My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 374 Incarnation of Dao

Chapter 374 The Incarnation of Dao (Part [-])
"It's interesting, Honghuang actually has such a hole card? It's really not to be underestimated."

On the other side of the battlefield, Wutian Demon Lord smiled, watching the battle in the prehistoric, but his smile was filled with endless indifference, which was indifference to life, and the loss of countless lives did not move him at all.

His eyes at this moment were not only looking at this battlefield, but he also saw two other battles.On the prehistoric eastern battlefield, Taishang and Tongtian, two consummate Hunyuan powerhouses united with many great powers of various races, fought against many masters of the ghost clan in the Netherworld, fighting endlessly, with blood surging to the sky, and the battle was in full swing.

Although the Honghuang side fell below, as long as the ghosts and immortals do not make a move, it will be fine for a short time.In the western battlefield, the ancestor Hun Kun, Daoist Lu Ya and Nu Wa, the three great Hunyuan perfect monks, united with the two western saints to resist the attack of the world of good fortune. Although they fell into a disadvantage, there will be no accidents in a short time.

It's just because, at this moment, none of the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Realm in the three-party world have made a move yet.If a strong man in the Dao of Heaven takes action, Honghuang will immediately fall into the crisis of destruction.

On the battlefield, except for a few people who are responsible for guarding the city and manipulating the battleships and forts, the rest of the immortals, whether they are educating the immortals, or human masters, masters who have integrated into the prehistoric from other worlds, the five ancestors of the ancient times, etc., followed the army and launched a battle. Crazy fighting.

On the battlefield, many Hunyuan masters dispatched, with almost no reservations, such as the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, the Great Formation of the Gods and the Great Formation of the Zhoutian and Stars, etc., were all arranged, and the Pangu giants were condensed one by one, and the atmosphere of chaos The storm surged, and the Heavenly God Ax formed by Dao Ze came to slash and kill on the battlefield.

The power of the ancient stars was brought in and gathered to form the Zhoutian world. The stars were shining brightly, and the beams of light reaching the sky gathered together, containing a strong destructive power, whoever touched it would die.

This is a conquest of death, and the risk factor is extremely high, but it is also a journey of tempering, which can greatly temper yourself. Between life and death, there are often great terrors and great opportunities. , it is for this reason.

On this battlefield, there is a trend of heaven and earth breaking everywhere. Everyone broke out of the ancient battlefield and entered the chaos. Wherever the armies of both sides passed, the chaos collapsed, and the way evolved.

In the void, the sharp sword was sharp, and the cold light kept flickering. The light of destruction covered the sky and covered the earth, and the demonic energy was dense, and the bloody air rushed across the sky and the earth.Blossoms of blood bloomed in the void, blood mist gushed out, and the entire battlefield became a terrifying slaughterhouse, and a scene of purgatory on earth appeared on the ancient battlefield.

Countless creatures wailed, countless creatures cried bitterly, blood splashed, heads flew, daggers with broken blades, halberds fell into the sand, broken horses cracked their armor, and flew all over the sky.The fallen creatures include demons and prehistoric creatures, but the endless death can't stop people's crazy killing at all, which can only stimulate their ferocity. Everyone's eyes are red, and they still don't stop.

Wutian Demon Lord looked at all this indifferently, but his eyes were only cold, and the purple magic light shone in his eyes, which seemed to have a different temperament.

Before, he had never made a move, just because everyone here was not qualified to let him make a move.

At this moment, he took the shot, just because he didn't want to watch this boring battle go on like this, because he had completely figured out the situation in the prehistoric world. Although he didn't know where Yuan Shi was, it didn't matter anymore. Even if Yuan Shi appears at this moment, it still cannot change the outcome of this war.


A huge demonic hand that covers the sky passed through layers of space and chaos, and grabbed it towards the ancient battlefield, like a millstone for destroying the world, and slapped it down directly towards the prehistoric army.

If this palm hits directly, the army of hundreds of millions of prehistoric monks will be wiped out in an instant.

Suddenly, a terrifying big seal appeared in the void, as if spanning the entire void, and hit the huge magic hand in an instant.


The entire big hand of devilish energy broke apart in an instant, turning into a ball of chaotic devilish energy, which scattered directly.

In the void, a big seal as white as jade appeared. The big seal was square, with a terrifying figure sitting on top of it. Dao patterns are engraved on it, and inexplicable god patterns are engraved all around, which looks simple and mysterious.

Just now, this big seal printed a big "Yuan" directly on the demon hand that covered the sky, and then the divine light burst out, destroying the demon hand.


Wutian Demon Lord let out a sigh, with a look of interest in his eyes. Although he only used one-tenth of the strength in the previous blow, even so, ordinary Hunyuan Consummation can't resist it, but at this moment he was unexpectedly attacked by a The big seal was easily cracked, which made him very interested.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry, but quietly looked at the big white jade seal. Although there was an accident, the confidence on his face did not decrease at all.


The white jade seal radiated a white light, and the light illuminated half of the void. In the blink of an eye, a figure emerged from the light curtain. As soon as this figure appeared, it suppressed the void, and everyone felt a sense of terror. The gods appeared above their heads, controlling their life and death.

This figure is exactly what Yuanshi Tianzun looks like.

On the opposite side, Wutian Demon Lord showed a look of surprise on his face. He knew that this was just the incarnation of Taoism, not the real Yuanshi.But it's just an incarnation of Dao, and it's so terrifying, stronger than most Hunyuan consummation powerhouses, comparable to half-step heaven, how strong is the real Yuanshi?

I heard that Yuanshi has not broken through yet, if he breaks through, how strong will he be?At this moment, a killing intent surged in his heart. Normally, he would appreciate such a genius very much, but at the moment when Yuan Shi was standing on the opposite side of him, he only had killing intent in his heart.

"It's interesting, take my palm again!" Wutian Demon Lord shot again, this time, he used [-]% of his strength.

It was still a demon hand covering the sky, crossing the chaotic void, shattering a piece of space, and slapped fiercely at the incarnation of Dao at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

In this palm, the surrounding laws were solidified, and the world was silent, as if time had stood still. In this chaos, there were only Wutian Demon Lord and Yuan Shi.

Yuanshi's Dao is incarnated with the same complexion, he is just an incarnation, does not have human emotions, but can think and fight.

Facing the giant palm that was more than twice as terrifying as before, Yuan Shi's incarnation slowly stretched out a finger and pointed it in the void.The myriad Taos of heaven and earth gather here, but so what, no matter how powerful the Tao is, no matter how powerful the person is, under this finger, there is only nirvana.

Nirvana finger!
The fingertips met the terrifying demonic hand, and there was a moment of silence in the world. Immediately, there was a sound of "cracking". On the terrifying demonic hand, starting from Yuanshi's fingertips as the center, it began to explode, and cracks spread. Like a boulder, full of cracks.


The giant hand exploded, and the chaotic demonic energy scattered. At the same time, Yuanshi's finger was also shattered, and the Tao was shattered, turning into a white light, which gathered on Yuanshi's finger again.

Obviously, with this blow, the two were evenly matched.

"Okay, come again!" Wutian Demon Lord shot again, this time, he dispatched [-]% of his strength.

On the opposite side, Yuan Shidao is incarnated without emotion. When the enemy makes a move, he will block it. His task is to hold back Wutian Demon Lord at all costs, and wait for the return of Yuan Shi himself.

On the western battlefield, Heavenly God Good Fortune also started to attack. At this time, the ancestor Hongjun who had never shown his face finally appeared, and he knocked Heavenly Good Fortune back with a single palm, shocking countless people.

At the same time, in the endless and far-reaching chaos, a huge chaotic egg is frantically devouring all the chaotic energy around it, and the pressure on the chaotic giant egg is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the speed at which the energy of chaos devoured was visibly paused, and immediately after that, the energy of that devouring force multiplied countless times, and the energy of chaos with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles surged violently, forming a tornado storm, pouring into the giant egg.

The chaotic giant egg is like a bottomless abyss, no matter how many come, it can't be filled.


(End of this chapter)

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