Chapter 391
After the war, Chaos fell into a state of calm, and Honghuang finally ushered in a stage of rapid development because it swallowed up many worlds.

The collision and fusion of various cultivation civilizations, the fusion of the rules of heaven and earth, the surge of aura, the world has become wider.

When there are more cultivation resources, countless masters will rise up, and cultivation will become easier. This is the so-called one person gets it, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.Now this is a world that attains the Tao, and the creatures in the whole world are naturally rising along with the world.

Without the restriction of the world level, masters have become higher, the strong have become stronger, the weak have become strong, and the prehistoric world has become a prosperous world of cultivation.

Within the first ten thousand years, the number of immortals doubled. In the prehistoric times, immortals became ordinary people, and the number of immortals has begun to flood.

In the first Yuanhui, the number of Xuanxians has doubled. The Xuanxians who used to be extremely noble are not even a master now. Among ten thousand people, there is one Xuanxian.

In the first generation ([-] million years), golden immortals began to flood, and the golden immortals who basically achieved immortality and the beginning of immortality can only be regarded as a small master.

In the first era ([-] billion years), masters of Da Luo Jinxian surged wildly. In today's prehistoric world, beyond the years, the number of junior five-dimensional life Da Luo Jinxian who allows me to roam is hundreds of millions, like the stars in the sky, inexhaustible.

Within the first Yan Dynasty (6000 trillion years), the number of quasi-sages has increased greatly, and the era of quasi-sages everywhere is no longer just a dream.Moreover, the number of Hunyuan powerhouses has also exceeded [-]. Although it is not as good as those big worlds that have developed countless epochs and has nearly a thousand Hunyuan powerhouses, the development time of the prehistoric is relatively short, and such progress is not bad. up.

A Yanji is basically the lifespan of an ordinary Great Thousand World.

During this period of time, Yuanshi has seen countless worlds destroyed, and if he fails to become a golden immortal, he will be destroyed with the era of calamity and return to chaos.

Countless civilizations, including technological civilization, martial arts civilization, comprehension civilization, elf civilization, corpse civilization, ghost civilization, magic civilization, witchcraft civilization, etc., were all destroyed along with the world in the great calamity of the era.No matter how powerful the development is, once it fails to transcend the world, it will be destroyed along with the world.

Yuan Shi watched the world repeat itself in chaos, a new civilization emerged, and a new era opened.

The three thousand small worlds are one small thousand worlds, the three thousand small thousand worlds are one middle thousand worlds, the three thousand middle worlds are one large thousand worlds, and the three thousand great thousand worlds converge into one chaotic world of gods and demons.The more advanced the world is, the more advanced the Tao is, and the territory is vast, and the number of worlds it rules also increases.

Honghuang has now integrated many worlds, and its affiliated worlds are even more numerous, as numerous as stars, and the heavens and universes. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the world of Hengsha.

In these worlds, few can truly last forever.Yuan Shi watched worlds being destroyed and then reborn, and civilizations emerged and then fell into desolation.

The more you see, the more you will know, the more truths you will understand, and the strength will naturally increase.His figure became more and more illusory, and his strength became more and more terrifying.

The word "empty" in Yuanshi Yin was also completely refined into the body by Yuanshi to enhance his strength. His strength soared and he directly reached the consummation of the sky, saving several Yanji time. His comprehension of the original law of space , even reaching the apex directly.In his Da Luo Tian, ​​the space has been greatly expanded and it has become stronger. Yuan Shi estimated that it would be difficult for even a strong Tianjun to break through.

In this first Yan Era, Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother also returned after a long time, but it is a pity that Hongjun is still in control of the world today, and Hongjun today naturally does not care about these two messes. A strong man in the early Yuan Dynasty.

What's more, during this period of time, Honghuang has added a strong man in the Dao of Heaven, who is Yuanshi's cheap apprentice, Taixuan!

Taixuan walked out of his Taixuan Dao, completely broke through the realm of heaven, and attracted the catastrophe of the Dao, but this time his Calamity of the Dao was not as powerful as the one that Yuanshi passed last time. Although the creatures transformed by the rules of the Dao are powerful, they still They are all within the acceptable range, and the last three thousand demon gods also appeared, but most of their strengths are the same as before. Only Pangu and Yuanshi surpassed the realm of heaven.

But even so, Taixuan survived this catastrophe with a narrow escape, his body was smashed to pieces countless times, and in the end, only a drop of blood and a bone remained, and he was resurrected again.

In the end, after the catastrophe, he finally became a powerful Tianzun in the Celestial Realm.

Taixuan breaks through, and the Tianzun powerhouses of the three worlds of Wangu, Eternity, and Xuanhuang join hands to prevent Taixuan's breakthrough, because they don't want to add another Tianzun powerhouse to the prehistoric world, which will be a disaster for the three-party world. .

Unfortunately, in the end, Yuanshi made a move and fought with three consummated experts and two late-stage experts. After fighting for several years, after Yuanshi killed the Heaven Swallowing Demon Lord, Taixuan broke through, and the four of them spontaneously broke through. Knowing that the overall situation had been decided and could not be changed, he withdrew.

Although Taixuan survived the catastrophe, he was also seriously injured, and his avenue still needs to be strengthened, so he went back to retreat.

Ten thousand years later, in the chaotic Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi summoned Taixuan. Ever since Taixuan crossed the catastrophe, Yuanshi noticed his difference, and this time he was called to inquire about the situation.

In the depths of the endless mountain, amidst the clouds and mist, a thatched hut is suspended between the clouds and mist.

An ordinary small hut is full of quaint vicissitudes, as if it has witnessed countless years and left traces of history.

In front of the hut is a short and vigorous peach blossom tree. The red peach blossom petals are flying down, colorful, and a layer of red carpet is laid on the ground. Two orioles are chirping and cheering on the peach blossom tree.

Under the peach blossom tree, there is a stone table. The stone table is not big, only one foot in diameter. There are three stone benches around the stone table.

At this moment, Yuan Shi was sitting on a stone bench in white clothes. Opposite him was Tai Xuan.

On the stone table in front of them, two glasses of wine were placed in front of them.The wine in the wine glass is like two pieces of beautiful and crystal amber, one half is red and the other half is green.The red one contains the meaning of the world of mortals. Inside, it seems that you can feel all kinds of tastes in the world, including joy, bitterness, love, tragedy... an intoxicating atmosphere.

And that green is like emerald bamboo and jasper, and it contains the breath of heaven, which is filled with three thousand roads, rolling road rhyme, which makes people yearn for.

The world of mortals is all in a glass of wine.

Only this glass of wine is no less than the world's most top-level magic medicine Dao fruit. Just this glass of wine can make an ordinary person break through the Hunyuan. He doesn't need any Tao, because there are ten thousand Taos in the wine, he doesn't need Comprehension, because the wine contains the understanding of the mortal world, he does not need any Dao heart, because the pure breath of heaven in it can keep him in the original heart all the time.

This fine wine is called Zui Hongchen!
This is Yuanshi's collection of countless top-level magical medicines and Dao fruits in the world, brewing them with unique Dao methods, putting them in the world to absorb the energy of the world, and finally purifying them, and warming them with infinite Dao fire.

Such a good wine is here, but it's a pity that neither of them pay attention to this wine at the moment. Yuan Shi looked at Taixuan, just watching quietly, Taixuan's face was indifferent, and he dealt with it calmly.

After a long time, Yuan Shi opened his mouth and said, "Who are you?"

"I am Taixuan!" Taixuan said without any hesitation.

"You know, I'm not talking about this, but about your identity before reincarnation." Yuan Shi said lightly.

Taixuan was silent and didn't speak for a long time. He felt a little uneasy in his heart, wondering how Yuanshi would deal with him after he knew his identity.

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I probably guessed something. You are the Lord of Taixuan Palace."

Yuan Shi directly spoke out his guess.In fact, he had already guessed in his heart, since Taixuan saw the Taixuan Remnant Plaque, all kinds of extraordinary performances revealed his close connection with Taixuan Palace.

It is impossible to be able to cultivate to the heavenly realm with a piece of broken plaque. The broken plaque has also been enlightened at the beginning of the year, and it does contain a trace of Dao rhyme from a strong person in the heavenly realm, but it is not that exaggerated.In this way, there is only one possibility, Taixuan recalled something with the help of the residual plaque, and his own practice is enough, so he naturally cultivated more quickly.

"How do you know?" Taixuan's body shook, a little shocked.

 That's all for tonight, have a great weekend everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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