My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 363 Shepherd Lord Yan Emperor Martial Ancestor

Chapter 363 Shepherd Emperor Yan Emperor Martial Ancestor (fourth update)
Daqian dominates the world.

This world is composed of countless continents and star fields, and each continent is vast and boundless.The Great Thousand World is the main one, and there are many dimensional spaces hidden under it. Each space is a piece of the Small Thousand World, or the Middle Thousand World.The three thousand middle thousand worlds constitute a great thousand worlds.

At this moment, in front of the Spirit Demon Continent of the Great Thousand World, everyone gathered together, and everyone looked towards the void with serious expressions on their faces.

At the front, there are three people, the tallest and tallest, all three of them look like young people, the one on the left is wearing a blue robe, with a messy black hair shawl, obviously younger than the other two, with a confident temperament, It seems to be able to infect others, and people can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they see him.

The one in the middle, dressed in a black robe, has black hair, with traces of fire flashing in his hair, giving people a hot and domineering feeling.The person on the right is wearing a brown robe, with black hair fluttering all over his head, and there are traces of lightning flashing on it, which reminds people of thunderous rage.

These three people are the three strongest people in the Great Thousand World today, the characters who have left their names on the sky list, the shepherd Mu Chen, the Yan Emperor Xiao Yan, and the Martial Ancestor Lin Dong.

The Spiritual Demon Continent in front of them is now in ruins, full of dilapidation, decay, death, and silence, which proves that a great war once took place here.

This world was once invaded by extraterritorial demons, and these three powerhouses rose up in this war, and finally broke through the dominance realm completely and wiped out the extraterritorial demons.

At this moment, everyone is staring at the front solemnly. It is not because the evil spirits from outside the territory have come again, but because everyone has discovered that in the past hundred years, there will often be explosions and strange phenomena in their world. Some are natural disasters, and some are gods. The light comes and so on.

In recent years, this phenomenon has occurred more frequently, but no one can find the reason.The three masters of the Great Thousand World dispatched to break through the boundary wall and finally discovered the reason. It turned out that their world was moving.

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

The world moves?where is it goingWhat will happen to us?People are worried about this.

Today, earth-shattering bangs broke out again in the world, and this time the movement was stronger than ever before.All over the world, various divine lights erupted. Some worlds were shattered in the shock and swallowed by the energy of chaos, while some worlds expanded outwards, and new continents appeared one after another.

The world was shaken, as if it was being violently attacked outside.The three told the world that this was the movement of the world falling into chaos.

As for why everyone came here, it was because it was the closest to the crystal wall of the Great Thousand World, and it was from here that the foreign demons invaded the Great Thousand World.Therefore, the visions that occur here are the most frequent and intense, and if there is danger, the possibility is the strongest here.

Look at the bursts of destructive mysterious light that burst out frequently above the void, the void explodes, like endless thunder rumbling, and the heaven and earth are filled with various destructive auras.

Everyone doesn't know what fate they will face in the future, is it destruction or rebirth?At this moment, everyone is full of worries about the future.They don't know what their world will face, and they have no ability to change anything, they can only follow the world.

This feeling of not being able to control one's own destiny is really frustrating!
After an unknown amount of time, the various destructive visions in the sky have begun to slowly dissipate.Although there are still occasional cracks appearing, and the endless chaotic light rushes in, causing huge damage, but compared to before, there are many fewer, and everyone can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even the three strongest people in the front are relieved. Although they have the ability to break open the world and leave the world before the world is destroyed, the others can't. They also don't have the ability to lead everyone to survive in the chaos, because They know that the danger in Chaos is greater.

Just when they wanted to break through the boundary wall again to see what happened, a sudden change occurred.

Under the horrified eyes of the crowd, a pair of giant hands like white jade suddenly appeared in the void above them. Those giant hands were as white as jade, with traces of mysterious light lingering on them, an inexplicable dao rhyme Appears on the palm.The pair of giant hands were infinitely large, covering the whole world, their backs were facing each other, and they just pushed away to the two sides.


The crystal wall of the Great Thousand World, which can resist chaos, is as fragile as a piece of rag at this moment, being torn apart gently by those jade hands.In the void, a dark passage suddenly appeared, from which the air of chaos gushed out, bursting out the divine light of chaos destruction.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they looked at the passage above with horror, not knowing what fate awaited them.

"Stop it quickly!"

At this moment, the three people in front were startled and roared loudly.

Immediately after seeing the figures of the three rushing to the front, each of them used their strongest moves to bombard the mysterious passage above.They know that if they let the other party in, the fate of this world will be controlled by the other party, which is not what they want.

"Buddha Fury Emperor Yanlian!"

Emperor Yan yelled violently, and above his head, a thousand zhang fire lotus shot out, and the lotus bloomed slowly, releasing waves of destruction.

"Eight talismans die!"

The Martial Ancestor's finger moved a little farther away, and the eight ancient runes fused together, simultaneously mobilizing the power of the world, turning it into a ray of extinction, and attacking towards the mysterious passage in the void.

"Taichu pill!"

The shepherd looked stern, and stretched out his palm, and the surrounding void suddenly shattered, and countless torrents of fighting intent roared towards him, and finally gathered at his fingertips, forming a ball of light about the size of a longan's eye.

Within the sphere of light, there seems to be a world contained, and the fighting spirit of hundreds of millions of creatures in the world is gathered in it.

"go with!"

With a flick of the shepherd's fingers, the ball of light shattered the void, turned into a stream of light, and whizzed away.

The incomparably huge Emperor Flame Fire Lotus spread across the sky, and the petals of the lotus flower slowly bloomed. Under the gorgeous color, it was permeated with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

The fire lotus spun around, drawing a beautiful tail of fire in the void, facing the mysterious passage, the fire lotus didn't stop at all, it turned into a flash of fire, and hit it directly.

At the same time, the eight ancient runes turned into streams of extinguished light and whizzed towards them, and finally bombarded them violently, about to hit the mysterious passage.

At the same time, the ball of light shining with the fighting spirit of the world also rushed over...

In the void, three powerful forces collided to form an extremely dazzling light, which made many supreme beings dare not look directly at it, and could only slightly open their eyes sideways.They have no doubt that if three powerful attacks hit a person, even the Great Master will be destroyed.

However, at this critical moment, a white light flew out from the other side of the passage.The white light shone, covering the whole world, and everyone could feel the pain in their eyes, which was caused by the dazzling white light.

The light flashed away, as if nothing had appeared, everyone opened their eyes slightly, and saw an extremely frightening scene.

Those three attacks that could easily kill the Great Ruler, under the white light at this moment, together with that space, suddenly turned into a picture scroll. Immediately, the picture seemed to be torn from the void by someone, slowly. Slowly falling to the ground.

The three Xeon's attacks did not cause any waves, and they were turned into a painting and preserved.This extremely horrifying scene just happened in front of everyone's eyes.

The three-dimensional space was immediately reduced in dimension, and the space was infinitely compressed and turned into a two-dimensional surface. This method of space avenue is shocking.

"This way of welcoming people seems a bit too intense."

At this moment, a faint voice came from the passage, as if he didn't pay attention to everything before.

Immediately, everyone saw a group of mysterious people walking out of the passage. A group of more than ten people stood lightly in the void, as if suppressing the entire world.


 The weekend is over again, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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