My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 377 Refining Dao Calamity

Chapter 377 Refining Dao Tribulation (Fourth Change)

In the sea of ​​thunder, Yuanshi Daluotian was shining, and a crimson flame was born in the world. Afterwards, the flame quickly spread throughout the world, and the sky and earth were filled with crimson light.

The original dao fire derived from Yuanshi Dao has returned to its original state. It looks like an ordinary sea of ​​fire, but in fact, it is the most powerful flame power in the world, and all fires in the world are born from it. .

At this moment, in this sea of ​​flames, four ferocious beast kings comparable to those in the middle stage of Hunyuan are constantly struggling and howling, and they are about to be refined alive by this fire.

In just ten breaths, the four great beasts all fell, and the way transformed by the Dao was quickly refined by Da Luotian, and the world expanded again. Dao patterns appeared between the sky and the earth, as if they were imprinted on them by nature. Generally, cannot be erased.

The gains from refining these four ferocious beasts are far greater than those obtained from refining Thunderbolt. It can be seen that the Dao uses more ways to evolve these foreign objects.

Yuanshi didn't stop, directly took away the first layer of thunder sea, and then quickly rushed into the second layer of thunder sea.

In the second layer of Thunder Tribulation, there are three tribes of ancient dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, as well as the four mythical beasts of Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, and White Tiger.Compared with the first layer, not only the number has increased greatly, but their strength is also stronger than that of the first layer, and they are already close to the late stage of Hunyuan.

As soon as Yuan Shi entered this place, these divine beasts rushed forward screaming.Each beast represents a law of the Dao, such as the Dao of Fire of the Suzaku, and the Dao of Blessing of the Kylin.Of course, there is more than one unicorn, and it is divided into five elements unicorns, or black jade unicorns, wind unicorns, thunder unicorns, etc. Although the attributes are different and the ways are different, the way of luck and blessing is not missing.

It can not only bring luck to people, but also bring luck to people. The so-called "the world is the same in time and time, but heroes are not free when they are transported", if luck is not good, heroes will become bears, and luck is soaring, sparrows can fly on the branches and become Golden Phoenix.

At this moment, it is naturally impossible for these divine beasts to come to increase Yuanshi's luck, and it is good that they do not come to cause damage.Yuan Shi knew this.

He did the same, first let Yuanshi Daluotian surround the second layer of thunder sea, and then, with a thought, he gave birth to divine beasts from the Daluotian. The ones in Leihai are exactly the same, even the number is the same.They are the evolution of Yuanshi Dao.

Divine beasts versus divine beasts, a battle between divine beasts begins.

The beasts transformed by Yuanshi are not as good as those evolved by the law of the Dao, but this is the domain of Yuanshi, everything is suppressed by the Dao of Yuanshi, and the strength of the beasts transformed by the Heavenly Tribulation cannot be fully exerted, so it is temporarily equal.

The battle between gods and beasts is earth-shattering, the phoenix dances to the nine heavens, the sparrow sings in the abyss, the unicorn treads the sky, the white tiger splits the sky, Xuanwu suppresses the world, and the ancestral dragon destroys the world... visions are flying.





The dragon and the phoenix sing in harmony, the tortoise and the snake are entwined, the tiger and the sparrow are fighting for the front, the unicorn is out of luck, the dragon is fighting and the tiger is fighting, and the situation is changing.

The thunder exploded, the divine beast broke its claws, the Tao flew, the scales of the remnant body split, and the divine light disappeared.In the confrontation of law and law, the duel between avenues and avenues, there is no victory or defeat, only life and death.

After a duel, Yuan Shi's side won in the end.In fact, since they entered Da Luo Tianzhong, the outcome of this battle was already doomed.In the end, the Dao rule transformed by Yuanshi Dao swallowed the Dao rule in the catastrophe, and its power rose greatly.All kinds of divine light are vertical and horizontal, and the beasts are flying between the sky and the earth. After a while, they turn into dao patterns, disappear into the sky and the earth, and disappear.

Yuan Shi refined this sea of ​​thunder and rushed to the world of the third layer of sea of ​​thunder.

The third layer is the innate spiritual roots and their masters in the prehistoric world. The power contained in the innate spiritual roots at this moment has already been increased countless times by the Dao. When the branches dance, the sky falls apart.

The green willow branches flicked, the space became distorted immediately, and the linden tree shone brilliantly, but this time it was not the light of wisdom, but the light of destruction.The power of ginseng fruit and Yimu collapsed, and the body of the hibiscus tree turned into the real fire of the sun...

The thunder light in this world is more prosperous, and all the endless thunder light descends to assist, trying to kill Yuanshi.Thunder and lightning are intertwined, and the spirit root and its master are complementing each other, and they are exercising the magical power of extinction on him.

This time Yuanshi didn't talk too much nonsense, Honghuang was fighting a war, he could afford to wait, but others couldn't.Every minute he delays, countless creatures will die.

Yuan Shi made a move and dropped ten times with one force. Whether it was destroying the thunder light or the innate spiritual root, the owner of the spiritual root was destroyed by him. In the rain, like a god.

Da Luotian glowed, refining all the thunder and Taoism, and flew to the fourth layer of thunder sea without stopping.

All kinds of innate good fortune artifacts rushed towards the face, the bell of chaos rang, fixed time and space, shattered chaos, and created nothingness.The pangu flag moves, the chaotic sword energy flies, slashes the thunder, splits the chaos, the Taiji diagram unfolds, evolves Yin and Yang, Taiji reverses, Wuji is born, and the Immortal Sword moves nine days...


All kinds of destructive attacks rushed towards Yuanshi, and the endless light almost drowned him, and the universe was shrouded, almost piercing through the past, present and future.

Thousands of thunderstorms, blazing and boundless, mixed with the attacks of various divine weapons, the laws of the immortal way, the laws of the divine way... too many catastrophes, all of them landed together, even, this is the fifth heaven's prehistoric seven saints, they also rushed Come down, enter the battlefield, and confront Yuan Shi.

Among these saints, the figure of Yuan Shi is also among them. Their strengths have all been raised to the level of the half-step heaven realm by the Dao, and they each hold their own magic weapons and blast towards Yuan Shi.


Yuan Shi made a move, confronted the saints, and confronted himself.

On top of the chaos, the horror is overwhelming. Pieces of chaos are split apart, the heavens and the earth are transformed, the universe reopens, and then they are destroyed again and again, turned into nothingness, and returned to the chaos again.When the chaotic air wave blows, it can spread to the nine worlds. Fortunately, there is a strong person in the heavenly state to protect it. Otherwise, just this wave is very likely to destroy the world.

The momentum is monstrous and terrifying, it is even more terrifying than the destruction of the world, this chaos seems to be pierced through.

"Hiss! Is this the punishment of heaven?"

"The catastrophe of the Great Dao is so terrifying!"

Everyone looked at this scene in shock. This scene was too terrifying and could not be resolved at all. Many powerful people in the heavenly state stood on the top of their respective worlds, silent. When they became enlightened back then, if they encountered such a thunder disaster, what should they do? how to respond?Will it work out in the end?
At this moment, they were silent.


After a great battle, in the end, Yuanshi launched an attack. The powerful Yuanshi Dao collapsed the sky and destroyed the earth, pierced through the thunder, and silenced Dao Ze. As the light and rain flew, the big Luotian scrolled, refining and absorbing all the principles of Taoism.

Yuan Shi went all the way up, smashing many innate magic weapons, smashing all obstacles, and piercing through the entire Thunder Sea World like a god and demon. He jumped into the last Thunder Sea World, wanting to compete with the Dao.

Up to now, he has completed his way, entered the realm of heaven, and within the same level, why has he ever been afraid of anyone?
The Dao is ruthless, but it will leave a glimmer of life. It did not send down thunder calamities beyond this limit. This is a rule and cannot be changed. Otherwise, it will directly send down thunder tribulations at the second, third or higher levels of the Dao of Heaven. At that time, there was no need to cross the catastrophe.

After refining the many principles below, Da Luotian flew up and surrounded this last Thunder Sea World.In the end, this sea of ​​thunder is the most expansive, completely comparable to chaos. In the sea of ​​thunder, the light of chaos flickers continuously. Disasters and robberies landed together and struck towards Yuanshi.

This is not the most powerful, in this vast chaotic sea of ​​thunder, three thousand chaotic demon gods appear, Pangu, time, space, good fortune, destruction, demon ancestor, reincarnation, karma, five elements, four images, swallowing, etc., Countless demon gods, known and unknown, all appeared at this moment.

The majesty of the gods is like hell, the magic light is soaring, and the birth of three thousand demon gods will shock the world.

The last calamity, the boundless and chaotic calamity, has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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