A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 195 Femme fatale colorless hell

Chapter 195 Femme fatale colorless hell
In this world, there are always people who don't follow the rules.

One is a rogue and the other is a strong one.

There are three kinds of evening drums in Wanhuang Temple.Although there are only eighteen strokes in each stroke, and the speed is slightly different, they are separated by a quarter of an hour.

That is, the tee drums down for at least two quarters of an hour.

And after the three-way drum passed, another quarter of an hour later, there was still a bell.

After the bell rang, Wanhuang Temple was going to close the temple gate.

Generally, pilgrims who understand the rules have already left the temple gate before the three drums.Those pilgrims who stayed overnight will also return to the guest rooms one after another.

After the bell rings, it is forbidden to walk around the temple in Wanhuang Temple.

Because, it is said that it is the ban of Wanhuang Temple.

Guan Xiong knew about this, so Su Mo and Guan Xiong had already booked a room for the night.

At this time, the drum sounded three links.

Most of the pilgrims, regardless of immortals, either go down the mountain by themselves or return to the guest room.However, there were a few female monks who refused to leave.

When they enter the world, they may be strong; when they are born, they are rogues.Because all the experts are outside the world.

Those were the female nuns who molested the little monk who was watching the door during the day.

The courtyard was empty, and four people stood in the center.

Next to them, there are two older lay Buddhists who are trying to persuade them.

"Four female benefactors, we do not have any guest rooms here. The three-tone drum has already sounded, and the bell will ring in half a quarter of an hour. I hope the female benefactors will go down the mountain early." One of the lay priests said.

"Heck! What's the rush?" the yellow-clothed woman Xiujiao smiled, "We sisters are really tired and exhausted now. It's easy to go up the mountain, but it's hard to go down the mountain. It's getting late at dusk. Layman, how do you want us to go down the mountain?"

"That's right, the Buddhist school is compassionate. Layman, please take pity on our sisters!" said the female nun in green.

"Four female benefactors, it's not that we are unreasonable and don't read compassion. It's just that the Fa conference is approaching, and the guest rooms are full, so there is no room for them." Another layman patiently persuaded.

"It doesn't matter!" During the day, the pink-clothed female nun who suffered from the janitor monk smiled and said, "If the bedroom of the little master is spacious, our sisters can build a floor bunk."

"That's right! That's right. Our sisters are not picky. We just ask for a master or layman to take us in for a night, and the little girl will definitely repay her well." The woman in red covered her mouth with a smile, her eyes were winking and her eyes were full of glances.

The other three also begged coquettishly at the same time, exhorting endlessly.

At this time, there were more than a dozen Southern Region monks who hadn't entered the guest room, some of them could not help but frown slightly, and some were a little bit coveted.

However, they didn't dare to provoke the female cultivators of the Bliss Palace easily.Those female cultivators are all femme fatales.

Su Mo and Guan Xiong sneered in their hearts.It seems that these female cultivators are still determined.However, Guan Xiong's eyes were not idle.

Don't look at it for nothing!

These female cultivators are all late-stage or even consummated monks.

Bliss Palace is full of kung fu, so charming to the bone, is it any different?
Those two laymen are all mortals.

At this moment, with the faint fragrance in the nostrils and the soft words in their ears, they felt a little turbulent and couldn't hold on.


The two lay monks stared blankly at the beauty in front of them, their eyes slurred.

"Hehehehehehehehe" the female cultivators laughed coquettishly, showing their coquettishness.

In the eyes of the two lay Buddhists, hallucinations even appeared: the four nuns seemed to be taking off their clothes.

But at this moment, someone recited a verse: "May the sound of this bell surpass the Dharma Realm, and everyone in the dark around the iron enclosure can hear it. The dust of the smell is pure and perfect, and all sentient beings will become enlightened."

Immediately, Sanskrit echoed.


The big bell in Wanhuang Temple rang for the first time.

Hong Zhong knocked for the first time, and Baogao chanted loudly.Go up to heaven and go down to hell. ...

The Hong sound echoed, and the gatha was sung loudly, resounding through the entire Wanhuang Temple, and even the entire Wanhuang Peak.Hearing the sound of the bell, everyone's hearts and souls were shaken, and all distracting thoughts were eliminated.

The two lay monks who were still a little bit excited just now straightened their bodies instantly, with serious expressions on their faces.At the same time, the two recited the Buddha's name silently, feeling ashamed in their hearts.

At this time, all the monks also restrained their minds.

The Buddha's voice echoed, purifying the mind.

Su Mo and Guan Xiong were all pure about it.Su Mo's expression was even more complicated, as if he was thinking.He seemed to have heard that bell somewhere, but Piao Miao was nowhere to be found.

That kind of power is hard to describe.

When the four female cultivators heard the bell, their expressions were also restrained, and all the charms were self-defeating.

The bell chimed one hundred and eight times.

Recite the verse three times.One sentence and one buckle.All those who hear the bell feel a sense of refuge.At this time, up and down the mountain, many believers clasped together and kowtowed upon hearing the bell.

"Get out of the sea of ​​suffering, and become enlightened!" Su Mo said silently in his heart.

Vigorous, calm down!
Clang clang -- clang --

With the sound of the bell, all the pilgrims who stayed overnight returned to the room one after another without staying any longer.Su Mo and Guan Xiong also returned to their rooms.

The lingering rhyme of the bell sounds like winding around a beam.

creaking --

The gate of Wanhuang Temple was slowly closed.

The two lay monks put their palms together and bowed to the four female cultivators. They said nothing and retreated silently.

The four female cultivators stood in the courtyard in a daze, and the awe in their hearts only increased.At that moment, they felt an unknown fear in their hearts.

At this time, there were six auras suddenly hovering in the entire Wanhuang Temple.

Two of them are two young monks closing the door, and the other four are four young monks guarding the front yard.

Six young monks and six great Nascent Soul monks.

However, that breath is fleeting.


During the day, the little monk who had been treated lightly by the female cultivator in pink said with a smile, "There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and you will be right when you turn back! Four benefactors, since you can't go down the mountain, let's spend the night in the woodshed!"

After all, the little monk pointed with one hand.

His fingertips emitted a little Buddha light.

That point of Buddha's light, fluttering like a lamp, floated directly in front of the four female nuns.

"Everyone follow the lamp, and you will arrive there, and the monk will not send you off. Remember, don't go out at night, otherwise you will go straight to hell!"

The little monk bowed to the four nuns.


Then look at the two young monks disappearing at the same time, and the remaining four auras are nowhere to be found.The entire Wanhuang Temple was as dark as ink in an instant, without night or starlight.

"Huh?" The expressions of the four nuns couldn't help but change.

That point of Buddha's light, swaying slowly, can only illuminate the land three feet in front of them.The four nuns had no choice but to follow the light of the Buddha.After going around several times, I finally arrived at a door.

Pushing open the door, it turned out to be a woodshed.The inside is fairly tidy and spacious, but there are no beds or quilts.Four people can only sit on the ground.

However, at this moment, none of the four nuns spoke.


The Buddha's light is extinguished!

The four nuns closed the firewood door at the same time.At that moment, they felt a chill in their hearts.

Because, if it weren't for that bit of Buddha's light just now, although they are monks in the late stage of foundation establishment and Dzogchen, they feel that they will never be able to get to the woodshed.

In the darkness, there seemed to be many invisible creatures peeping at them.

That feeling is too scary.

Actually, it's not just them.That was the feeling that all the monks who stayed in Wanhuang Temple felt.

After the evening drum and evening bell, the Wanhuang Temple seems to have changed the world.

(End of this chapter)

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