Chapter 379

The three realms of heaven, the position of heaven, the primordial, and nothingness.

Now, Yuan Shi has stepped into the heavenly realm against the sky and has become a powerful Tianzun.

Now, he is the real Yuanshi Tianzun.Before, he was just a respectful title given to him by others, and his strength was not enough to deserve this title, but now, he is the real Heavenly Venerable.

Tianzun, the Lord of Heaven.

The many magic powers in his body quickly transformed into the power of Tianyuan, and the many worlds and infinite cells in his body quickly transformed into countless crystal kingdoms. Each crystal kingdom is a plane, a world, and even every crystal. In the Kingdom of Crystal God, there are infinite cosmic galaxies, including the sun, the moon, stars, planets, various galaxies, and infinite creatures.

In each of his crystal kingdoms, there are billions of trillions of creatures living, giving birth to countless countries, giving birth to endless civilizations, and giving birth to countless ways and principles.

A crystal kingdom is a heaven.

The infinite crystal kingdom constitutes Yuanshi's body, and the infinite power of heaven constitutes Yuanshi's Tianyuan mana.

The cell wall between the cells is the crystal wall of the crystal kingdom, and each layer of crystal wall is equivalent to the boundary wall of the world, which is extremely strong.The gap space between each cell becomes a chaotic space, filled with chaotic air.

Today's Yuanshi, in essence, is an extremely huge chaotic world of gods and demons, just like this prehistoric, eternal world, eternal god realm, etc., his Yuanshi is equivalent to Pangu, Eternal Emperor, Eternal God and other heavenly realms Lord of the world.

"Huh? I seem to be missing something? Celestial Realm, Celestial, where is my Celestial?"

At this moment, Yuanshi was a little confused. He had broken through the realm of heaven, but he didn't seem to get any heaven.Other heavenly powers, after breaking through, will have a heavenly position, even the avatar Chaos Tianzun has it, but he does not.

How is this going?

Yuan Shi pondered for a moment, but did not get any information.He is very sure that he has made a breakthrough, but unlike others, there is a great way to lower him to heaven.

"Whatever, I just need to increase my strength, and it doesn't matter if I don't have a heavenly position." Yuan Shi shook his head, no longer thinking about it, he turned his eyes to the direction of the prehistoric, where a world war is going on at the moment.

"Hiss! Really broke through, how is this possible?"

"How can manpower be like this? How can it be possible to kill thousands of heavenly powers just after breaking through the sky?"


At this moment, the whole world was shocked. People never thought that Yuanshi would actually succeed. One person beheaded more than 2000 celestial demon gods.

When they broke through, they didn't even have a catastrophe, let alone a catastrophe. If they could do the same, they would surely increase in strength after surviving, and it might not be impossible to save a few centuries of time.

"Yuanshi has really been on the road all day, why is he so terrifying, it's too scary!"

But all the monks were shocked, and many people trembled. This kind of breath was unbearable, and it was much more terrifying than ordinary Tianzun powerhouses.

Yuanshi ignored everyone's surprise, and walked straight towards Honghuang. At this moment, in the flood, the war was still going on, and it was extremely tragic.

Countless souls perished, countless monks died, and the armies of the three major worlds broke through countless cities, broke through the prehistoric boundary walls, and invaded them.

A quarter of the prehistoric land was occupied, and countless creatures shed their blood. Between the heaven and the earth, there was a mournful howling, and the crying was earth-shattering.


Time returns, in the process of crossing the robbery at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

On the ancient battlefield in the East, the ghosts and immortals had already attacked when Yuan Shi crossed the catastrophe.Gui Xian shot, the previous disadvantages completely turned into despair, Taishang and Tongtian suffered heavy losses one after another, their strengths were absolutely non-existent, they were captured by ghost ghosts and countless cities were captured, and countless monks were slaughtered. , was able to escape.

Obviously, Youming Guixian doesn't care about the life and death of the two Taishang, otherwise it is another matter whether the two can escape. For her, the most important thing is to capture the flood as soon as possible.


In the prehistoric east, in front of the boundary wall, ghost immortals raised their hands and were about to blast through the boundary wall of the world. At this moment, an immortal blue light flashed, covering this place, preventing the ghost immortals from attacking.

"Huh? Immortal blue light? Could it be that there are other heavenly powers in this world?" Seeing this scene, the Nether Ghost Immortal was shocked.

Many Tianzun powerhouses know that monks in the heavenly realm can place a layer of immortal light on the wall of the world. It can not only prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, but also block the violent chaos outside the world to achieve the purpose of protecting the world. It can transform the air of chaos into the aura of heaven and earth, and replenish it into the world.

The familiar light curtain in front of her immediately reminded the Nether Ghost Immortal of the Immortal Light, and she wondered if there was still a strong person in the Celestial Realm in Honghuang.According to the information they got, this world was opened up by a Chaos Demon God named Pangu. At first they didn't care about it, but now it seems that Pangu is probably the powerful Tianzun.

However, Pan Gu had already turned into a prehistoric world.Thinking of this, the Nether Ghost Immortal immediately let go of his worries, used the power of the heavenly position, and bombarded in front of the world boundary wall again.


With a bang, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the sky of the eastern world, and the light of destruction spewed out, and the divine light of chaos gushed out of it.

Afterwards, endless ghost monks poured in like a tide, and from here they began to invade the prehistoric wildly.

At the beginning, the three-party world made an agreement that whoever occupied the territory would belong to him after the Great Desolation was conquered.At this moment, the Nether Ghost Immortal wants to occupy more land before the other two worlds break through the flood.

Many ghost clans invaded from the eastern land, countless creatures were slaughtered, and countless mountains and rivers were smashed to pieces. They didn't care whether everyone lived or died, they just killed.

Since the expansion of Honghuang, it has completely changed. The original four major divine continents have become the center of the world, and the easternmost are some worlds that have been newly integrated into Honghuang. They are the first to be robbed at this moment.



Some people were screaming, more people were crying, blood flowed like rivers, and countless lives were robbed and slaughtered.

Here, the mountains collapsed, the cries and howls shook the sky, and the number of people died was the most. The bones became mountains, the sea of ​​blood drifted, and all living beings mourned, but there was nothing they could do.


At this moment, a huge jade hand covering the sky bombarded a sun in the prehistoric, sparks shot out, the sun suddenly exploded, huge sparks bloomed in the sky, the endless sun's real fire fell to the world like a meteor, and countless creatures After being robbed, on the earth, volcanoes erupted, rivers stopped flowing, and the earth trembled and the mountains shook. It was a purgatory on earth.

Of the nine great suns of the Great Desolation, only eight are left.


Another jade hand covering the sky appeared, and this one, her target was Lunar Star.The sun and the yin are the supreme stars of the prehistoric world. If the two perish, it will not only bring a great impact to the prehistoric creatures, but also destroy the order of the world in this world and reduce the world's suppression of their ghost race.

Just when the giant hand was about to touch the Lunar Star, an ordinary ax came out and slashed straight across the ghost's hand.The ghost hand transformed by the Nether Ghost Immortal was cut off lightly like a tree being chopped down.The ghostly energy of endless chaos spread violently, and countless creatures were destroyed. The mountains, rivers, vegetation in this world were contaminated by this ghostly energy, and immediately turned into pitch black, like ghosts.


Youming Ghost Immortal was shocked, her eyes radiated a cold light, she looked into the depths of the Lunar Star, above the Lunar Star, she saw an ordinary strong man, wearing coarse linen clothes, big bare feet, holding an ordinary ax , is constantly felling towards a laurel tree.

"One, two, three—boom!"

"One, two, three—boom!"

"One two..."

Rough male voices came out one after another, and the ax struck the laurel tree once every three times, making a muffled sound of impact.On the laurel tree, there was not a single trace of an axe.

"who are you?"


(End of this chapter)

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