My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 386 Xuanhuang Tianzun

Chapter 386 Xuanhuang Tianzun

A loud shout came from outside the battlefield, from the depths of the chaos, like thunder bursts, scattered the chaos, and the worlds in countless space layers were shattered.

In the chaos, outside of the battle situation, there are two more people.

The situation is changing.

When the two of them stepped on the Dao of Divine Light, the chaos naturally dissipated, and the infinite Tao and principles lingered on them.

In just two or three breaths, the two arrived at the front of the battlefield.

However, Yuanshi didn't seem to have heard their words, and he teleported to the three Lords of Truth, and with a giant palm that turned the sky, with the power of endless avenues, the light flickered, and mercilessly suppressed the three of them. go down.


The giant hand covered the sky, tearing apart the void with rumbles, the power was extremely tyrannical, like an incomparably huge mountain pressing down on the three of them.The three of them only felt that their hearts were suffocated for a while, their spirits trembled violently, and a wave of supreme power that could not be resisted was about to descend.


The Lord of Truth, the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and the Primal Chaos Dragon knew that they would die if this continued. They were unwilling to die like this. They went through a thousand calamities, overcame all obstacles, and killed all powerful enemies. How could they be reconciled to being destroyed by someone?

The three of them roared at the same time, and each played their strongest source of Heavenly Venerable Dao, endless light, rain and storm surged.What kind of Truth God Fist, Chaos Overlord Fist, Immortal Emperor Fist... These Taoist arts are fully erupted at this moment, blessing the original aura of the Dao, and their power is greatly increased.They want to escape Yuan Shi's palm, as long as they escape, they can survive, because the other two Heavenly Venerates are about to arrive, and Yuan Shi has no ability to perform a second attack before then.

Tens of thousands of Taoist techniques, Tianzun's attack, carrying a strong Dao origin, collided with the giant palm shot by Yuanshi in an instant.

"Useless, in vain."

Yuan Shi's face remained unchanged, a light curtain naturally formed on his giant hand, blocking all those attacks, and at the same time, the hand patted down without stopping.

Huge explosions resounded, and the attacks of the powerful Tianzun could break the world countless times, but facing this layer of light curtain, they still couldn't rush in.

Yuanshi's giant palm, like a ten thousand-year-old rock, remained motionless despite being washed by the waterfall.

The attacks of these people had no effect on him, even if they burned the source of Tianzun, they couldn't hurt Yuanshi.

At this moment, they were completely desperate.

At this moment, facing life and death, they suddenly became calm. They thought of the countless ants that were crushed to death by them, but at this moment, the target was replaced by themselves.

It's really... God's law is clear, and the retribution is not good!

"Your life and death, let it end now."

Yuanshi's giant hand finally slapped it down, completely suppressing the three of them, and the three origins of Dao were ignited. Together with the origin of Tianzun and the position of Dao, they were completely refined and supplemented into Da Luotian.

At the same time, the two Tianzun powerhouses who came from the chaos finally arrived in front of Yuanshi.At the same time, there were two Tianzun attacks.

A middle-aged man in a gray Taoist robe is holding a precious mirror of light and darkness. There are countless mirror lights, and the light and darkness intertwine to form a mirror world of light and darkness. One layer of light and darkness is a layer of world, and countless light and darkness Intertwined, countless mirror light worlds are generated, reflecting towards Yuanshi.

Another middle-aged man with white hair flying in a yellow Taoist robe, stepping on billions of stars, with a majestic posture, raised his hand, and a boundary river full of black and yellow mother spirit was surging, and the boundless river was full of black and yellow mother spirit. Cheng, every drop of river water is a world, formed by the convergence of endless worlds, a boundary river running through the nothingness of heaven and earth, charging towards Yuan Shi's body with unrivaled power.

Light and darkness are born together, the universe is first opened, black and yellow are dispersed, and heaven and earth are first divided.

The incomparably bright rays of light converged, piercing the illusion and reality, and crossing the boundaries of time and space. Even Yuanshi Da Luotian was trembling slightly, as if he could not support these two powerful forces and was about to explode at any time .

There was no change on Yuan Shi's face, and he was still extremely calm.He turned around abruptly, standing upright with one palm, and the halo of the endless avenue suddenly appeared, forming circles of light gates, gathering together in the void in front of him.

The endless gates of light, the endless void, are superimposed layer upon layer. Although the distance between them seems small, in fact, there is a difference of hundreds of millions of light years between the two.

The contrasting light and darkness and the black and yellow rays of light shot down and bombarded the light gate.


The light gate exploded without any resistance, followed by the second gate, the third gate... the billionth gate...

After countless gates of light, the gate of light was still exploding continuously, and the attacks of the two supreme gods were as powerful as a bamboo, breaking through many gates and continuing to break forward.

The gate of light seemed to have no end, no matter how much it was broken, there was still no sign of any reduction.

Finally, the two attacks slowly slowed down and their power began to weaken, but the number of light gates remained unchanged.

Finally, with a bang, the two Tianzun attacks were completely annihilated and disappeared, but the number of light gates remained unchanged.

It seems that this light door is... infinite.


At this time, the middle-aged man in the yellow Taoist robe let out a light sigh, as if he was puzzled that his move was solved so easily, but that was all. He was not too surprised. He expected it.


The middle-aged man in the gray Taoist robe snorted coldly, looking at Yuan Shi rather unkindly.

"We told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

"I heard you."

Yuan Shi said indifferently, and at the same time, his eyes were also looking at the two people in front of him. If he expected correctly, these two were the Xuanhuang Tianzun of the Xuanhuang World and the Light and Dark Supreme of the Light and Dark Universe.

Both of them are ancestor-level figures who created the world, and they are also the founders of a big world. They have cultivated the existence of countless generations, and their cultivation bases have reached the perfection of the heavens, and they have begun to realize the second step of the heavenly realm.

"Since I heard it, why do you still want to take action?" The Supreme Light and Darkness's face became even more unkind, and the murderous intent in his eyes flashed away, but he couldn't escape Yuan Shi's perception.

"Who are you, I don't know you, why should you listen to what you say. Besides——" Yuan Shi said lightly, paused, looked at the light and dark Supreme, and said coldly:

"What kind of thing are you? If you shout to stop, I will stop. Isn't it embarrassing for me?"

"Interesting!" The man in yellow chuckled and said.

"Hmph! His tone is arrogant. No wonder he dared to kill the Heavenly Venerable of the Five Realms at the same time." The Supreme Light and Darkness turned cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes became even more serious, he snorted coldly.

Yuan Shi chuckled, ignored him, but looked at the man in yellow beside him, and said, "I don't know why you came to our Great Desolate Battlefield, do you want to start a war with me?"

"I am Xuanhuang, you should know the purpose of our coming here." The man in yellow said lightly.

Hearing this, Yuan Shi was not surprised, and said: "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Xuanhuang, and the people under Fellow Daoist came to my prehistoric battlefield to attack me. Do you know about this?"

Immortal Tianzun is the number one general under Xuanhuang Tianzun. He was killed by Yuanshi before. The arrival of Xuanhuang Tianzun was not surprising to Yuanshi, but he had a reason for this matter. Immortal Tianzun attacked him first. .

But even if Xuanhuang Tianzun really wanted to make a move, he would not find any reason. In this world, the strong are the most respected. If he did not have that strength in the beginning, no matter how many reasons he had, he would not be able to explain clearly. Only fists are the most reasonable.

"Know how, so what if you don't know?" Tianzun Xuanhuang said lightly, his eyes narrowed, and the life and death of Xuanhuang in his eyes was empty for eternity, which was extremely astonishing.

(End of this chapter)

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