Chapter 382
In this way, Hongjun broke through, breaking through the realm of heaven.

No, it should be said that he had returned to the realm of heaven. However, Dao didn't drop any dao calamity for him, nor did any heaven descend. Others didn't know the reason, but Hongjun knew it himself.

He is just a doppelgänger, and each person can only have one position.His breakthrough was not his own breakthrough, but a breakthrough through Honghuang. In the eyes of Dao Dao, Dao Dao was left by a person who had already broken through the heavenly position. Therefore, Da Dao did not fall again after Hongjun broke through.

After Hongjun broke through to the heavenly position, the first thing he wanted to do was not to prevent Tianzun Good Fortune from invading the prehistoric, but to see what was hidden in the prehistoric, which could easily destroy the ghosts and immortals.You must know that today's Honghuang is equivalent to his back garden, and he doesn't want to leave an existence that he can't control.

However, when he scanned the entire Great Desolation with the Eye of Heaven, he found that there was nothing and everything was normal.

No?He didn't believe in evil, and continued to investigate, over and over again, but still didn't find anything.

His divine sense swept across the prehistoric wilderness wantonly, not letting go of every inch of space.He scanned Lingshan, Kunlun, the four seas, even Wa Palace, and some newly integrated worlds, as well as the subsidiary worlds of the prehistoric, but found nothing.

When his spiritual thoughts reached the lunar star, he saw a "woodcutter" cutting laurel. He knew that it was Wu Gang transformed by Houyi. It was automatically swept over by him.

In other words, when he saw this person, his heart would automatically ignore the past without any reason.

I don't want you to see me. Even if you see me, you won't recognize me.This is a state, however, Hongjun has not reached it.

After scanning twice again, but still found nothing, Hongjun had to give up what was in his mind and start to deal with the crisis in front of him.

The good fortune Tianzun in front of him is a strong Tianzun, and he was able to equalize with it when he was half a step into the heavenly position. Now that he has broken through, it is time to solve this trouble.

Tianzun Haohua led the entire world of creation to attack Honghuang, just to swallow Honghuang. At this moment, he broke through, and Honghuang became his world. Naturally, he could not let Tianzun Haohua succeed. On the contrary, at this moment, he also has the idea of ​​​​strengthening Honghuang by swallowing the world of creation. .

Good Fortune Tianzun on the opposite battlefield, after witnessing Hongjun's breakthrough with his own eyes, knew something was wrong in his heart. There was already a mysterious Tianzun strong hidden in the prehistoric world. At this moment, Hongjun broke through again, and Yuan Shi who was breaking through, Where is the weakest world, even if compared to the top three, it is not bad at all.

He knew that they had hit the iron plate this time, and he felt bitter in his heart.As for regret, there is no such thing. At their stage, every time a decision is made, there is only success or failure, success means life, failure means death, and there is no regret.

There is no way out for this attack on Honghuang. He hesitated just now. Whether he wins or loses, it will be a heavy loss to his world of good fortune.

At this moment, he figured it out, since he didn't retreat, he could only move forward, no matter whether his path ahead was a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​flames.

Good fortune Tianzun's eyes are firm, regaining his mentality, his eyes have become much sharper.

"The Palm of Good Fortune!"

Good Fortune Tianzun took a deep breath and used all his strength. He was the first to strike, wanting to take the initiative. Good Fortune distorted time and space with his palm, split the chaos, destroyed the universe, and slapped towards Hongjun.

This palm shattered all the laws of heaven and earth and turned the world around.

This palm brings together the three thousand ways of Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune, which not only creates the heaven and the earth, but also transforms ten thousand ways, and destroys powerful enemies.

This palm, like the sky falling, covered Hongjun, and the shocking avenue bombarded him. If he couldn't resist it, he would die.

The eyes of the Nuwa next to her are brilliant. She is practicing the Dao of Good Fortune, but unlike the Good Fortune Heaven, her way is more inclined to creation. Seeing the attack of Good Fortune Tianzun at this moment, she has a deep feeling and realizes her own shortcomings , the attack power is not strong enough.

Facing this palm, Patriarch Hongjun's face was solemn, he put away his underestimation, and slapped out the same palm, facing the giant palm of that day.

In his palm, there are also three thousand avenues gathered. His way pays more attention to the supervision of the world, just like the creation of the world. With a wave of his hand, layers of space are broken, and worlds appear in his hands. In the world, hundreds of millions of creatures Reappearance, in the blink of an eye for hundreds of millions of years, various civilizations have developed and appeared, life and death, reincarnation of the heavens, and all kinds of changes, just happen in a blink of an eye.

When the palms of the two collide with each other, in a ten thousandth of an instant, countless worlds explode, all living beings are destroyed, and countless civilizations are destroyed. above.


The world of Tianzun Creation was directly shattered by Hongjun's big hand, turning into endless fragments, smashing into the chaos, and then the chaos exploded, setting off endless storms and evolving various visions.

"Good luck!"

Knowing that he could not compete with Hongjun, Heavenly God Good Fortune released his "sky", which was a cyan world with a size of one hundred thousand light-years, filled with the Qi of Good Fortune, condensed into a sea of ​​Good Fortune, and released billions of trillions of The light illuminates the chaos of the heavens.

In the good fortune sky, countless divine chains of order shuttled, turned into giant nets covering the sky, and came to besiege and kill Patriarch Hongjun.Endless storms set off in the sea of ​​good fortune, and the heaven and earth were shattered, rolling in.

Hongjun was not in a hurry, and he also released his own sky, which was a world as clean as water. His world was larger than that of the God of Creation, with a diameter of nearly a million light-years, and inside it was a shape like the space of the Dao of Heaven. A way of heaven transforms living beings and evolves into the heavens, and there are countless divine chains of original laws intertwined between the heavens and the earth to operate the laws of the heavens and the earth.

Hongjun's big hand twirled, controlling the avenue of heaven and earth, and started to fight with the good fortune Tianzun.

On the battlefield in the north, Wutian Demon Lord completely destroyed Yuanshi's Taoist incarnation with one palm. This time, he did not pretend to be cold and did not act as before.He had learned his lesson, and shot directly, with monstrous demonic energy, smashing the countless formations in this space with one palm, and the army of tens of millions of monks turned into ashes under his palm.

Wutian Demon Lord punched out again, and hundreds of demon puppets began to explode, and countless monks died. The entire ancient battlefield exploded and turned into countless fragments.

Countless human masters and members of the Yuxu Palace began to die, and ancient cities exploded. These cities and formations that could withstand the Hunyuan masters could not stop Wutian Demon Lord, the powerful Tianzun.

The demon lord attacked for the third time, the monstrous demonic energy spread across the sky, turning into countless ghostly shadows and flooding the entire ancient battlefield, streaks of black light continuously shuttled through it, and people died wherever they went, and they were harvesting the lives of all beings.




On this battlefield, it was far more tragic than the western battlefield. Countless creatures died, and the screams kept coming and going. When the powerful Tianzun made a move, the others had no ability to resist at all.Even the strong Hunyuan is just dying and cannot resist for long.

In just a few breaths, this world has become a demonic realm, the ancient battlefield is stained red with blood, corpses are piled up like a mountain, and rivers of blood and water flow on the battlefield.

With limbs and arms broken, scales and armor broken, blood mist filled the air and spread in all directions, paving the entire battlefield red. This is completely a purgatory.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Countless demon masters are laughing strangely, the laughter is so penetrating, the entire battlefield, at this moment only a few people are still resisting, these people are Taixuan, the master of supernatural powers, and the fifth ancestor of the ancient times , and there are two masters who have newly integrated into the prehistoric.

Wutian Demon Lord was about to strike again, but at this moment, Yuanshi had passed the Dao Tribulation and was coming from the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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