My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 388 Vientiane Renewal, 1 Yuan Restart

Chapter 388 Vientiane Renewal, One Yuan Begins Again

"Karma, give this seat—"



Yuanshi's voice seemed to contain some kind of unique rhythm, spreading out to the surroundings, the Tao rhyme rolled up, the sea of ​​Tao was surging, and echoes echoed back from endless distances, as if the Dao was responding to his question.


Immediately, there was a sound of Weng in Da Luo Tian, ​​and a trace of fluctuations rippled. In Yuanshi's eyes, there were countless causal lines wrapped around Xuanhuang Tianzun and Light and Dark Supreme. Endless black and white causal lines intertwined together, thick and thin , thick and light, forming an invisible giant net, spreading into the void.

All dharmas are empty, cause and effect are empty!
Past cause, present effect, present cause, future effect.

All beings in the six realms cannot escape the cycle of karma.Once a person takes action against the heaven and the earth, he will leave a seed, which will eventually bear fruit.Unless the Tao is completely detached from eternity, the heaven and the earth cannot record its cause, and the ten thousand ways cannot record its effect.Detachment from all kinds of things, leaving no traces of words and deeds, that kind of state will not leave cause and effect.

Although the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness and the Heavenly Lord of Xuanhuang are the powerful Heavenly Lords, they are still far from the realm of transcendence, so they are still entangled with karma, especially in the world they opened up, that kind of karma is the most powerful.

Yuanshi held the cause and effect of the heavens in his hand, and he swiped towards the two with one hand, a unique wave of Dao rhyme spread, and the lines of cause and effect on the two of them were broken one by one at this moment.

Although the two of them didn't notice anything wrong, an ominous premonition arose in their hearts, a feeling of extreme danger hit their hearts, and their faces were horrified.


The two of them didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly attacked Yuanshi again.Although they don't know what happened, they at least know that all of this is caused by Yuanshi. No matter what the reason is, kill Yuanshi first, and then all crises will naturally be resolved.

"Mysterious Yellow Seal!"

Xuanhuang Tianzun's body is full of Xuanhuang's mother spirit, and the three thousand roads surround Xuanhuang, the Xuantian is above, and the yellow ground is below, condensing the three thousand roads and Xuanhuang seals, one seal is Xuanhuangtian, and the three thousand heavens are authentic.

All living beings are floating and sinking, all ages are empty, once the mystery and yellow come out, who will fight for the front!

Xuanhuang Tiandiyin turned into a sword that crosses the sky, and Xuanhuang's aura turned into endless sword waterfalls, rushing towards Yuanshi.A single ray of sword light can destroy a world. Myriad Taos are trembling, the stars are shattering, and the heavens are shocked.

"When the light ends and the darkness comes, the night will be immortal!"

The Supreme Light and Darkness snorted coldly, the blackness in his eyes suddenly flashed, the endless holy light turned into a shocking blow, piercing through the ages, the ultimate light turned into darkness, the endless darkness swallowed the light, the extreme darkness annihilated all avenues, Slashing Yuanshi Da Luotian, a touch of darkness also bloomed with extreme brilliance at this moment, and in an instant, it was eternal, immortal night descending!
"Hmph! Vientiane update!"

Yuan Shi snorted coldly, and in an instant, he punched the two attacks from the air, while the other hand kept on breaking the causal line between the two of them.

This punch did not cause the starry sky to shatter or space-time to be disordered.Above the fist, a brilliant light condensed, this light was extremely bright, and it was countless times more dazzling than the great sun in the heavens.

This ray of light is like a big sun, rising slowly, and the brilliance falling, wherever the light falls, whether it is the Xuanhuang Sword Waterfall or the darkness of the eternal night, it will melt as quickly as white snow under the sun, turning into the purest source of Dao The breath rushes between the heaven and the earth and is absorbed by the heaven and the earth.

The wind is clear and the clouds are light, the moon hides and the sun rises, the garden is full of flowers, the four seasons reincarnate, and the world is renewed.

This scene is like just now suffering from hunger and hunger in the snowy night, and the next moment it is the spring when the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the running water is gurgling, the fruit fragrance is overflowing, and the flowers are blooming everywhere.

All the scenes in the world are changing at this moment, all the previous things are dissipated, and a brand new and beautiful world begins to appear.

The mysterious yellow sinks, the darkness recedes, the light comes, and everything is renewed!
At this time, the two finally realized something was wrong. They discovered to their horror that the traces they left in their own world were dissipating, and the Tao they left behind also faintly showed signs of fading away. This is a kind of A natural phenomenon, how is this possible?

In the light and dark universe.

"The great Supreme Light and Darkness will definitely wipe out all those different worlds, and the world will usher in peace!"

Ordinary people don't know what's going on outside the world, and they have a kind of blind confidence in the mastery of their own world.


At this moment, a burst of fluctuations came.

"The Great Supreme Light and Darkness..."

He didn't finish his words, but he stopped, and all the memories about the Supreme Light and Darkness in his memory disappeared at this moment.

"Who is the Supreme Light and Darkness?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some strong man."


The light and dark universe has endless low-level planes, 360 five high-level planes, and five highest-level planes.

In each high-level plane, there is a main god, and the strength of each main god is at least the existence of the first level of Hunyuan, but in fact most of them are in the early stage of Hunyuan, and only a few of them are in the middle or late stage.The five supreme planes are the places where the five supreme gods are located. The five supreme gods are all strong men with perfect Hunyuan, and they control countless low-level or high-level planes in their hands.

In the God Realm of Light, the Lord of Light Yeweihua is a supreme god power who is half a step into the heavenly realm. He is the strongest existence in the God Realm other than the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness and the Lord of Truth.

At this moment, he said bitterly in the divine palace: "Damn Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, you'd better die outside, so that I can unify the God Realm."


A burst of fluctuations came, and the memory of the Light and Dark Supreme in Yeweihua's mind disappeared, and all his various things disappeared.

"Who is the Sovereign of Light and Darkness? I, Yeweihua, am the strongest existence in the Light and Dark Universe, the abominable Lord of Darkness. In the next war, I will definitely kill you! I will let the light take out the darkness and illuminate the universe forever!"

"God said, let there be light!"


At this moment, countless things like this happened in the light and dark universe, ranging from ordinary beings with no cultivation base to those who ruled half a step of the heavenly realm, and the memory of the light and dark supreme all disappeared.


In the chaotic battlefield, the Supreme Light and Darkness suddenly yelled. He felt a crisis of life and death descending on his body, and he could not avoid it.

The Xuanhuang Tianzun on the other side has a higher level of cultivation than the Light and Dark Supreme, so Yuanshi's causal line of dissipating him is much slower than that of the Light and Dark Supreme.

In an instant, only the thickest line of causality remained on the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness. Yuan Shi secretly sighed, and teleported to the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness. go.

The Supreme Light and Darkness wanted to avoid it, but was shocked to find that he was under this finger and couldn't fire.

"One yuan starts again!"

A bright spot appears, and the gray brilliance shines, like the first ray of light in the darkness and nothingness, and like the source of the Dao of the universe, it is the source of all Taos, the beginning of all phenomena, the cause of all effects, and more The beginning of the avenue!

The past, the future, and the present are all present, just like the division of the universe, the beginning of all daos, and all kinds of things converge into the initial point.

This point ignores time and space, this point ignores illusion and reality, this point runs through nothing, and this point transcends everything.


The brilliance faded away, leaving only the Supreme Light and Darkness with his eyes wide open. His eyes were full of inconceivable emotion, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this, and he seemed to be shocked by the blow just now What a stunning blow, an unsolvable blow.

But it was already too late, no matter how many doubts, no matter how much unwillingness, at this moment, with his fall, it disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Yuan Shi stood where he was, looking at Xuanhuang Tianzun's fleeing figure, but he didn't chase after him.At the last moment, Xuanhuang Tianzun broke through Da Luotian and fled after seeing Yuan Shi instantly killed the Supreme Light and Darkness.

Yuan Shi knew that even if he caught up with Xuanhuang Tianzun, it would not be so easy to kill him.It's better to let him go first, and then make a breakthrough after he cultivates in the future, and then go to kill him, it will be easier.

His way of erasing karma, after all, failed to completely eradicate Xuanhuang Tianzun because of insufficient cultivation.

The moment he escaped, the karma that dissipated before returned to the body of Xuanhuang Tianzun again. This is the disadvantage of karma obliteration.Either it is completely erased, or it can only fall short, and it will not have the slightest effect, and sometimes it will even cause yourself to suffer from backlash.

The way of cause and effect is indeed one of the strangest and most unpredictable avenues, and also one of the most powerful avenues.


(End of this chapter)

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