My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 375 Dao Tribulation Surprises Chaos

Chapter 375 Dao Tribulation Surprises Chaos (Second Change)
In the endless chaos of nothingness, a chaotic giant egg with a size of one hundred thousand feet was lying quietly in the chaos. It was unknown how long it had been lying there, maybe a year, maybe ten thousand years, or a million years.

Until one day, this chaotic giant egg shrank suddenly.


With a bang, the giant chaotic egg suddenly exploded, as if the first creature appeared in the chaos, and as if the first ray of brilliance flashed from the beginning of the world, it was earth-shattering.

In the void, there is no sky, no earth, no light and darkness, no time and space, and no existence of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

Here, everything is everything, a state of "nothing".

All is silent!

Suddenly, there was a slight heartbeat sound.

This heartbeat is like the first sound when the universe has not yet been opened, when everything is dead, there is no light, five colors, no sound, no life and no death, and no living beings exist.

This is the innate Dao sound, the first vitality born in the void, the great extinction and the great barrenness.

Immediately, a figure spanned endless time and space, walked out of nothingness, from scratch, the origin of all things, a bright spot appeared, the heavens and myriad ways, everything, whether it is time, or space, good fortune, destruction, chaos, Cause and effect, or everything else, is born from this point.

This is the beginning of everything and the end of everything.

All things are born from this, and all things die from this.

This point is the origin, the beginning, life, death, end, nothingness, oneness, and ten thousand.

This point contains everything, it is infinitely big, but also infinitely small, big, can contain everything in the world, small, can turn into nothingness, disappear.

This point is the way, the great way, the way of heaven, all the ways; this point is the sky.

Da Luotian!
Yuan Shi Da Luo Tian!
There are 36 heavens in the sky, the highest sky is Da Luo Tian, ​​and the sky below is represented by Cang Tian, ​​Huang Tian and Qing Tian.Daluotian, supreme and noble, the beginning of everything and the end of everything.

One yuan, the beginning, the sky!

Da Luo means that all time and space are eternally happy, and Da Luo Tian is the highest heaven of Taoism, and the goal pursued by Taoists forever.

Yuanshi broke through the realm of heaven, and the "heaven" derived from his Yuanshi Dao is called "Yuanshi Daluotian"!

At this moment, above the chaos and nothingness, the chaos converges, thousands of avenues converge, the supreme catastrophe descends, and the endless chaos shakes.

This is the catastrophe that fell on this avenue when it became the realm of heaven. When Pangu became a Taoist, the avenue also brought down the three catastrophes of heaven, earth, and people to prevent him from becoming a Taoist.

It stands to reason that since the monk broke through the Hunyuan, there will be no catastrophe again, and the same is true for the rest of the heavens and worlds. When the Primal Chaos God broke through the chaos, there was no catastrophe.However, this layer of chaos in Honghuang is very special. No, it should be said that the "road" covering this chaos is very special. He will bring down supreme disasters and prevent people from becoming enlightened.

I don't know what the reason is, this piece of heaven and earth does not allow common people to break through the realm of heaven, or there are other reasons, Yuanshi doesn't know, he just knows that at this moment, this piece of avenue will bring disasters and catastrophes to prevent him from becoming enlightened.

Who is he, Yuanshi?Coming from later generations, descending into chaos, the Supreme Chaos Demon God who is in charge of the cause and effect of the Dao is Daoyin Tianzun Yuanshi in the prehistoric world. He has paid countless hardships for today's enlightenment, who would have known?
At his level, the Dao heart is so strong that the sky dares to poke a big hole.

What about the avenue?If he dares to stop him, he dares to overthrow this world.

Yuanshi's eyes turned cold, and a bright spot flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then exploded, evolving into a myriad of ways.

Above the sky, there was endless thunder, and an incomparably terrifying coercion descended, as if it wanted to shatter this piece of chaos and destroy everything.

This is an unprecedented catastrophe, covering most of the chaos, and it is unknown how much chaos will be turned into nothingness in this sea of ​​thunder.

The other worlds in the chaos, as well as the three-party world that is fighting the prehistoric world, felt it in their hearts at this moment. In the sky above the chaos, the laws of the great way sounded together, and the supreme catastrophe landed, and everyone was terrified.

At this moment, all parts of the universe felt an inexplicable breath, and they couldn't help but tremble.Before the tribulation was over, an inexplicable aura of catastrophe enveloped the entire chaos, shocking all the creatures in the chaos.

"That is……"

"How is it possible, how could there be such a catastrophe here, this is the catastrophe of the Great Dao, who is going through the catastrophe, can the Dao Dao be the catastrophe for him?!"

"Who is so against the sky, escaped from the heavens, and fell into robbery?"

"How is it possible? How can there be disasters and calamities for the strong in the Heavenly Dao Realm, why don't I know?"


At this moment, people can hardly believe that all this is true, the Eternal Emperor, Judgment Tianzun, Batian Kuangzun from the Eternal God Realm, the Eternal God, Jiuxiao God, and Tuntian God from the Eternal God Realm, Xuanhuang Tianzun from the Xuanhuang World , Immortal Heavenly Venerable, Supreme Being of Light and Darkness in the Light and Dark Universe, Lord of Truth, Primal Chaos Dragon in the Vast Dragon Realm, Primordial Heavenly Dragon, Wutian Demon Lord in the Demon Sky World, Heavenly Venerable Creation in the Great World of Good Fortune, Nether Ghost Immortal in the Nether Ghost Realm , as well as Patriarch Hongjun in the Primordial World, and Wu Gang on the Supreme Taiyin Star, they were suddenly shocked. They felt a trace of inexplicable power and felt palpitations.Suddenly their eyes lit up, they stopped their movements, the brilliant light in their eyes pierced the sky, passed through layers of chaos, and saw the chaos of Yuanshi.


The other people, even if they couldn't see this place, they could still feel this incomparably terrifying aura, which could easily destroy them with just a trace.These people are all smart people, and they can think of the scene with a little thought. At this moment, no one's face changed much.

"Is it the beginning of the Great Desolation? How is it possible?" Everyone couldn't believe it.

"My way is not alone!" A mysterious voice came out from the Lunar Star, but no one noticed it.

On the battlefield in the north, Patriarch Hongjun's face was solemn, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the two saints in the west on the battlefield, wondering what he was thinking.

Many of the rest of the experts had different expressions, expressing their incomprehension and shock.What is puzzling is why there is a Dao in the Yuanshi Transcending Tribulation, and why is there a Dao Tribulation in the Heavenly Dao Realm?What is shocking is that such a catastrophe, even a strong person in the Heavenly Dao Realm, may have a hard time getting through it.

After everyone saw the news, they could only be dumbfounded and speechless. This is really unbelievable and a little scary.Something like this is not normal.

As for the Honghuang side, they are overjoyed. Now that Honghuang is being besieged by the three-party world, if Yuanshi can successfully break through the realm of heaven, they will have the hope of winning.

At this time, there was a commotion everywhere.

The breath in the depths of the chaos is so depressing that it is suffocating. Even though it is separated by endless chaos, which naturally isolates most of them, people can still feel it, as if there are millions of mountains pressing down on everyone's hearts.

In the chaos in the endless distance, countless chaos exploded, evolving into earth, water, fire and wind, and the next moment, it turned into nothingness.

Chaos is surging, and the scene of opening up the world begins to appear. In the sea of ​​​​thunder, various things evolve. On the first floor, there are four fierce beasts: chaos, gluttonous, 梼杌, and Qiongqi. On the second floor, there are Suzaku, Qinglong, and White Tiger. , basaltic four-elephant beasts, and the three great beasts of unicorn, real dragon, and phoenix. On the third floor, there are yellow plums, immortal flat peaches, green willows, bitter bamboos, ginseng fruits, bodhi trees, hibiscus trees, laurel trees, fairy apricots, and seven congenital gourds. Waiting for the innate spiritual root is shocking.

And what is different from usual is that these innate spiritual roots are extremely terrifying, exuding the aura of the law of immortality, and exerting great divine power.Behind every innate spiritual root, there is a face, male and female, these are the masters of the innate spiritual root.

On the fourth floor, you can see the Chaos Bell, Pangu Banner, Taiji Picture, Four Swords of Immortals, God-killing Spear, Qiankun Ding, Karma Red Lotus, Golden Lotus of Merit, White Lotus of Purification, Black Lotus of Extermination, Green Lotus of Good Fortune, Book of Life and Death, etc. Bao's figure appeared.

At a higher level, Yuanshi even vaguely saw the figures of Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West, Nuwa, Hongjun and other prehistoric saints.In the end, Yuan Shi saw a group of densely packed figures, I don't know how many there were, and the picture was extremely blurry, because the thunder calamity had not evolved completely, but Yuan Shi's pupils shrank, and he was extremely surprised, because he found that one of them was holding a sky-opening axe , stepping on the chaotic green lotus, splitting the chaos.

The aura of these things ranges from low to high, the lowest one is the aura of the Hunyuan powerhouse, and the scenery and figures in each layer of Chaos Thunder Sea World are transformed by the law of the Dao, and they have the means of attacking the law.

The whole world of Thunder Sea is no worse than any other world in the Nine Realms of Chaos.

The entire sea of ​​thunder is vast and boundless, covering most of the chaos, and those who are strong above Hunyuan can faintly see clearly, and they all show strange colors, watching silently from a distance.

This is a shocking chaotic catastrophe, rarely seen in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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