My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 381 Swallow the sky, change the sky

Chapter 381 Swallow the sky, change the sky (fourth)
"Holy Sacrifice!"

Ancestor Hongjun finally made a move. He used the purple qi of Hongmeng as the foundation, and offered sacrifices to the way of heaven with the saints. The strange aura centered on Ancestor Hongjun, spread to all directions of chaos, and spread throughout the prehistoric world.

The timing he chose was too coincidental, he chose when the Dao of Heaven devoured the Netherworld.The ghost world and the prehistoric world are at the same level, and the two devour them. Although the ghost world has lost the way of heaven, the source is still powerful, and it won't be able to be swallowed in a short while.Like a snake devouring a wolf, it needs time to digest, and during this time, it is weak.

The timing Hongjun chose was at this moment, when he took advantage of the fact that the Dao of Heaven was devouring the source of the ghost world and could not spare any more energy, he sacrificed the Dao of Heaven with a saint who fused the primordial purple energy to seize the power of Dao of Heaven.

In the space of the origin of the Dao of Heaven, Hongjun has sacrificed countless times, and most of the origins have been stamped with his mark. At this moment, it is earth-shattering.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Om..."

The booming sound resounded between heaven and earth, shaking the chaos in all directions, and the bodies of Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha's mother involuntarily flew towards Zixiao Palace.


A wonderful rhythm rippled, and when they touched the two Western Saints, their bodies trembled suddenly, and in their souls, the majestic purple energy trembled, and the purple light flashed, illuminating the whole world.

The two saints immediately lost control of the whole body, not only that, but the majestic purple energy sent out a violent devouring meaning, this devouring was unstoppable, it not only devoured the soul, soul, flesh and blood, but also devoured the Tao of the two saints Thoughts, Dao, mana, etc., everything on the saints, both tangible and qualitative, intangible and intangible, is swallowed by it.


Huge pain swept through their bodies, but they couldn't feel it anymore, just because their consciousness had been deprived. They tried to struggle and get rid of the shackles, but unfortunately it was all in vain.

Since their birth, everything they have experienced is now emerging in their hearts. They emerged from the barren land of the West, and the two brothers supported each other. In order to revitalize the West, they didn't even care about their appearance. I have lived a lot, given up a lot, and understood a lot.

The pictures became clearer and clearer, but their will became more and more blurred. All the previous plans turned into a wry smile at this moment.

Before, they thought that as long as their strength improved, they would be able to get rid of the control of the Primordial Purple Qi, but now they realized how naive they were before.

How could Hongjun's Primordial Purple Qi be so easy to get rid of? It was like a drug, the higher his cultivation base, the more deeply he would be affected by the Primordial Purple Qi, and the deeper the poison, the harder it would be to get rid of its influence.Wanting to get rid of it is only possible when the cultivation base is low.

At this moment, everything is too late.


The primordial purple energy in their bodies suddenly turned into a purple divine fire, burning everything, and their bodies gradually began to fade away.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother can't hold on any longer, let's take a step first, and we will be Senior Brothers in the next life!"

Suddenly, Zhunti sighed, gave up resistance, clasped his hands together, and said:
"Bodhi doesn't have a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where can the dust..."

With a sigh, it turned into a gorgeous purple fire, floating in this piece of heaven and earth, dyeing the entire void into purple.

The figure of Zhunti Taoist has since dissipated, and at the same time, his evil corpse in Lingshan Mountain and the Bodhi Patriarch in Fangcun Mountain's Sanxing Cave also turned into phantoms and disappeared between heaven and earth.

In a small world in Samsung Cave, a phantom of a small bodhi tree appeared, exuding a faint halo, but it was extremely dim, and the leaves became withered and yellow.

Immediately, there was a vibration in the space, and the mountain and cave disappeared, disappearing into the turbulent flow of time and space.


In the prehistoric world, the sky suddenly shook, the starry sky trembled, the starlight dimmed, and the golden rain of blood, like tears from the sky, poured down in pouring torrents. Dao rhymes flowed, and a sense of sorrow and grief enveloped the world and spread to the world. Eight directions, lingering in the hearts of all beings.

A phantom of a huge bodhi tree manifested in the sky, then shattered, and the broken light dissipated between the sky and the earth.


All the great powers were no longer calm, and they stood up suddenly, looked up at the sky, and the eyes of the prehistoric people involuntarily shed tears.

"This is... the rain of blood from the sky, and the common people are deeply saddened. Is this the sign of a saint falling?"

"What happened on the battlefield? The saint will fall. Is it really the way to kill me?"

"This is... the image of the Bodhi saint. Could it be that the Bodhi saint has fallen?"

A saint is not just a representative of the strong, he is also a kind of position in the world. A saint shepherds and guards the common people on behalf of the sky, observes the way of the sky, and follows the path of the sky, representing the sky.

Such as Taiqing and Tongtian, although the majestic purple energy on their bodies has been stripped, they are still saints at the moment, just because they occupy the fruit status bestowed by the heaven, representing the heaven.

The Primordial Purple Qi is not the status of a sage of heaven, it is just the origin of the Dao, the foundation of enlightenment.The fruit status of a saint, when he first became a Hunyuan master, the holy soul entered the space of the heavenly way, and when he merged with the source of the heavenly way, the heavenly way was bestowed.

Therefore, the way of heaven is not destroyed, and the saint is immortal, only because the saint can be resurrected infinitely in the space of the way of heaven.

From a certain point of view, the sage is the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and he should not be taken lightly, otherwise it will mean the coming of troubled times and problems with the way of heaven.

At this moment, the sage has fallen and failed to be resurrected. Could it be... there is a problem with the Dao of Heaven?

The people were in chaos, and the gods were shocked.

"Amitabha, all conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and lightning, and should be viewed as such..."

Amitabha showed compassion on his face, clasped his hands together, and sat cross-legged in the void, letting the purple divine fire in his body burn him out.


There was a sound of fire, and a purple spark bloomed from the void, like a purple lotus, like a dream, extremely gorgeous.

Amitabha's figure disappeared, leaving only an illusory and transparent figure in place, he still sat cross-legged in the void, no matter how the purple flame burned, he just couldn't touch him.

This is a kind of artistic conception of great silence, and all dharmas cannot get close.It's a pity that Amitabha only has an illusory obsession left at this moment, otherwise his cultivation will definitely go further.


On the prehistoric heaven, the golden rain of blood fell again, the sky shook, and the image of the saint falling, the previous vision had not dissipated, but it appeared again at this moment, and the double superposition made the vision even more amazing.

Between the heaven and the earth, the phantom of Amitabha Buddha's Dharma form appeared, and after three breaths, it turned into light rain and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

"What's going on? Is it the image of a fallen saint again?"

"Oh my god, what happened, the saints fell one after another?"

"That's... Amitabha, the two saints of the West are dead?!"

At this moment, all sentient beings were shocked again, only to feel that a catastrophe was imminent.


On the Western Lingshan Mountain, all the Buddhist disciples cried loudly, and their voices mourned the heavens, which lasted for a long time.

Regardless of what other people think, the two purple fire lotuses in the void turned into two streamers of light and disappeared immediately.In the next moment, it appeared in the space of heaven, and as soon as the flame appeared, it burned up, and the whole space was filled with purple light. The sacred light, the original light, rushed straight to the top of the ancestor Hongjun. On the ground, the Good Fortune Jade Book floated up and down, continuously emitting good fortune mysterious light, and a wave of original power spread.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

At this moment, the way of heaven suddenly reversed, and the entire prehistoric world became dark, the sound of bang bang resounded, and the faces of many powerful people changed wildly.

Above the sky, thunder was densely covered, as if the sky was furious, and it made a roaring sound that shook the sky, and circled between the sky and the earth.

The earth roared, all kinds of natural disasters appeared, landslides and ground fissures, volcanoes erupted, rivers and seas rolled backwards, thunder trembled, and the world was about to be destroyed, and catastrophe was imminent.

"Hiss! Such a celestial phenomenon, could it be that the Outer World broke through the prehistoric world, and the catastrophe came, it's over..."

Many people who didn't understand the situation were shocked, and their eyes showed horror.

On the eastern battlefield, Daozu Hongjun suddenly said to Nuwa: "Junior Sister Nuwa, I still need a helping hand!"


Nuwa snorted coldly, with a gloomy and pretty face, and with a flick of her fingers, a purple light shot out and shot into the space of heaven.

"Thank you!"

Hongjun took a deep breath, said a word, and began to concentrate on controlling the power of the primordial way of heaven. Today's way of heaven is no longer comparable to before. It has swallowed many worlds and has become no less powerful. He dare not be sloppy at all.

The power of Heaven and Dao poured into the Qingyun above his head, and the Qingyun continued to roll and spread, and various visions appeared in it, and the divine light continued, as if it was evolving into a world.

After an unknown amount of time, three purple rays of light flew from a distance, and three purple lotuses fell into the Qingyun above Hongjun's head.Purple light filled the sky, and after a flash, the whole piece of Qingyun suddenly transformed into a real piece of sky.


After a burst of bangs, Patriarch Hongjun erupted with an incomparably powerful aura, like the way of heaven, the power of heaven descends on the world, and all living beings dare not to obey.

In the prehistoric world, all kinds of previous natural disasters stopped immediately, the sun glowed with dazzling brilliance again, the stars were shining again, the rivers flowed into the sea, and the mountains and forests returned to their original state...

Above the sky, there are ten thousand signs of auspicious qi, purple qi pervades the sky, and the spiritual qi evolves into various auspicious signs. Everyone just feels relieved. The feeling of imminent catastrophe disappeared in an instant, replaced by a sense of relaxation and joy. , as if the world had been reborn.

However, what they don't know is that this world has just changed.

(End of this chapter)

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