Chapter 366

The war broke out, and there was no sign at all. It broke out when it was said to break out.The Great Thousand World had just been merged in the prehistoric world, and a boundary war was launched.

From time to time, there are bursts of bangs in the chaos, that is, the world is being destroyed, and the universe is mourning.

The first battle started with some small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds. The quasi-sage-level combat power was enough to deal with it, but if they wanted to deal with the Daqing world, they would need to dispatch Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian to break through the boundary wall and invade the world.


A burst of destructive divine light broke out, and the boundary wall of a world was penetrated, and the boundary wall was turned into countless fragments, which exploded and flew out. The powerful air wave broke through the sky, and the endless fragments turned into shimmering light rain, while the Tao was trembling.

A group of people rushed into the world, and those who refused to accept were killed.In a world, only by subduing the top master and making him submit can the will of the world be conquered.

If the entire world does not surrender, the entire world will be destroyed.There are so many worlds, it's no big deal to destroy some.


In the chaos, huge sparks came one after another, and the chaos surged up, forming a storm and destroying everything.The world exploded, like fireworks in full bloom, dazzling, but with this endless breath of destruction.


Another world was broken, and Guang Chengzi rushed in with his people. Taking a closer look, this world was full of demonic energy, violent energy, billowing black mist filled the whole world, shouts, explosions, roars, fighting... Sounds... All kinds of sounds are earth-shattering.

The earth was blood-red, the sky was flying with broken arms, and black clouds enveloped the sky and the earth. This is simply a scene of the end of the world.

Moreover, there are only devils in this world, and everyone carries a strong resentment, which is the karmic resentment that will only be formed after killing many people.

This world is called the Heart Demon Universe, and it is a middle-thousand world. The enlightened people in this world are swallowed by the heart demons when they are in harmony with the way of heaven, so the development of the entire world is inclined to the way of demons.


Guang Chengzi and the people behind him were stunned, not knowing what to say. They didn't know how to deal with such a world, so they all looked at Guang Chengzi, because Guang Chengzi was their leader.

"Cough! This world is useless, implement the return plan!" Guang Chengzi coughed and said.

"Yes!" The crowd replied.

Afterwards, a person walked out from the crowd, looked at the world, and carefully took out a palm-sized white jade talisman from the magic treasure.

This talisman is in the shape of a rhombus, and its whole body is as white as jade. A simple seal character is engraved on it, which looks a bit vicissitudes. A gray streamer lingers on it, and a faint breath of Dao rhyme emanates, which makes people feel trembling.

"Go back."

Seeing this piece of talisman, everyone felt terrified and hurriedly withdrew from the world. Even Guang Chengzi's eyelids twitched and he withdrew from this world after seeing it.

Everyone knows that this talisman is invincible, and they have seen it before. Even if they know that this thing will not attack them, they still feel that it is extremely dangerous.

After the man took out the talisman, he injected a bit of mana into it, and the talisman in his hand trembled immediately, and then a burst of white light burst out, extremely dazzling, like a sun that had shrunk countless times.

After the talisman flickered for a few breaths, it turned into a stream of light and flew to the sky above this world, and the man hurriedly withdrew from the world.


Immediately, there was a sound of Weng in the whole world, and the world was completely covered by white aurora. The entire world of demons, at this moment, the strong fighters in the world who were fighting, those who were about to fight, and those who had finished fighting all stopped. In the middle of the action, look to the sky.

Immediately, they were hurt by the white light that enveloped the world, and they closed their eyes involuntarily.

After that...there was no more.

The whole world, all creatures and creatures, the laws of heaven and earth, and everything, all turned into nothingness in this white light.

The brilliance dissipated, and the whole world returned to the beginning, back to the time when the heaven and the earth evolved. There was no life, no heaven and earth, and no mountains and rivers in it. There were only the origin and rules of the world.

One side of the world was...returned to Yuan just like that.

The horror in the eyes of everyone in the chaos lasted for a long time. Although it was not the first time I saw this scene, every time I felt it was so shocking.

After a long time, Guang Chengzi came back to his senses, put away the world, and said to everyone: "Go, go to the next world."


In the prehistoric world, there are now almost every day the vision of divine light descending, the rain of light, the aura skyrocketing, the level of Taoism rising, and the activity increasing, making it easier for the gods to comprehend the great way of heaven and earth.

The face of the prehistoric world is being updated every day, the sky and the earth are getting higher and higher, the earth is getting thicker and wider, the world is getting wider and wider, the starry sky is getting brighter and dazzling, and the ocean is getting wider and boundless...

Around the prehistoric world, there are now many subsidiary worlds, some are the small thousand worlds, some are the middle thousand worlds, not all worlds are integrated into the prehistoric world, and only the great thousand worlds are eligible, because the low-level worlds cannot bring the prehistoric universe into existence. What a benefit.

Yuan Shi and other immortals and gods could clearly feel the changes between the prehistoric world and the heaven and earth, and the breath of Taoism spreading from the heaven and the earth was transforming their bodies all the time, and the gods could feel their own strength. Rapid progress.

At this moment, the prehistoric state seems to have returned to the state it was at the beginning of the opening of the sky. The resources between the heavens and the earth have returned again, and even the principles of the heavens and the earth have become more noble.

The fusion of worlds is the evolution of a world. In the process of evolution, one day of practice is worth a thousand days of practice before, and a thousand miles in one day is not just talk, but a fact.

Especially people born in the prehistoric world, because they were born from the operation of the prehistoric heaven and earth, and there are innate fragments of the prehistoric dao in their bodies, but such fragments are usually not visible, so it is difficult for people to notice.But they are all expressed in different ways, which leads to the different talents of each person. Some people are born with Taoism, some are born with the five elements, some are born with heavenly eyes, and some are good at hearing and eyesight. etc.

The cultivator's spiritual root, immortal root, Tao body, etc., are all the embodiment of the fragments of the primordial Tao.

At this moment in the evolution of the prehistoric world, it is impossible for the world to absorb all the principles of Taoism. There must be some fragments scattered in the world, absorbed and refined by everyone.

Therefore, many people will find that their talents are stronger and their understanding of Tao is deeper.

This is one of the benefits of world evolution.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi, Taishang, and Tongtian are all retreating. They know that stronger enemies are yet to come. At this moment, they need to take advantage of the rare opportunity of the evolution of heaven and earth to improve their strength.

Yuan Shi turned himself into an oven of heaven and earth, and around him, a huge phantom of the cauldron appeared. Three is born, three is born of all things, and then all things return to three, three returns to two, two returns to one, and one turns into the principle of primordial origin."

On the furnace tripod, bright dao patterns flickered. These patterns looked like talisman seals, characters, spirit treasures, insects, fish, birds and beasts, mountains, rivers and earth, sun, moon and stars. Everything in the world was omnipresent. Yes, everything exists.

This furnace cauldron encompasses the entire world.

This is the Heaven and Earth Furnace.

Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work; yin and yang are charcoal, and all things are copper!
The oven of heaven and earth is constantly shining with various colors, attracting the breath of Dao rhyme overflowing from the heaven and earth, and using the whole heaven and earth as a furnace to refine.Everything in the heaven and earth, and all Dao rules, enter from the mouth of the tripod and are refined by Yuanshi Dao.One after another, new dao patterns appeared on the furnace wall. They were dim and incomplete at first, but as time passed, as the number of refining heaven and earth dao rules increased, the dao patterns would become more and more perfect, more and more perfect. getting brighter.

The Taishang regards the world as fire, and regards himself as a elixir. For the Taishang, alchemy is cultivation. What you refine is not only the pill, but also your own way.

All kinds of avenues are poured into the elixir, obliterated and fused by yin and yang, and all kinds of avenues are transformed into yin and yang, and yin and yang are reversed, appearing without limit.

Tongtian is simpler, the whole person is like a sharp sword, standing on the top of the peak, drawing all the way, to temper his own swordsmanship.

On the top of the mountain, the sound of "铛, 铛, 铛..." was constantly heard. It was the Dao hammer transformed from heaven and earth beating the sword body. He wanted to make his sword purer and sharper.

In the prehistoric world, there are more people, each using different methods to improve their own morality, and they only look forward to breaking out one day!


(End of this chapter)

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