My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 393 The Gods Gather Again at Zixiao Palace

Chapter 393 The Gods Gather Again at Zixiao Palace (Part [-])

"Me? I don't know either."

Facing Yuanshi's question, Taixuan said a little confused.Logically speaking, he should rebuild the Taixuan Palace. However, the original Taixuan Palace has been destroyed, his disciples have been killed and injured, and his enemies don't know what's going on. Is it really good to rebuild the Tianxuan Palace?
However, after all, he was once a strong Tianjun. Even if he returned from reincarnation and his cultivation had not recovered, he was not comparable to ordinary Tianzun. After a moment of confusion, he said firmly: "Teacher, I want to rebuild Taixuan Palace."

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Yuanshi's mouth. Since Taixuan called him that, it meant that he still recognized Yuanshi as a teacher.Nothing else matters, this is enough.

So what about the strong Tianjun, Yuanshi is confident that he can achieve it in the near future.It is nothing to accept a strong Tianjun as a disciple. Besides, if there is no Yuanshi, whether Taixuan can awaken the memory of his previous life is another matter. From this aspect, Yuanshi is not just a friend who knows Taixuan. Well, the grace of preaching is so simple.

At this moment Taixuan has not left Yuxu Palace, but he knows that this kindness will always be with him for the rest of his life.

"Do whatever you want, I won't stop you, you just need to remember to follow your own heart." Yuan Shi said lightly, he taught his disciples, and he would not interfere with the path chosen by the disciples, his disciples , and some are still cannibalistic monsters, such as the golden-winged roc.

"Thank you teacher!" Taixuan thanked excitedly.He thought Yuan Shi would stop him, but he didn't expect Yuan Shi to agree so readily.

"When I traveled through the chaos, I met a man who claimed to be Xuan Yu, the ninth disciple of the Taixuan Palace. I wonder if he belongs to you?" Yuan Shi nodded and said suddenly.

"Xuan Yu? Xiao Jiu is still alive?"

Taixuan was shocked when he heard the words, and then there was excitement in his eyes. He thought that after his death, Taixuan Palace would be completely destroyed. He didn't expect to hear news about his apprentice Xuanyu here in Yuanshi.Xuan Yu is his youngest apprentice, and he has the shortest time to teach him, and his cultivation level is also the weakest among all the disciples, and he is also the one he is most worried about.

"Well, in this way, he should be your person. It is predestined to say that I got the news of the Eternal Realm from this Xuan Yu." Yuan Shi nodded.

"Then... Master, do you know the news about Xiaojiu?" Taixuan asked anxiously, now Xuanyu and himself may be the only two people left in Taixuan Palace, so he couldn't help being excited.

"Don't worry, I have already sent him a message. He will come here in a short time, and you will see each other later." Yuan Shi said without any haste.

"Thank you, Master!" Taixuan thanked.

Yuan Shi picked up the drunk red dust on the stone table and tasted it slowly. Although the wine didn't have much effect on people like him, Yuan Shi tasted it only to satisfy his appetite, and he didn't want to increase his appetite. Daoxing or something.

The flowers falling in front of the house are colorful, the flowers fade and the flowers fly all over the sky, and the clouds and clouds are all over the sky!


Ten thousand years later, Xuanyu came to Honghuang as promised. At this moment, Xuanyu's cultivation base has recovered to Hunyuan perfection, approaching the half-step heavenly realm, and the dark aura on his body has disappeared.

When Xuan Yu saw Tai Xuan, it could be said that a fellow countryman saw a fellow countryman, with tears in his eyes.


"Little Nine."


"Little Nine."



After being excited for a while, the two woke up, hugged each other and cried bitterly, and then went somewhere to chat. Anyway, Yuan Shi didn't care about these things.

What he was thinking about now was Hongjun's purpose. Just now, Hongjun sent another message, inviting Yuanshi and others to gather in Zixiao Palace to discuss important matters.Yuanshi guessed what Hongjun's plan was, and it was nothing more than preparing to start a world war, devouring the other three worlds to strengthen the prehistoric world.

The ultimate secret, and only at the end will it be revealed.

And at the end of this place, I am afraid that it will be the time when the nine worlds unite, but naturally everything will appear.

However, Yuan Shi didn't like the feeling of being led by others, so he felt that he needed to do something, at least he had some initiative in his hands.

Since Hongjun is so anxious to destroy other worlds, then Yuanshi must not let him down.But in the end who merges with whom is another matter.

A hundred years later, Yuanshi took Taishang, Tongtian, Taixuan, and many members of Yuxu's family and headed towards Zixiao Palace, the highest and most desolate palace in the world today.

After a Yanji practice, and Yuanshi opened a few small stoves, everyone's cultivation has improved. Both Taishang and Tongtian have already reached the half-step heavenly realm, and many other disciples have also entered the middle and late stages of Hunyuan. The reputation of Yuxu Palace has flourished in this chaos, and no one knows it, no one knows it.

It's hard for others to know who made them stand against the teacher of a powerful Tianzun.

A group of people stepped directly through the chaos, a golden road appeared, and the phantoms of the stars appeared in the sky. After a short while, everyone went straight to Zixiao Palace.

When they came to Zixiao Palace, Yuanshi and others discovered that many people had already come inside, including human race, demon race, dragon race, phoenix race, unicorn race, witch race, demon race, elf race, etc. There are many powerful races in the prehistoric, powerful monks, etc. , are gathered here at this moment.

The revival of the aura of heaven and earth, and the activeness of the principles of the Dao, led to the rise of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans in the ancient war. prestige.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan is Ao Yu who was left over from the original war, and the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan controlled by Yuan Shi with Yuan Xinyin.But the strongest dragon clan at this moment is Zhulong, who is in the late Hunyuan period.

As for the Feng Clan, Feng Zu burned himself in the Nanling Volcano back then, leaving behind a fire of Nirvana. After countless years of nurturing, this time he was reborn from Nirvana and returned strongly.However, now there is no Feng Zu, only Feng Wu, who is also a strong Hunyuan, is the head of all birds in the prehistoric world today.

The Moyu Qilin of the Qilin tribe is the patriarch, and there are also several strong Hunyuan under his command, and he is also the next tyrant today.

The witch clan was led by Xuanming ancestor witch, led by Xing Tian and others, and met Chi You of the demon clan. The two clans didn't know what to talk about when they got together.

The human race is still the largest race in the prehistoric world. After the human races from other worlds merged with the prehistoric human race, the sphere of influence has greatly increased, the most widely distributed, and masters have emerged in large numbers.Although there is no Martial Ancestor Xuantian, the human race will never lack strong people.

Yuan Shi and the others were the last ones to come. When everyone saw them, they all saluted respectfully and said: "I have seen Yuan Shi Tianzun!"

Then he bowed to Taixuan and said: "I have seen Taixuan Tianzun!"

Yuanshi and Taixuan are now the second of the three great powerhouses in the Dao realm of the prehistoric world, and they are also a pair of mentors and apprentices. They are admired by everyone and many good stories have been spread.

Yuan Shi nodded lightly, and led the crowd straight to the front. When they came to the front, Hongjun, Hun Kun, Nuwa, and Lu Ya were also above. Hongjun was in the highest position, followed by the other three, sitting in a row.

Seeing the arrival of Yuan Shi and others, Hongjun said: "I have seen two fellow daoists. It is good that you are here. Please take a seat!"

Then, he made two more futons beside him, level with him.Apparently, Hongjun believed that Yuanshi and Taixuan were qualified to sit on an equal footing with him.

"I've met four fellow Taoists!" Yuan Shi nodded without refusing, came to the farthest place, and sat down cross-legged.

"I have seen fellow Taoist Hongjun, fellow Taoist Hunkun, fellow Taoist Nuwa, and Taoist Lord Lu Ya!"

Taixuan immediately bowed his hands to the four of them, and came to sit next to Yuanshi. He was also a perfect and strong Tianjun in his heyday, just like Hongjun's deity, so he was naturally qualified to sit here at this moment.

Hongjun and the other four took a deep look at Yuanshi and Taixuan, the shock in their eyes flashed away, and then they nodded slightly as an answer.

Although calm on the surface, the hearts of the four people are not calm. Yuanshi is a freak who can break through. They can understand, but who is Taixuan? The body breaks through first, what's going on?

The three of Nuwa are only one step away from the Dao Realm at this moment. If it wasn't for dealing with the Dao Tribulation, they might have already broken through. The strong Tianjun, even if he is a clone, is very extraordinary.

Immediately, the Taishang and the others also finished. Ancestor Hongjun glanced at the audience and began to say:
"The first thing I call everyone here this time is to discuss how to deal with the three worlds of Eternity, Eternity, and Xuanhuang."

(End of this chapter)

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