My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 392 The Four Great Gods

Chapter 392 The Nine Gods
"How did you know?"

Seeing Taixuan's reaction like this, Yuan Shi smiled slightly, showing such an expression, he said: "Don't forget, I found the remnant plaque on the palace gate."

Hearing this, Taixuan was stunned. He thought that Yuanshi had received other information after he got the fragmentary plaque. With Yuanshi's cultivation in the Heavenly Dao Realm, he could guess his identity by contacting these information. It is indeed possible.

Now that his identity has been discovered, he no longer hides it. When he broke through to the Heavenly Realm, most of his memories of his previous life were restored. Dang even said calmly: "Yes, I am Taixuan, the master of Taixuan Palace!"

"The Taixuan Palace in the Eternal Realm?" Yuan Shi raised his eyebrows and said.

"Yes, it is the Eternal Realm. There was a great war in the Eternal Realm. This great war swept across the sky. The nine great gods, thousands of heavenly monarchs, and tens of thousands of heavenly gods were all involved. My Taixuan Palace was one of them. I was destroyed in that battle, so I was destroyed in that battle, and now I am reborn in the lower realm." Taixuan smiled wryly, and said, with palpitations, fear, hatred and other expressions flashing in his eyes, which can be described as extremely complicated.

After hearing this, Yuanshi fell silent. He heard a lot of news from Taixuan's words. He didn't care why Taixuan was able to be reincarnated from the enemy. You know, when those people fight, their souls will be scattered as soon as they make a move. It can be regarded as a real death, but Taixuan can reincarnate, obviously he is also a person with a secret.

What he pays attention to is the news about the Eternal Realm. The first is that the Eternal Realm is at war, and the second is the terrifying power in the Eternal Realm. What a desperate strength, you must know that even Yuan Shi is only a strong Tianzun now, tens of thousands of Tianzun, what is that concept?What's more, there is a stronger Tianjun, God.

After a long time, Yuan Shi opened his mouth and said, "Let me introduce the situation of the Eternal Realm."

"The Eternal Realm? That is a goal that all ascetics pursue in their lives, and it is also a place of despair. The vastness of the Eternal Realm is beyond imagination, and the creation of the Eternal Realm is coveted. The beginning is also the end of all worlds, and some people call it the only real world. Eternal world..."

Next, Yuanshi also got some basic information about the Eternal Realm from Taixuan, which was more detailed than Xuanyu's original description, for example, which nine are the nine gods, and who are the powerful ones in the Eternal Realm? Influence, what places of creation are there in the eternal world, and so on.

Of course, Taixuan didn't dare to call the names of the nine gods directly, he just said the title of the god, but even so, he had to bow his hands in the distance to show respect.Obviously, these gods, when they reached that level, they could sense it when others read their names.

In general, Yuan Shi heard a lot of interesting things from his mouth. Although the eternal world is more cruel, there are also many good fortunes.Such as the place of origin, the secret treasure of Taoism, the eternal holy mountain, the sea of ​​creation, the road of chasing the way, the ancient battlefield, etc., even the strong gods are still moved.

But what interested Yuanshi the most was a song:
"There are three thousand ways in eternity, and there are nine heavenly gods that cannot be reversed by reincarnation;

In the beginning of chaos, talk about Hongmeng, and the beginning of chaos in one breath;

The lord of the Taichen Palace was stunned, and the darkness suddenly appeared in the eternal night sky;
The Dao sea is boundless and boundless, the reality is a dream, the Dao is magical;

The sea of ​​blood turned upside down and the world was chaotic, and the demon slaughtered the common people;

If you tell the heavens who is at ease, don't ask the group of jade and snow red dust! "

There is no doubt that this is a ballad about the nine gods of the eternal world, and the people described in the ballad are the nine gods.From it, Yuan Shi also knew the title of Nine Heavenly Lords.

Primordial God, Prehistoric God, Taichen God, Dark God, Infinite God, Dream God, Demon God, Blood God God, and Red Dust God!
"This prehistoric God is..." Yuan Shi caught the most interested one and asked Tian Xuan.

"The Primordial God is one of the oldest Gods in the Eternal Realm. He lives in the Hunyuan Heaven. He is the earliest existence to become a God. His strength is unfathomable. He is also known as the founding Yuanling. The four disciples under his seat are all perfect and strong. They are Hong Jun, Hun Kun, Nu Wa, and Lu Ya. There are hundreds of Heavenly Monarchs and thousands of Heavenly Lords under his command. The sphere of influence includes hundreds of Daozhou..."

Taixuan also knew why Yuanshi was interested in this, because this world is called Honghuang, and there are also Hongjun, Hun Kun, Nuwa and Lu Ya in this world. If there is any relationship between them, he himself does not believe it.

"The Great God, Hongjun... Interesting, interesting!" Yuan Shi said a few words silently, and said suddenly.

"God's disciples all ran to the lower realm, and I don't know what they are planning. I don't know what will happen if their clones all die in the lower realm?"

Yuan Shi suddenly smiled and said, since even the disciples of the Lord are going to fight for something in the lower realm, it is naturally impossible for Yuan Shi to let them get what they want, and he also wants to intervene.

His smile made Taixuan shudder. From Yuanshi's smile, Taixuan felt that he had malicious intentions. At this time, he was full of sympathy for Hongjun and others, because he knew that since Yuanshi made up his mind, Hongjun Jun and others are doomed to be unlucky.

"Also...the previous Wutian Demon Lord, Creation Heavenly Venerable, Nether Ghost Immortal, and Eternal Heavenly Emperor are probably related to the Nine Great Heavenly Lords. I don't believe that this world will come to the chaos of the wilderness by itself. Nine worlds, nine gods, if there is no connection among them, it is impossible to justify." Yuan Shi suddenly said indifferently.

"This...I don't know."

Taixuan was startled, this is very possible, in this way, isn't their performance under the monitoring of the Nine Great Gods?What about his enemies?Taixuan felt bad all of a sudden.

Tai Xuan could think of it, and Yuan Shi could naturally think of it, but he didn't feel the feeling of being watched by others. It could not be ruled out that the enemy's strength was beyond imagination, which he could not perceive, but Yuan Shi was more inclined to be his. Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Yuan Shiyin cut off that kind of prying power.

So, here comes the question again, what are these high gods doing to bring these worlds together?At least it won't be full, just manipulate a few worlds casually, let us fight to the death, let's show them a show.God is not so boring.Therefore, there must be some secrets in this chaos that Yuanshi didn't know.

What is the secret that can make Jiutianzhu care so much.It's a pity that they did the calculations, but they didn't count the variable of Yuanshi, otherwise the prehistoric world would have been destroyed long ago.The Nine Heavenly Lords use the Nine Great Worlds as the battlefield, as a game, it is really a good way!

Yuanshi's eyes were slightly cold, I'm not here, this matter has nothing to do with me, but since I met him, this matter will not be so simple, no matter what secret, he will have a foot in it.

At this moment, all of Yuan Shi's thoughts were fully functioning, thinking of many possibilities, but unfortunately, because of too little information, he couldn't draw too many conclusions.

However, at least now that I know, keeping a close eye on Hongjun and the others will definitely yield unexpected gains, they must know the secret, this is not wrong.

So, what needs to be done now is to merge the nine worlds into one?

Judging from the current situation, this is an inevitable trend. Perhaps, only when the nine worlds merge to determine the strongest, the secret will appear.

"I still have three worlds in my hands. In this way, the control is still in my hands? Do you want to attack one world again, so that I can have a bigger bargaining chip?" Yuan Shi thought together.

However, he didn't express this thought, and after a slight thought, he turned his gaze to Taixuan again, saying:

"What should you do now? Do you want to rebuild Taixuan Palace, or..."

(End of this chapter)

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