My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 378 Three Dao Bodies

Chapter 378 Three Thousand Dao Bodies (Part [-])
In the vastness, the endless sea of ​​thunder that almost covered the entire chaos was tumbling, and the power of destroying the world came, and everyone was trembling. Facing the majestic power of moral punishment, they couldn't bear the slightest thought of resisting.


The chaotic Leihai world is almost merging with this chaos, and all kinds of destructive lights are flickering, evolving all kinds of terrifying and shocking visions.

The figures of three thousand Chaos Demon Gods appeared, standing in the chaos, as if they were the masters of this world.

The aura of these chaotic demon gods is a bit shocking. Above all the heavens, the weakest ones are half-step heavenly realm, and among them, there are two-thirds of the demon gods of heavenly realm.

This terrifying force has shocked the ages and made people unbelievable.With such strength, it can easily destroy any realm in the heavens and myriad realms, and no one can resist it. I am afraid that there is only the legendary eternal realm, which is more amazing than this.

"Hiss! How is this possible?"

In the Nine Realms of Chaos, countless people gasped. The facts were too shocking to believe.

"Could this Primordial Origin survive such a catastrophe?"

Someone asked such a question, and then shook their heads. They didn't believe that Yuanshi could survive this calamity. There are so many strong men in the Heavenly Dao Realm, I am afraid that they are enough to compete with the strong Tianjun. How could it be possible to defeat so many strong men.

The Tianzun powerhouses in the Nine Realms are silent, and they have no way to survive such a catastrophe.

"Can he break the thunder, overwhelm many Tianzun powerhouses, and become the strongest Tianzun powerhouse?"

"Can Yuanshi defy the sky, step up the ten thousand ways, and achieve the supreme realm of heaven?"

In the flood, the Taishang and Tongtian looked nervous, looking at Yuanshi amidst the thunder disaster with a little worry, and the strong men in Yuxu Palace also clenched their fists, worried about Yuanshi.

Looking at this scene, many powerful people in Honghuang felt worried, and more hoped that he would succeed, and their emotions were very complicated.

Yuan Shi is truly against the sky, he wants to break the avenues in this chaos, break through the three thousand demon gods, break through the imprisonment, and successfully walk on the sky.

In Lei Haizhong, Yuanshi faced many familiar demon gods, his face was heavy, but that was all, he was not afraid, at this point, how strong his determination was, how could he be afraid because of the large number of enemies?
At the first moment, Yuanshi used Da Luotian to cover the entire sea of ​​thunder, and the boundless lightning flashed in Da Luotian, while the heaven and earth were refined by Da Luotian. Although the speed was very slow, at least it could be refined.

At this time, the three thousand demon gods transformed by the power of Taoism moved, and many demon gods waved the Taoist soldiers transformed by Dao Ze in their hands, and began to besiege Yuan Shi alone.

A gang fight started.

Feng Shui turns around, this year to my house.Back then, together with many Chaos Demon Gods, he besieged and beat Pangu alone. Now, it was finally his turn to taste the feeling of being besieged.

However, Yuan Shi did not panic in the slightest.

Standing in Yuanshi Daluotian, Yuanshi is almost undefeated.

One after another, clones began to evolve from the heaven and the earth. They walked out of nothingness and faced a Chaos Demon God one after another.

These avatars are all derived from Yuanshi Dao, and each avatar has an original law, just like the one who fought against Wutian Demon Lord before, and is the incarnation of Dao.It's just that before, it was the incarnation of Taoism before Yuanshi had a breakthrough, but now it is the incarnation of Taoism after Yuanshi's breakthrough and transformation.The gap between the two is like the difference between immortals.

"I am the Lord of Time and Time." A clone of Yuan Shi met the Demon God of Time, Shi Chen.

He stretched out his hand to condense a Dao weapon, the Sword of Time, and started fighting with the Time Demon God.

The demon god evolved from Dao can't speak naturally, he condenses a time disk with his wave, and uses the Dao of Time, and the two fight together for hundreds of millions of years in an instant, and I don't know how many times they have fought together.

"I am the Lord of Creation."

An incarnation of Dao, facing the God of Good Fortune, the endless light of good fortune appears, not only can create, but also virtualize, and the shocking duel begins.

"I am the Lord of Cause and Effect."

An incarnation of Taoism confronting Yuan Shi, the demon god of karma, is equivalent to facing himself, but the lord of karma at that time was not as powerful as it is now.Yuan Shi understands everything about the Demon God of Karma, but the Demon God of Karma doesn't understand Yuanshi.

The demon gods transformed by the Dao Dao will not be like the real Chaos Demon Gods, at most they have their Dao and combat power, and it is impossible for them to have the same wisdom and experience.

"I am the Lord of Destiny!"

"I am the Lord of Destruction!"

"I am the Lord of Space!"

"I am the Lord of Creation!"

"I am the Lord of Reincarnation!"

"I am the Lord of Devouring!"

"I am..."



Every incarnation of Taoism in Yuanshi faced the previous Chaos Demon God, and the two sides began a world-shattering battle. This was a confrontation between pure Taoism, without mixing anything else.Such a battle, regardless of victory or defeat, is good for Yuanshi.

In the beginning, the strength of Yuanshi's Taoist avatars was naturally inferior to that of the Chaos Demon God transformed by Dao. His avatars were destroyed many times, but in the Great Luotian, these Taoist avatars could be resurrected infinitely and fight against him again .

In countless confrontations, the strength of Dao Ze's incarnation is also rapidly increasing, and it is not meaningless to be eliminated again and again.

As for Yuanshi's true self, at this moment, he faced the huge strong man in the center of the battlefield——Pangu!
Among the many demon gods, Pangu's strength ranks first, and he is not just talking.He really broke through to the Dao of Heaven at the beginning, so the Dao also copied the complete laws of his Dao of Heaven, and now he has infinitely improved through the Dao, and his strength is even stronger.

Pangu's Dao of Power doesn't talk about the magnificence of supernatural powers and moves, but only about strength, which is extremely powerful, create together, destroy everything, and reduce ten times with one force!

Pangu held the sky-opening ax transformed by Daoism, stepped on the chaotic green lotus, and held the jade tablet on his head. With the ax swinging, the slightest bit of energy shattered the chaotic thunder sea and set off huge waves. The most important force was concentrated on fighting On Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi was not afraid, waved his fists, and bombarded it. Comparing the strength, Yuan Shi was as confident as anyone else. Although he didn't major in the way of power, it didn't mean he didn't understand power.

Any avenue is a kind of power, and the gathering of thousands of avenues is a powerful force. Even people who don't cultivate power will be extremely powerful.

Yuanshi's fists are not afraid of any thunder and the power of Taoism. His fists are like two sledgehammers. All the chaotic thunder seas in this world are smashed like glass. He smashed Pangu's sky-opening axe , the light and rain scattered, and the Tao flew.

Pangu once again gathered a divine axe in his hand, splitting the chaos with one axe, and evolving the world.Yuanshi covered the sky with his big hands, distorted time and space, and with a slash, the world was destroyed and returned to chaos.

Pangu was furious, and the divine ax struck at him.Yuan Shi attacked, and the confrontation between forces set off an endless storm of destruction. Huge vortices erupted suddenly, destroying chaos and shattering time and space.

Yuanshi's way of crossing the catastrophe shocked the world again. They also had the incarnation of Dao, but they were not so powerful, and the battle between Yuanshi and Pangu made them even more frightened. It can cut through the chaos and make countless Hunyuan masters prostrate on the ground, unable to raise the slightest resistance in their hearts.

"How is it possible, how could he be so powerful?" Some people couldn't believe it, and there was a look of resentment on their faces.

"This man is so strong. I am not his opponent. I really don't know whether it is right or wrong to invade Honghuang this time? Sigh..." Tianzun Good Fortune looked at Yuanshi in the sea of ​​thunder solemnly, with extremely complicated emotions.

"It's so strong, how is this possible? How can the gap be so big if they are both in the Dao of Heaven?"

On the other side, the magic light in Wutian Demon Lord's eyes flickered, and the energy around him exploded, smashing the incarnation of Dao Ze of Yuanshi with a palm.But the incarnation returned from the resurrection in the distance, and if you look carefully, you will find that the light on his body has dimmed a lot.

Obviously, he is not like the Taoist incarnation in Yuanshi Daluotian, who can be resurrected infinitely.

In the sea of ​​thunder, with the passage of time, Yuan Shi gradually gained the upper hand. Under Da Luotian's refinement, Yuan Shi's strength increased infinitely, but the many chaotic demon gods in the sea of ​​thunder could not be replenished, and gradually began to reveal Weak ones, some of which have even been completely destroyed, were refined by Da Luotian.


Finally, I don't know how long it took, as the last Chaos Demon God was blown away, Yuan Shi's Da Luotian suddenly released endless divine light, which was dazzling, illuminating the chaos, and then shrank suddenly, turning the endless thunder into nourishment, being captured Da Luotian refining and absorbing.

The heaven and the earth are a huge oven, nourished by the law of ten thousand dao, and Yuanshi avenue is the dao fire, everything is refined, and the dao patterns in Daluotian become denser.

In the end, Da Luotian gradually shrank, quickly turned into a bright spot, and disappeared between Yuanshi's fingers.

A powerful momentum erupted, setting off an endless storm in the entire chaos, time and space were shattered, the layer of chaos was broken, and another piece of chaos was revealed.The endless coercion surpassed the heavens, and the creatures of the nine realms knelt down on the ground.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he went against the sky, walked on the road, and achieved the supreme realm of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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