Chapter 376

The peerless avenue of calamity descended upon chaos, shocking the eternity.

However, the first calamity to fall was not the converging Supreme Dao Thunder Tribulation, but a strong aura of decay with a strong aura of destruction.

This breath came suddenly, without any sign, in the chaos, a breath of great destruction, great destruction, great silence, decay, darkness, and exhaustion descended on Yuan Shi's body.


The entire chaos began to shake, and countless cold and dilapidated breaths were transmitted from nothingness. This chaos lost all its luster and power, and became dark and gloomy.

The breath of the five declines of heaven and man descends, the avenue is exhausted, the laws are withered, the sea of ​​dao is dried up, the chaos is extinguished, and the world is destroyed!

Yuan Shi could feel a sense of decay, which erupted naturally from his body, and then invaded his sea of ​​laws, infecting his soul and primordial spirit, and even wanted to destroy his Dao.

Yuan Shi's overall strength began to decline, mana began to dry up, his soul and body began to decay, and his body, from the inside out, exuded a breath of great destruction.

"Oh my God! That's... the catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man!" Some people exclaimed after seeing this scene.

"This is... the decline of the great way? The great decline of the great way, the small decline of the small way, and the unfailing decline of the false way, to survive the decline of the great way at this time? Yuanshi's there no one else?" Someone gloated.

People who live between heaven and earth will encounter various calamities, but the most terrifying of them all is the catastrophe of the Great Dao, when the heavens and the earth will die, the era will end, the heavens and humans will decline, and the body and spirit will disappear.

If this decline comes to the world, it will be called the immeasurable calamity, the calamity of the end of the era.When it comes to the human body, it is called the catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man.

After passing through, one's own avenue will be baptized, broken and then established, and one step forward, especially the understanding of the way of destruction and nirvana, will increase rapidly, but if you can't cross it, everything will stop.

At this moment, what Yuanshi has to face is the catastrophe that the Dao has brought down for him, which is extremely terrifying. What's more, there is a more powerful thunder catastrophe waiting for him. The strength is greatly reduced, how to overcome the catastrophe?

In the eyes of everyone, Yuan Shi was in great trouble, and the chance of being able to survive the Dao Tribulation was already very slim.

"Hahaha, you deserve it, hurry up and die." The enemies in the prehistoric world naturally cheered at this moment, hoping that he would die sooner.

"How could this be? Is it true that the heavens have cut me off?"

Many creatures in the prehistoric world are worried about him, hoping that he can survive this calamity safely.

As for many other powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Realm, they were silent. They felt that the matter was not that simple.

In the chaos, Yuanshi didn't know what other people thought, even if he knew, he would ignore it.At this moment, he is feeling the decaying breath in his body becoming more and more intense, and his mana is also rapidly fading. There is no emotion on his face, and there is no joy, anger, sorrow or joy. What everyone sees is only Calm and indifferent.

"The avenue is exhausted? Hmph!"

Yuan Shi sneered, and said: "In my world, I am the sky, and I am the Tao. Who will bring disaster for me, you? Even if you are the Tao, it won't work!"

"My Yuanshi's heaven, you can't control the Dao, my Yuanshi's Dao, why should your Dao interfere. My Dao has my own afterlife, and the Dao is exhausted? What the hell!"

Yuan Shi's voice was so loud that it spread throughout the chaos, and people in the Nine Realms could hear it.Everyone was dumbfounded. This person is so arrogant that he even dares to scold Dao, and even puts himself shoulder to shoulder with Dao. Who is he and is he qualified?
Many people sneered at this, but some people looked solemn. They knew that this was Yuan Shi's Dao Nian, a belief in invincibility and fearlessness. I am not even afraid of the Dao, so why should I be afraid of you.

Such a person, as long as he does not fall, his future achievements must be extraordinary.If they can survive this catastrophe, they will have another formidable opponent in the future.

"Yuanshi-Wujie!" A voice came out again, making the world silent for a moment.

After Yuanshi's voice fell, everyone was shocked to find that the decay on Yuanshi's body was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. also recovered quickly.

How can this be?It is unbelievable that there is such a way to overcome the catastrophe that the decaying catastrophe is really gone.

Everyone didn't know why, but Yuan Shi, as a person who had crossed the catastrophe, naturally knew the relationship.Since his Yuanshi Dao has transformed, it has nothing to do with the Dao of Heaven and Dao.His Dao came from the comprehension of the heaven and the earth, but after transformation, he has cut off the connection between the heaven and the earth, and derived it from himself. As he said, in his world, he is the Tao.

How can the Dao control the way of others?

The initial practice was to comprehend the Dao between heaven and earth, but then his cultivation method changed, and he became to derive the Dao by himself. In the process of derivation, he could plunder the Dao of heaven and earth.Before, Da Dao was in front, and he walked along the Dao in a gentle way, but after that, he sat on the same level as Da Dao, Da Dao could sneak attack on him and bring calamity for him, just like this moment, but at the same time, he could also be domineering The way of plundering the avenue.

Although his Dao is not as good as Dao now, and the two are as different as heaven and earth, they are not the same, but in essence, they are the same, and if the Dao of Yuan Shi grows up in the future, it may not be impossible to become another Dao.

At this moment, there is another kind of way in his world, which is the way of the five declines of heaven and man that he plundered before.


Perhaps it was Yuan Shi's actions that finally angered Dao, and the thunder tribulation gathered by chaos finally came at this moment.

Endless thunder with a destructive aura descended like a waterfall, striking Yuan Shi straightly.

"Yuanshi—Da Luotian!"

Yuan Shi's complexion remained unchanged, and as soon as he pointed out, a bright spot appeared, and then the "point" quickly became larger, and after a while, it became the size of a hundred thousand feet.After that, it stopped expanding.It's not that it can't continue to expand, but such a scope is enough.

Yuan has always opened up his domain. This is the unique "heaven" of the strong in the Dao of Heaven, which is equivalent to the world in the prehistoric world. The whole world is the heaven of the Dao of Heaven. Everything is the "heaven" of the Dao.

We are all beings in the sky of the Dao, and we are all seeking the Dao, striving for one day to break through this sky and become an existence like the Dao.

Yuanshi stands in the Daluotian, he seems to be the master of the whole world, one word can determine all dharmas, and one word can destroy the heavens.

The thunder calamity that could easily destroy a world fell, but could not touch Yuanshi's body, and was then absorbed by this world.

In the light curtain, lightning flashed and thunder was shocking, and thunder streaks appeared in Daluotian and were absorbed by this heaven and earth.At this moment, Da Luotian seems to have become a real heaven and earth furnace, using the whole world as a furnace to refine all kinds of avenues and all kinds in the world.

These shocking thunder waterfalls can't touch Yuanshi at this moment. Once they fall into Yuanshi Daluotian, they will be absorbed by refining.These thunderbolts are formed by the condensed principles of the Dao, and they contain rich principles of the Dao. For Da Luotian, this can be said to be a great supplement, and it can reduce the painstaking practice of his countless yuanhui.

Yuan Shi was not the kind of person who would allow others to bully him and would not fight back. The thunder came down on him, so he naturally couldn't just sit and wait for his death. He directly headed against Da Luotian and rushed upwards into the world of endless thunder sea.


In the sea of ​​thunder, Yuan Shi broke through ten thousand dharmas with all his strength, and was at the center. God's light, thunder light, law, etc., all went towards him, the vastness was boundless, the chaos was shattered, and the universe was re-opened.

This kind of scene is very frightening, extremely terrifying, and the power of destruction is unparalleled. Even some powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Realm will be surprised, because the power of Heavenly Punishment is too powerful, and it can kill half a step of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Yuanshi was glowing all over his body, and Yuanshi Da Luotian rapidly expanded to surround the first layer of Thunder Sea World and completely included it. The four fierce beast kings transformed by Dao Ze rushed towards him, bringing the power of endless avenues and heavenly punishment, destroying all things. but.

(End of this chapter)

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