its subsidiary universe are like an archipelago in the sea, like a star field in an infinite starry sky.

But at this moment, in this vast and boundless chaotic sea, in the infinite chaotic starry sky, a vast continent has opened up.This boundless battlefield wraps the Primordial Islands from north to south like a hemisphere.The other half of the hemisphere is still being developed at the moment.

When the two hemispheres are completely connected, it becomes a complete sphere.

This battlefield is incomparably vast, as big as the prehistoric world, this battlefield is as big as it is.

This battlefield exists in the Chaos Sea, defending against those worlds that are in harmony with Chaos.

It exudes a terrifying aura, filled with all kinds of complex auras of killing, chaos, death, etc. It is covered with various seals, prohibitions, runes, formations, etc.

This will be a terrifying battlefield all over the prehistoric.Moreover, with the advent of the Great War, this battlefield will continue to spread outward along the broken chaos, evolving into a more vast and ancient battlefield.

In this battlefield, there will be terrible battles, and there will be flesh and blood of all living beings to pave the way.

Immediately, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the boundless energy of chaos gathered, and the divine light erupted. Yuan Shi used the means of the Creator to form majestic cities, standing in the chaotic battlefield.

Those huge ancient cities occupied a vast area.Each city occupies a radius of hundreds of miles, like wild beasts, entrenched on the battlefield, exuding a chilling and dangerous atmosphere.

The city wall was cast from the chaotic stone that evolved from the energy of chaos. It has extremely strong characteristics, and of course it also has the atmosphere of chaos. It is engraved with countless mysterious talismans, dao patterns, and formations. Even if it is a Hunyuan master, he can't easily crush it.

This was cast by Yuan Shi according to the city in the land of heaven, and it is completely used for fighting and defending against the enemy, and it does not need to be very beautiful.

Above the city, there are also destruction cannons, which were specially made by Yuanshi combined with technology. The cannons are engraved with destruction runes, filled with fairy stones and spirit crystals, and condensed cannonballs. What they release is a devastating attack. Facing the fort, the holy face felt a wave of fear, and they had no doubt that this thing could blow up a bunch of quasi-sages.

A total of 150 cities are entrenched on the spherical surface that surrounds half of the prehistoric area. A large teleportation array is set up between each of the cities to connect the cities together and also to the prehistoric area. It is no problem to send a large number of troops.

In this way, during the battle, they can provide timely support and prevent the enemy from taking advantage of the loopholes.

After setting up the battlefield, it took a total of about ten years. At the same time, the city masters of each city were also arranged. They were all disciples of the three religions and strong men from the human race. Convocation, this kind of convening is mandatory, and the will of all the saints is jointly issued, and no one dares to refuse.

As for those who do not follow, they have already been wiped out.

There is no shortage of strong people in this world. With Yuanshi's current state, he can already start mass-producing quasi-sage masters. He can manufacture monks in the early Hunyuan period. The matter of a Hunyuan pill is the simplest.

It's just that the masters produced in this way basically have no future.Therefore, he usually doesn't use it very much, but now that the war broke out, he can't care so much anymore. He has put the Hunyuan Pill in the exchange list.

However, there are not many such elixirs. They are elixirs refined from the origin of the world or the origin of the Dao. They are extremely extraordinary in themselves and need to be refined by plundering the world.

Of the 150 cities in the Chaos Battlefield, among every 29 cities, there is a main city, and the owner of the main city is the Fifth Patriarch.Therefore, the Taikoo Five Patriarchs must not only stick to their own city, but also take into account the other [-] surrounding cities.However, their cultivation bases are all in the late stage of Hunyuan, and it is actually not too difficult to resist the world that is not considered strong in the early stage.

With the passage of time, during this period of time, more and more worlds descended on this chaotic world.From the small thousand world at the very beginning, to the middle thousand world today, and occasionally a few big thousand worlds, it must not be long before these worlds will start to integrate with the prehistoric world, and the outbreak of the Great War will be inevitable.

What is the battle based on?Resources of course!With resources, there is a background. Whether it is a breakthrough in cultivation or a magic weapon in battle, everything is piled up by resources.Where do resources come from?Of course, it was plundered during the war.

Therefore, war is not without benefits.

Most of the battles in the prehistoric are for the cultivation of resources.From the small battles between individuals, to the big battles between races, countries, and today's world, they are all about fighting for resources.It's just that the way of plundering resources like war is more direct and cruel.

"Okay, the battlefield is not over. Now you need to go back to the wilderness to order recruits. Usually, you will only plunder from the wilderness. Now the time has come for the world to need them. Those who dare to refuse to join the army, group up and kill them."

Yuan Shi said coldly to the five ancestors of the ancient times, the disciples of the three religions, and many strong men of the human race.

"Yes, Holy Master!"

Whether everyone dares to follow or not, of course, they also know that the current situation is severe, Honghuang is in a disadvantageous situation, and compulsory recruitment is necessary.

"Boom rumble..."

At this time, there was another loud noise from the depths of the chaos, shaking the chaos. Even if the chaos itself has the effect of turning sound and nothingness, it still cannot resist this vibration.

Everyone is somewhat used to this kind of shock, because they know that this means that another world is coming.And judging from the previous noise, it is very likely that this is a vast world.

"Another world has arrived. Are you interested in going to see the splendor of other worlds?"

Yuanshi gazed through the endless chaos, looked deep, and saw a huge sphere descending from another dimensional space layer, connecting with the chaos, setting off endless storms in this layer of chaos, and a large piece of chaos exploded. Evolved from earth, water, fire, wind, and various visions.

"As you wish, don't dare to quit!"

When the gods heard this, their faces showed interest. They were still very curious about other worlds. They only knew that there are countless outer worlds descending into this chaos, but they have never seen these worlds. Now the opportunity In front of them, they naturally wanted to see if other worlds were like prehistoric ones.

Yuan Shi was also a little curious. The sound just now had reached the advanced level of the Great Thousand World, and it was not considered an ordinary Great Thousand World.Logically speaking, it will take some time for the advanced Great Thousand World to be completed, so how could it come so soon.

The Great Thousand World is also divided into levels, which are elementary, intermediate, advanced, and peak. After that, there is a perfect chaotic world like the prehistoric.The chaotic world is also divided into three levels: elementary, middle, and high. Honghuang can only be regarded as an intermediate perfect chaotic world.In the advanced chaotic world, there will be strong people born in the realm of heaven.The higher the level of the world, not only the vastness of the world, the more perfect the Tao, but also the higher and denser the laws, and the stronger and more powerful people will be born.

From Yuanshi's perspective, the high-level Great Thousand World that has come down now, there are likely to be at least two Hunyuan-level powerhouses in this world.

Theoretically, Great Thousand Worlds has the ability to give birth to Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian powerhouses, one at the junior level, two at the intermediate level, three at the advanced level, and four at the peak level.In the chaotic world, it is possible to bear the birth of a strong person at the level of a holy master, and in a high-level chaotic world, it is even more capable of giving birth to a strong person in the realm of heaven.

But in fact, there will be much fewer strong people born than in theory, because the world's resources are limited, and the world's origin is limited, and it is not enough to withstand too many strong people, otherwise the world will collapse, which is also the reason why Heaven will drop a calamity one.


(End of this chapter)

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