Chapter 364 Yan Emperor
There are 16 people in total, including the Three Qings from the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the Five Patriarchs from the Ancient Times, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of the human race. They stood in the void, forming a faint semicircle. With curious eyes, they looked at this world and the people in it.

"Is this the Outer World? It seems very fragile, not enough for my sword. However, there are quite a few strong ones." Tong Tian said with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Yuan Shi rolled his eyes and said: "This is just a big world, and it is already the limit to have so many strong people."


Yuanshi sensed a little, and felt a unique will of the world. He reached out and grabbed it, and a light curtain appeared in his hand. The light curtain was boundless and completely composed of the original power of the world, giving people a hazy and mysterious feeling. Feeling, as if engraved with countless mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, like a world.

A terrifying coercion emanated from the light curtain. Under that majesty, everyone's hearts trembled slightly, fearing for that power.

Facing the mysterious light curtain is like facing the whole world.

"Hehe, dare to resist?"

An immortal mighty force surged over, confronting Yuanshi, feeling the resistance of the light curtain in his hand, Yuanshi smiled, stretched out his hand, and suppressed the will in it, the light curtain was in his hands for him to play with at will.

People in the Great Thousand World looked horrified. They knew what it was, because they had seen it before, and it was because they knew that they were horrified.

That light curtain is the firmament list of their world, formed by the condensed will of the world, if one can imprint his real name on it, he will be recognized by the Great Thousand World and control the power of the Great Thousand World.From ancient times to the present, only the Muzhu, Yandi and Wuzu were able to leave their real names on it.

But what they saw at this moment was that the firmament list formed by the will of that world was in the hands of that person, but it was like a toy, and it was manipulated at will.How can this be?

The three of Emperor Yan's faces were heavy, and the bad premonition in their hearts became even more serious.

On the sky list, there are three names engraved at this moment, namely Mu Chen, Xiao Yan, and Lin Dong.

"Emperor Yan Xiao Yan, Martial Ancestor Lin Dong, Shepherd Mu Chen?" Yuan Shi glanced at the list and said to the three people below.

"That's right, I'm the one waiting, I don't know seniors..." Xiao Yan said cautiously with vigilance in his heart.

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to invade your world. Almost all the resources of this world have been used by the three of you, and it's useless for me to invade." Perhaps feeling the tension of the three, Yuan Shi explained lightly.

"Senior said it is true." Xiao Yan and others were helpless, they couldn't resist, but the vigilance in their hearts did not relax at all.

"Your name is Emperor Yan?" At this time, Shen Nong, who was wearing a rough cloth, came out from the crowd, looked at Xiao Yan with a kind face, and said with a smile.

"Yes, I don't know if you are..."

Although Xiao Yan felt the other party's strength, he hadn't fully reached the dominance level, he was just equivalent to the Holy Grade Supreme with half his name engraved, and the same was true for several other people. There is nothing wrong with being careful.

"Haha, my little friend is destined to be with me. My name is Shennong, and I have a nickname, also called Emperor Yan."

Shennong laughed and said, he looked at Xiao Yan below, the more he looked at it, the more pleasing to his eyes, especially after feeling the smell of the elixir on the other party, he felt even happier in his heart.

"..." Everyone, what is this, has it hit the mark?

"Shen Nong?"

Xiao Yan was obviously taken aback, Shennong, his last life was like a thunderbolt, the emperor Shennong, one of the three emperors of the human race, who did not know, did not expect to see a real person at this moment.

"Yes, I am Shennong!" Shennong said.

"I didn't expect senior to be Shennong!" Xiao Yan said with a little excitement in his heart.

"What? You know me?" Shennong frowned slightly, wondering why people in other worlds would know him, he remembered that he had never been to other worlds.

"There is a senior in my hometown who is also named Shen Nong, I wonder if he is you?" Xiao Yan said.

"Oh?" Shennong frowned, and said, "Then when will I see him?"

Yuan Shi was speechless, Xiao Yan said that Shen Nong was one of the first ancestors of the human race, but Shen Nong thought that the other Shen Nong was someone from this world. The two obviously misunderstood.

"Then, who are these seniors..." Xiao Yan looked at Yuan Shi and the others, and asked cautiously.Although he knew that one of them was Shennong, he never let go of his caution. He wanted to find out the origins of these people at this moment.

"Fuxi." Fuxi said with a slight smile.

"Ji Xuanyuan." Xuanyuan Huangdi said coolly with cold eyes.

"Xia Yu."

"Emperor Ku."

"Emperor Yao."


The more Xiao Yan listened, the more excited he became. Why are they all the great gods he had heard about in his previous life, and they were all the first ancestors of the human race? At this moment, he felt like he had found an organization.

"What? Xiao Yan, do you know them?" Martial Ancestor Lin Dong looked at Xiao Yan's expression and asked in doubt.Logically speaking, it is impossible for Xiao Yan to know these strong men.

"Let me take it easy." Xiao Yan waved his hand.He looked at the Fifth Patriarch, and asked, "Who are these seniors..."

The Fifth Patriarch of the Ancient Times glanced at Xiao Yan lightly, and said, "The Fifth Patriarch of the Ancient Times, Muzu Qingdi."

"Fire Ancestor Red Emperor."

"Water Patriarch Black Emperor."

"Golden Patriarch White Emperor."

"Earth Patriarch Yellow Emperor."

Xiao Yan let out a sigh of relief, finally there were a few people he didn't know, and then he looked at Yuan Shi and the other three.

"Hehe, you don't need to look at it. You have heard of our name. My name is Yuanshi. This is my second brother, Taishang, and my third brother is Tongtian." Yuanshi introduced with a chuckle.

"Sanqing?" Xiao Yan was shocked, how could it be possible that he really saw Sanqing, this could not be a fake.

"That's right, it's the Sanqing you imagined." Yuan Shi affirmed.

"No way, have we come to the prehistoric world?"

Xiao Yan smiled wryly.He knew the power of Honghuang, but he didn't expect to see the legendary god now. While he was excited, he was more cautious.Honghuang, that is a place that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones. There is cause and effect everywhere, and calculations are everywhere. The layout of the sages and the promotion of calamities are terrifying to imagine.

"That's right, you have indeed entered the chaos beyond the prehistoric world. Xiao Yan, since you were once a part of the prehistoric earth, now I give you two choices, either you choose to join the prehistoric world, or you choose to perish?" Yuan Shi faced Xiao Yan. Said lightly.

The three of Xiao Yan were able to leave their names on the sky list transformed by the will of the world, so they are naturally equivalent to the saints of the past, and they represent the will of the entire world.If you choose to join the prehistoric, it means that the whole world has joined the prehistoric.

"What? do you know me..."

Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard the words, even his relatives and teachers didn't know his real origin, he was actually a time traveler.Now that someone said a word, he was shocked.

Similarly, when other people heard this, they also looked at Xiao Yan one after another.Shen Nong and the others were surprised that there were people from their prehistoric world in this world, they never expected it, but Lin Dong and the others were shocked that Xiao Yan was from the other world, how could this be possible?Then what is his purpose in coming to this world?
Xiao Yan's wives felt it was even more impossible, because they had lived with Xiao Yan since they were young, and they knew the origin of Xiao Yan best, they were just people from the Dou Qi Continent.How could it be people from other worlds?

"What's the matter? It's just a small fake Hunyuan. I can see through your past and future at a glance. Not only you, but everyone like you, I can see clearly."

Looking at the shocked Xiao Yan, Yuan Shi told the truth lightly. People in this world are people who have not practiced the mainstream system of the universe. See the past and future of the world.

Pseudo Hunyuan?That's right, they are indeed pseudo Hunyuan, and the realm has not really broken through Hunyuan. Only with the help of the power of this world, Xiao Yan and others can display the strength of Hunyuan powerhouses. Without the power of the world, their combat power Natural drop.


(End of this chapter)

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