Chapter 387
"Know how, so what if you don't know?"

Xuanhuang Tianzun's faint voice came, which made Yuanshi understand.

Is this the beginning of oppressing people with power? Xuanhuang Tianzun's men attacked him. If there was no sign from Xuanhuang Tianzun, Yuanshi would not believe anything. The two have been enemies since the beginning. Regarding the enemy's threat, Yuan Shi, who is now greatly increased in strength, naturally wants to fight back.

So, he said lightly: "I don't know, Immortal Heavenly Venerable is coming to attack and kill me with my fellow daoists behind my back. I just kill a dog casually, but fellow daoists can't even control their own subordinates. This is why you are dead, fellow daoist. If you know and dare to commit a crime, then fellow daoist will fight against me, Hong Huang?"

"So what?"

Xuanhuang Tianzun Zhou's Xuanhuang mother energy rises and falls, evolving the visions of the heavens, the momentum bursts out at this moment, can overturn the nine heavens, the surrounding endless storms burst out, the void is broken, and time is chaotic.

Yuan Shi stood still in the void and let the storm invade. At this moment, he is like a thin bamboo plant rooted on the cliff in the storm.

Of course, this is because he didn't cast spells to resist, but even so, there is a feeling that he will let him be strong, the breeze blows on the hills, and he will let him do what he wants, the moon shines on the river, and the river flows and stones don't turn!

Yuan Shi glanced at the two of them, seeing that both of them had a tendency to attack, he said lightly: "Anyone who is an enemy of this seat, no matter who it is, must die!"

Two tyrannical auras erupted, setting off endless storms in the chaos, the heavens fell, nothingness was shattered, and it was extremely tyrannical.

A light curtain lit up in front of Yuanshi's body, no matter how violent these storms were, they couldn't get close to Yuanshi's body.

He is like the ten thousand-year-old rock under the surging Milky Way, even if the supreme Milky Way falls from the nine heavens and hits him, he will remain motionless.

"Yuanshi boy, don't think that you can kill a few celestial beings who have just entered the celestial realm at will, and think that all the celestial beings in the world are so unbearable. I will let you see today, you are just like them. Just bigger ants."

The Supreme Light and Darkness sneered, and the void around him suddenly turned into two black and white shadows, covering Yuanshi.

This black and white shadow has a chaotic atmosphere, as if there are two opposite worlds, one positive and the other negative. Between the flow of countless dao rhymes, the black and white world is covered for a day.

Yuan Shi's eyes turned cold, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He took a step diagonally, which seemed like a small step, but it was actually a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, because the black and white shadow seemed to be only a few hundred feet in size, but actually There are tens of millions of light-years.

Yuan Shi sneered and punched out.

A brilliant ray of light condensed, suddenly pierced through a distance of tens of millions of light years, and bombarded down.Dozens of distorted fist marks suddenly appeared in the black and white void that was rolling towards him, and each fist mark seemed to tear apart the void layer by itself, rolling up terrifying dao patterns all over the sky.


The divine light erupted, and the sound of Dao Yun's explosion mixed the world transformed by the black and white shadows, as well as the countless Dao fist marks blasted out by Yuanshi, forming a hollow vortex in the void that was tens of millions of light-years in size.

The berserk dao rhyme was still spreading, and the depths of the chaos exploded directly, and the upper and lower layers of chaos were shattered, and countless chaotic storms surged, sweeping across the sky.

The sound of chaotic void blasting was continuous, and at the same time that Yuanshi's fist marks disappeared, the black and white void brought up by the light and dark mirror of the light and dark supreme also disappeared without a trace.

Yuan Shi stared blankly at the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness. Although the two sides were fighting each other in the blow just now, they were actually testing their respective strengths.

Yuan Shi knew in his heart that the strength of the Supreme Light and Darkness was indeed much stronger than the person he had just killed, but it did not make Yuan Shi helpless to fight back.He didn't use his full strength in that punch just now, he only used one-third of his strength, and he was sure that the Supreme Light and Darkness used at least [-]% of his strength.

After one move, Yuan Shi knew that his strength was much stronger than that of the Supreme Light and Darkness.That is to say, his strength is already stronger than that of the ordinary Heavenly Rank Consummation, but he knows that his realm is in the middle stage of the Heavenly Rank.

He has a clear positioning of his own strength. Generally, it takes some means to kill the heavens who are perfect, and the other heavens are easy to kill in the early, middle and late stages.

I just don't know if he can fight against the strong Tianjun in the second realm of the Heavenly Dao after his strength reaches the consummation of the heavenly position?Yuanshi was thoughtful.

The reason why he didn't attack with all his strength was not because he wanted to be merciful to the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, but because he wanted to guard against the Xuanhuang Tianzun at the side. This Xuanhuang Tianzun was not simple. The Dark Sovereign is even stronger.

The monk's intuition has always been accurate.But he didn't feel that very dangerous aura, which shows that Xuanhuang Tianzun at least has no ability to kill him.

The Supreme Light and Darkness calmly looked at the chaotic vortex that had not completely dissipated. The vortex there had begun to slowly close under the powerful inclusiveness and reduction of chaos, but this time must be very long, because the center of this vortex still contains the fluctuation of the law of heaven. .He had a bad premonition in his heart at the moment. He suspected that Yuan Shi hadn't even used [-]% of his strength before, but he had used [-]% of his strength.

He was shocked in his heart why Yuanshi was so powerful. You must know how many Yanji he had practiced in the chaos, opened up the light and dark universe, and after becoming a strong Tianzun, he practiced more than ten Yanjis. His world has developed to The ultimate is the achievement today.As for Yuanshi, as far as he knows, the universe Yuanshi lives in is still very immature and has not grown up at all. Compared with his universe, he is just a child, but it is such a universe, in such a short period of time, it has grown to the same level as his universe. The same realm, and the strength is still so strong.

He couldn't believe it, even if Yuan Shi practiced cultivation at the beginning of the universe, and he was innately powerful, it wasn't so fast.It can be said to be a genius if the realm breakthrough is fast, but the strength is so strong, it is far from being a genius.

Strength is the proof of the use of one's own Dao. Yuanshi's strength is stronger than him. Doesn't it mean that Yuanshi's understanding of Dao is better than him?How can this be?

How did he know that Yuanshi was actually the Chaos Demon God, and he had cultivated to the realm of the twelfth level of Hunyuan long before the opening of the Great Desolation, and he didn't even know that Yuanshi also had a cheating tool for enlightenment like Hongmeng Yuanshiyin.

The Xuanhuang Tianzun on the side was also a little shocked. If he said he didn't see it clearly before, but now he is in front of Yuan Shi. For Yuan Shi's strength, he can see Yuan Shi's strength more accurately than the Supreme Light and Darkness. This is a strong man who is by no means weaker than him.

How can this be?He has only practiced for a long time, so he is not weaker than him. If he is allowed to continue to grow, there is nothing wrong with him.No, he must be removed as soon as possible.

"Yuan Shidao is friendly, but I don't know if you can take my next move!"

Although the light and dark Tianzun was shocked in his heart, he said in a calm tone.The mirror of light and darkness condensed from the source of the Dao in his hand began to emit endless black and white brilliance. Where there is darkness, it must follow the light. Countless black and white, deduce this world, and the endless rules are derived from light and darkness.

While doing it, he secretly sent a voice transmission to Xuanhuang Supreme, asking him to do it together.

Endless black and white illuminate the world, and at the same time, a web of mysterious and yellow interweaving Taoism appears, in which there are three thousand roads, all of which are derived from mysterious and yellow, the mysterious is the sky, the yellow is the earth, and one mysterious and yellow is day by day.

"I said earlier that in Da Luo Tianzhong, I am the master, and you are all rebellious, and should accept the punishment of the master!"

Yuan Shi did not change his face, he was walking in the light and dark, between the black and the yellow, and when he raised his hand, the endless power of black and white gathered, forming a huge and boundless net, covering the whole world.

"I am the beginning of the beginning, and I am the cause of all effects!"

A big hand that shone with black and white samsara light, holding it towards the void, it seems to hold the cause and effect of the heavens, everything in the world, all kinds, every word and action, every thought, every life and death, all have cause and effect.

He is the source of all causes and effects, the cause of all effects!
Looking at the two men with horrified faces, Yuan Shi said coldly: "Everything in the world, whether it is alive or dead, comes from 'nothingness' and is in the state of 'existence', so it will be entangled with cause and effect. Even a stone, There is also a causal relationship with heaven and earth. If a person has no half of karma, will this kind of person still exist in the state of "being"? Will it return to "nothing"? So—”

"Karma, give this seat—"

 I'm sorry, it's a bit late for evening self-study tonight, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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