Chapter 390 Kunlun
Pan Gu's attitude was beyond Yuan Shi's expectation. Yuan Shi thought that a fight would be unavoidable when the two met.

At the beginning, Yuanshi wanted to occupy an identity in the prehistoric world, so as not to be discovered by the Dao of Heaven, so he took away Pangu's primordial spirit, although that primordial spirit is nothing to the current Yuanshi or Pangu.

Pan Gu didn't intend to fight with him this time, Yuan Shi also saved some thoughts, it's good not to fight.Even if it is a fight.Even though Pangu is now in the late stage of the Heavenly Realm, Yuanshi is not afraid of him, even he has killed the Heavenly Stage.

He thought about it for a while, and he understood the reason. We all came from the chaotic gods and demons of this chaotic land, and we also went through the catastrophe of the Great Dao together, and became the powerhouse of Tianzun. It is not an easy task to fight, besides , even if the winner is determined by fighting, so what, is it just for a small vitality?
At their level, they generally don't want to fight casually if they don't have strong interests, not to mention that Pangu is not short of that soul now.

Let go of the past, don't care about all the previous things, sit down as friends and have a good talk, not to mention one more friend, but also one less powerful enemy.That's a good ending for both of them.good for everyone!

After understanding the reason, Yuan Shi also smiled.

He is not surprised that Pangu has such a state. At the beginning, Pangu was the most qualified existence among many demon gods. After opening up the world, the whole world belongs to him. As long as the world is not destroyed, he may restore his original combat power at any time.It's ridiculous that Na Hongjun thought that he completely occupied Honghuang, that was just his wishful thinking, the creation god of Honghuang is here, is it so easy to occupy a world where the lord of the world is still alive?
"Fellow Daoist is living a leisurely life these days, and he doesn't care about the hard work outside. Are you not afraid that your world will be destroyed?" Yuan Shi looked at Pangu under the laurel tree and said with a faint smile.

"It's just a small fight, it's just a world, just destroy it and open another one, what's the big deal." Pan Gu said casually.

"Fellow Daoist's words... are very domineering."

Yuanshi rolled his eyes, that is Pangu, if other people said so, they would be laughed to death.However, Yuan Shi knew that what Pan Gu said was true.For people of their level, opening another world is just a matter of convenience.

"Fellow Daoist, aren't you afraid that Hongjun will completely control Honghuang?" Yuan Shi asked curiously.

"Hongjun... This person is not simple. I thought he was just a chosen one, but now it seems that he has another background. However, this world was created by me after all. It took it from me?"

When Pan Gu said this, although his tone was flat, Yuan Shi still heard a strong sense of confidence and fearlessness from his mouth.That's right, it's the same for Yuan Shilai. How can it be so easy to take away a world where one party has an owner?If this is the case, it can only be regarded as the master of the world is too bad.

"Hongjun...I guess he and Nuwa are from the upper realm?" Yuan Shi said.

"Upper Realm?" Pan Gu obviously didn't know about the Eternal Realm.

"Yeah..." Yuan Shi sighed, even if he told Pan Gu about the things in the eternal world, he could understand the cause and effect.

"Is that the Eternal World? It's an interesting world."

Pangu laughed.As a powerful Tianzun, he can naturally feel that there is a powerful barrier in the infinite distance above their heads, covering the heavens and the world. He didn't know what it was before, but now it seems that it may be It is the Eternal Realm.

"Yeah, it's very interesting. When will fellow Taoists go up to play?" Yuan Shi asked.


Hearing that Yuan Shi said that such a terrifying world was just for fun, Pan Gu was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Haha, wait until the prehistoric matter is over."

Yuanshi was not surprised, and the two of them started talking about other topics at the moment. The two gods and demons who fought in the chaos war at the beginning, now they are like friends, talking high-spirited.

After a long time, Yuan Shi returned to Kunlun Mountain from the lunar star.

Yuan Shi secretly sighed, although he and Pan Gu looked like friends on the surface, but Yuan Shi knew that they both maintained a little vigilance in their hearts, not to say that they didn't trust, it was always right to be careful.

Looking at the familiar Kunlun Mountains and thinking that he was about to leave, Yuan Shi felt a little bit reluctant. After all, he has lived here since the creation of heaven and earth, and he has been here for countless yuanhuis.

Walking among familiar mountains and forests, looking at familiar paths, listening to familiar streams, feeling the familiar breath, imagining familiar things...

Yuan Shi's heart gradually calmed down, and he walked silently among the mountains.Stopping and stopping, he traveled all over the Kunlun Mountains. Finally, he came to the highest snow peak, quietly feeling the caress of the wind and snow, enjoying the breath of the years, and tasting the taste of loneliness.

It's still a familiar smell, Yuan Shi's favorite smell.

Yuanshi stood on this snow peak for a long time, until the wind and snow covered him, he was like a snow-white statue standing on the top of the mountain.

After a long time, Yuan Shi sighed softly and walked down from the snow peak.Back in Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi planned to sit quietly for a while, to thoroughly digest his gains from this battle.

Although during the great battle, he refined all the tribulation and thunder transformed by the law of the Dao and the origin of the Dao of the Heavenly Venerable into the Da Luotian, but after all, he did not experience it through his own understanding. What he has to do at this moment is to fully understand these few parts Once again, turn it into your own.

Only when it completely becomes a part of one's strength can it be considered one's own.

In Yuanshi's own domain, time has no meaning, just because time is determined by him. In his world, there are countless Yuanhui in an instant.

After retreating for several epochs, Yuanshi came out, and his cultivation was completely stabilized, and furthermore, the things of the eight dead celestial beings were completely his things at this moment, and he became the late stage of the Celestial Realm.

Honghuang has only passed 50 years now, and at this time, Hongjun and others also completely killed Good Fortune Tianzun, Honghuang began to swallow Good Fortune world.

Feeling the activity of winning the law around him, and the abundant aura of heaven and earth, Yuanshi didn't feel any joy, just because these things have no effect on him now, he doesn't need aura for cultivation now, and he doesn't need to comprehend the principles of heaven and earth. What other people have is extremely attractive, but to him, it is like a stone on the side of the road, useless.

However, although it is not very useful to him, it is still very useful to his apprentices.Being able to cultivate here, one day can surpass ordinary ten thousand days.

Immediately, Yuanshi sent back the members of the Yuxu Palace Gate on the ancient battlefield of chaos, and informed them of the situation, allowing them to comprehend by themselves.

Yuanshi took a last look at Kunlun Mountain. He set up a road restriction here by means of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, completely isolating it from the prehistoric, Hongjun was not allowed to spy easily, and then came to the chaos.

In the chaos adjacent to Honghuang, Yuanshi opened up a sacred mountain, a sacred mountain like Kunlun Mountain. In this mountain, there is also the Sanqing Palace, the same mountain peaks, the same trees, the same spiritual plants, and the same snow peaks. Kunlun Mountain is exactly the same.

A sacred mountain, standing in the chaos, full of aura, lush vegetation, singing birds and fragrant flowers, high mountains and flowing water, there are scenery here all year round.

A sacred mountain is a world, it is completely immune to the erosion of chaos, in this eternal chaos, this is a holy place.

Since then, Yuanshi has practiced on this sacred mountain, Kunlun, and derived his own rules of the road.Accompanying him are only Taishang and Tongtian, and a mountain of creatures.

Of course, the disciples of the Three Religions can still come to Kunlun Mountain in this chaos.But they need experience after all, Honghuang is more suitable for them.Although Honghuang is now Hongjun's territory, with Yuanshi here, at least the disciples of the three religions can be protected.


(End of this chapter)

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