Chapter 367
Time flies by, and the time of five yuanhui is fleeting.

Today's prehistoric world has already undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as changing with each passing day.

The vastness of the Great Desolation can only be described as infinite and boundless. Even if a quasi-sage wants to walk around the Great Desolation, it will take a hundred years.

The heavens and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, the sun and stars are full, and the celestial constellations are arranged!
The sky is vast and cloudless, the land is vast and uninhabited, the stars are countless, and everything is renewed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no one person for tens of thousands of miles, and that there are no clouds when you raise your eyes. Even the sun and moon in the sky have become eighteen, but no one can feel the scorching like in the early days of the prehistoric period. No one will shoot the sun like Hou Yi, just because most people basically don't see two suns at the same time.

Many strange things and civilizations also appeared in the prehistoric world, which were integrated by other worlds, some were assimilated by the world, while others were preserved.

In today's prehistoric times, there are more races, and correspondingly, disputes over the interests of various races have become more complicated.

There are also more prehistoric cultivation systems.In addition to the mainstream immortal cultivation system and martial arts cultivation, there are many other systems, such as the wizard system, magic system, belief in becoming gods, and technological immortality cultivation systems, etc., which can be described as a wide variety.

The cultivation civilizations of various worlds have collided with countless sparks in the prehistoric, and various trends of thought have developed with each other, and they are more prosperous than when a hundred schools of thought contend.

Honghuang is like a hodgepodge, putting everything in one furnace, no matter useful, useless, harmful, harmless, all mixed together, let them develop on their own, compete with each other, and survive the fittest.

The number of masters in the wild has also increased sharply during this period of time. Now there are nearly a hundred Hunyuan, tens of thousands of quasi-sages, and tens of millions of Daluo.There is a tendency for the quasi-sage to walk all over the place, and Da Luo is not as good as a dog.

Of course, this is just a joke, how could Da Luo Jinxian be inferior to a dog?Although there are more of them, Da Luo Jinxian is still the top master in the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, only quasi-sages are now considered pinnacle masters, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, peerless masters, and late Hunyuan masters are considered supreme masters.

Of course, most of the Hunyuan masters are just the early Hunyuan masters who have just broken through, and the Hunyuan middle stage is generally the top masters conquered from other worlds.Among this group of masters, there are also several people in the late Hunyuan stage, and only one person who completed the Hunyuan stage.

The former masters of the prehistoric era, Yuanshi and Sanqing are now Hunyuan Consummation, Yuanshi’s cultivation base remains the same, but the accumulation has deepened, Taishang and Tongtian are now Hunyuan Ten Heavens, the original sage master of the superego, the ancestor of Kunpeng , Luya, Nuwa and others are also masters of Hunyuan Consummation.The Evil Corpse Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord and the Dead Martial Ancestor Xuantian at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty are in the late Hunyuan period, and the corpses are in the middle Hunyuan period.

With the help of the mysterious teacher, the two saints of the West broke through to the late Hunyuan period, and even Zhenyuanzi, Haotian, Queen Mother of the West, Kunlun Chanjiao Yuanshi's direct disciples, Eternal Island Xuanqing, Yu Linglong, Renjiao Xuandu, Jiejiao Duobao, Wudang, Guiling, and others all broke through to Hunyuan.

Among them, Zhenwu Emperor Taixuan is the most shocking. In a short period of time, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. When he reached Hunyuan, his speed did not decrease. He rushed to Hunyuan Consummation, shocking countless people!

During this period of time, the prehistoric battles continued. On the contrary, the situation was changing. Although the number of worlds coming from outside the sky increased, the total number of worlds was decreasing.

The prehistoric world is fighting, and other worlds are naturally fighting too. After some battles, the current situation has been formed.Now in this chaos, besides the prehistoric world, there are eight other worlds, collectively known as the Nine Sacred Worlds of Chaos.Among these nine, Honghuang belongs to the bottom. This is because Honghuang seized the opportunity in time and launched a boundary war before the stronger chaotic world of gods and demons arrived, which led to the current situation. The world has fallen.

It's just because, in the other eight worlds, there is the existence of the Dao of Heaven, and among the three strongest worlds, there is even more than one of the Dao of Heaven.Although Hongjun and Yuanshi are not in the realm of heaven, they are not far behind.

The Nine Worlds maintain a relatively tacit understanding, and no one attacks anyone, because there are various contradictions among the Nine Worlds, and no one trusts anyone.

Now this kind of tacit understanding has been maintained for ten thousand years, and no war has been launched for nearly ten thousand years. Yuan Shi believes that these people will not wait too long before launching a war again. Target.

Yuanshi stood on the top of Kunlun Mountain. Today's Kunlun Mountain is the first sacred mountain in the prehistoric times, the highest peak, the largest and widest mountain range, and it has expanded countless times compared to before.Yuanshi deliberately moved many sacred mountains from other worlds, and then transformed them with great magic power, so that they became the number one sacred mountain in the wild.

The highest peak of Kunlun Mountain is covered with snow all the year round, and there are snowflakes flying all over the sky, piled up into a thick layer, as if covering the mountain with a layer of silver, which is extraordinarily enchanting.

There are not many creatures on the mountain, because of the environment here, many creatures cannot survive, but all the creatures that can survive here are all top creatures in this world.

There is also a pond in three quarters of the peak. The pond is oval in shape. Although it snows on the top of the peak all the year round, the pond still exists, and the water in the pond is not frozen. , that is a huge emerald.

The water in this pool is not simple. Under the influence of Yuan Shi all the year round, it has been psychic. The water in the pool has spirits and contains the breath of Taoism. A drop of water is equivalent to fine liquid. Life and death, flesh and bones are just the simplest effects. One drop of entrance, falling into epiphany, it is not a problem for mortals to break through the Golden Immortal, and they will not be blown up by the energy in it.

This peak is Yuan Shifeng. As the name suggests, this peak belongs to Yuan Shi alone. He sits cross-legged on this peak all the year round, comprehending the world and never moving a bit.

Letting the snowflakes fall gently, Yuan Shi did not sit cross-legged on the stone platform as usual today, but stood up and looked up at the unknown infinite distance.

The snowflakes were flying and blowing on him, but he didn't use magic power or other means to drive them away. He even controlled himself, like a mortal, quietly feeling the smell contained in the snowflakes.

That is the taste of loneliness, the taste of loneliness.

Yuan Shi didn't know when, but he gradually fell in love with this taste.The taste of this loneliness is very bitter, with sadness in the bitterness, which is very bad, but Yuan Shi just likes it.

Maybe every strong person will experience such a period of loneliness and loneliness. Seeing friends, fellow Taoists, and relatives around him gradually drifting away because they can't catch up with his footsteps, that kind of loneliness will be involuntary. Born from the heart.

At the beginning, they were a group of people chasing, gradually, some people left, but the number of people walking with him gradually decreased, and now, the only one beside him is himself.

However, it is impossible for him to slow down or stop, because there are still greater challenges waiting for him ahead.

Therefore, at this time, when he misses the original scene, he will taste a cup of loneliness and reminisce about a loneliness.

Yuan Shi stood on the top of the peak like this, the white clothes on his body merged with the snow-white, no longer separated from each other, the wind blew, the snow covered the sky, and no one was seen anymore.

I don't know how long it took, the wind stopped and the snow stopped.

The lazy sunlight fell sparsely, and a white figure appeared.

The figure that had been motionless finally made a slight movement at this moment. He turned around slowly, glanced at the depths of the chaos, and then at the newly born prehistoric land.

He saw the fusion of countless civilizations, saw a bright world, and saw a future full of hardships. He whispered softly:
"Maybe, it's time for me to break through."

(End of this chapter)

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