Chapter 389 After the War
In the chaos, Yuanshi was thinking about the gains from the battle just now.

He has gained a lot. Apart from killing the Eight Great Heavenly Venerates, completely integrating their magic weapons and the origin of the Dao into Yuanshi Daluotian, and transforming Daluotian, it is more about his understanding of the way of causal obliteration.

After the experiment just now, Yuanshi knew that his karmic obliteration method could only obliterate the monks below the Heaven Realm at this moment. Once all the karma is dissipated, then all traces of that person will be connected to his own avenue, and all will disappear.It was as if this person had never appeared in the world.

However, once there is cause and effect involving things in the realm of heaven and above, it cannot be erased by Yuanshi's current cultivation.

This is the case with the previous Light and Darkness Supreme and Xuanhuang Tianzun. All other causes and effects of the Light and Darkness Supreme were erased by Yuanshi, and finally only the thickest one remained, and that one was directly connected to the Dao. Erase from his memory, his avenue, his world, will collapse.This is not what Yuanshi can do now.

It is easy to kill a powerful Tianzun, and it is also easy to destroy a chaotic world of gods and demons, but it is not so easy to erase all the avenues he has laid down from the world.

The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the traces of the Dao will be carved between the heaven and the earth, and it will be more difficult to erase them.

Therefore, it was a pity that Yuanshi secretly sighed before, and Yuanshi finally used his lore means to kill the Supreme Light and Darkness, which gave Xuanhuang Tianzun a chance to escape.

However, this attempt is not without the slightest meaning, at least let Yuan Shi know that the powerful power of causal obliteration can directly turn all things below the Dao of Heaven into nothingness.


Two strong roars came out of the chaos, and two giant hands crossed the sky, passing through the chaotic space, taking away the Demon Sky World, the Vast Dragon Realm, and the Light and Dark Universe.

At this moment, the chaotic world of gods and demons with billions of light years is like three small balls in Yuanshi's hands, being played by him at will.

Now the world masters of these three worlds have all fallen, and a devastating disaster is happening in the world, just like the calamity of the era, the calamity of the immeasurable calamity, it is a disaster that will destroy the world.At this moment, it was taken away by Yuan Shi, and all the changes in the world were all imprisoned by Yuan Shi, and time stood still at this moment.

"Even the sky will fall and the world will be destroyed. In this world, who can truly be immortal?"

Yuanshi put the three-party world into Yuanshi Daluotian, settled it, sighed, and walked towards the prehistoric.

This world war has temporarily come to an end, but the impact of the war is still expanding, and there is no sign of stopping.

This war shocked the heavens and the world in this chaos.

The three major worlds of Motian, Nether, and good fortune attack the weakest prehistoric, Yuanshi crossing the avenue, Yuanshi breakthrough, powerfully suppress and kill the eight heavenly deities, defeat the good fortune Tianzun, Hongjun breakthrough, the mysterious prehistoric strongman instantly kills the ghost ghosts, prehistoric rise...

Each of these incidents, each of which would have shocked countless people in normal times, has all happened in a short period of time at this moment. While people are shocked and sighing, they also know that this time the Great Desolation has completely risen.

Hong Huang was the weakest existence in the Nine Realms, and after a great war, he became a big world comparable to the top three.

The Nine Realms of Chaos have fallen, and now there are only the Eternal Heaven Realm, the Eternal God Realm, the Xuanhuang World, the Primordial Universe, and a world of good fortune that is still struggling.

But everyone knows that the good fortune world can't last long, and there will only be four worlds in this chaos.

Five of the nine worlds were wiped out at once. No one expected this matter.People were not only shocked, but shocked.


Regardless of the shock and comments of other people, Yuan Shi went straight back to the primordial chaotic ancient battlefield, restored all the order and layout in the battlefield, and let other prehistoric monks garrison it.

Later, he found the injured Taishang and Tongtian. When Yuanshi saw them, both of them were still recovering from their injuries. Now that the world has changed, they are no longer connected to the world, so they cannot use the power of the source of heaven to heal their injuries. , You need to slowly refine the power of the law left on them by the ghost ghosts and immortals, and then you can recover.


When the two saw Yuan Shi, they worshiped with some shame.

The characters that Yuanshi gave them were to guard the Great Eastern battlefield, but they didn't have that ability, which led to the fall of countless monks in the Great Desolation, and only the two of them escaped.Facing Yuan Shi at this moment, they feel like they have a heavy trust.

Yuan Shi looked at the two of them. They looked fine on the surface, but in their bodies, they were enduring the destructive power of the ghosts and immortals all the time. The destruction of the law of Tianzun is not so easy to eliminate. They can only temporarily suppress it. down.

Yuan Shi frowned, and said: "Sit down first, and I will help you refine the power of Taoism in your body."

Naturally unwilling to resist, the two obeyed Yuan Shi's order and sat down.Yuan Shi injected a good fortune mysterious light into each person's body. The light is soft and cool, containing the power of good fortune. Between the flashes, a cocoon of light is formed, surrounding the two of them, and the fluctuations of the two Dao rhymes are transmitted and spread to the surroundings.

The two of them are like two silkworms at this moment. After breaking out of the cocoon, they will be reborn and come back, and their cultivation will go further.

Yuanshi did not erase the power of the law of the heavenly gods in their bodies, but refined them in their bodies, transformed their bodies, and let them comprehend by themselves.Therefore, this injury is not a bad thing, maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

After dealing with the two of them, Yuan Shi turned his attention to the western battlefield, where the ancestor Hongjun was still fighting against Tianzun Haohua.Others, Patriarch Hun Kun, Daoist Lu Ya, and Nuwa are all fighting against Hunyuan powerhouses in the Creation World, and they all have the upper hand.

The defeat of the Creation World has become a foregone conclusion.

"Ancestor Hongjun's plan is really not simple. Use the Primordial Purple Qi to control the saints, absorb the holy way to sacrifice the prehistoric way of heaven, and take the opportunity to control the prehistoric."

Judging from Yuanshi's current eyes, he can think clearly about all the previous things, and he also knows that Hongjun and Nuwa are not natives of the prehistoric land. I'm afraid that he was sacrificed by Hongjun just like the two Western saints.

"This matter will come to an end sooner or later."

Yuanshi stopped paying attention to Hongjun's battlefield, but broke through the boundary wall and returned to the prehistoric.

Although the Honghuang is Hongjun's back garden now, if Yuanshi wants to go in, he still has no choice, and Hongjun has no way to grasp all the deeds of the Yuanshi in the Honghuang.Although Hongjun has broken through the Heavenly Realm, he is somewhat suspected of cheating. Although the strength is the same, some special methods are worse.

Yuan Shi didn't come back to Honghuang this time on a whim, he came here to make a thorough conclusion.Honghuang is now Hongjun's territory after all. Although he is not afraid of Hongjun, and Hongjun can't grasp his whereabouts, his territory is after all in Hongjun's world, which makes Yuanshi feel somewhat uncomfortable.

No one wants to live in someone else's house all the time, even if others don't know what he does in the house, that's okay.

"Huh? Is there still some unresolved cause and effect?"

Yuan Shi frowned, stepped out, and disappeared into the Kunlun Mountains, and the next moment, he came to the Lunar Star.He saw a strong man cutting osmanthus.

You couldn't see it before because his realm was not enough, even if others were active under your eyes, you still couldn't see it.Just like Hongjun, he can't see Yuanshi now.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Pangu on his return!"

The moment Yuanshi saw this person, he knew who he was, and this person's cultivation level was not inferior to his, so he stepped forward and said.

Pangu didn't object either, suddenly smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuan Shi is quite calculating, but I'm still very happy to see the fellow daoist I was familiar with back then, and congratulations to fellow daoist for breaking the shackles and ascending to the realm of heaven. "

 That's all for tonight, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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