A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 196 Introducing Butterfly Fragrance!terrible scream

Chapter 196 Introducing Butterfly Fragrance!terrible scream
The day is like a Buddha world, and the night is like hell.

The night in Wanhuang Temple is absolutely abnormal.

At this moment, there is no trace of Buddha energy here, which is very different from that in the daytime.A mysterious and terrifying atmosphere filled the entire front yard.

No one wanted to step out of the guest room, especially the monk.Because they can perceive everything that ordinary people cannot perceive.

Many mortals have already fallen asleep through the night.

If you push the door open, within one step, you will be hell.

Su Mo frowned and looked at Guan Xiong and asked, "What's going on?"

The change in Wanhuang Temple gave Su Mo an ominous premonition.

At this time, Guan Xiong also frowned and shook his head, while looking out through the window: "Su Mo, this is also the first time I live in Wanhuang Temple. This temple is really weird!"

"What? Can't you dissipate your spiritual consciousness?" Su Mo asked.Because, Su Mo's soul-transforming consciousness seems to have been lost in the night of Wanhuang Temple.

All Su Mo could perceive was boundless darkness.

"I guess we're in the same situation!" Guan Xiong said with a wry smile, "My consciousness seems to be being led into darkness by an inexplicable force. I can't see anything."

"That kind of power is an unknown." Guan Xiong secretly took a breath.

Because, he has never encountered such a situation on the Bone Continent.At the same time, Guan Xiong's interest in Wanhuang Temple increased greatly.Back then, he had never encountered such a thing.

When Su Mo heard Guan Xiong's words, he couldn't help being surprised.

Because Guan Xiong is a god.God Tribulation is the topmost existence in the Bone Continent.

Although the other monks also felt a little strange, they were full of respect for Wanhuang Temple and most of them dared not explore.Anyway, there was no worry in the room, no one disturbed, so they fell asleep one after another.

At this time, the four nuns in the firewood room were sleepless.Because, they came to Wanhuang Temple with a mission.

"Elder Sister, don't you think the night is strange and creepy?" the nun in green asked.

"Indeed!" The pink-clothed female cultivator responded with a frown. "There seemed to be something following us just now, but they were afraid of that bit of Buddha's light and dared not approach."

"Then what shall we do?" the female cultivator in yellow asked, "Shall we go out?"

The elder sister in pink frowned and said nothing, while the woman in red said, "I think we should not go out, this Wanhuang Temple is too weird. Didn't the little monk just say that you can't go out at night, or you will go straight to hell?"

"But, Elder Guo's task, we haven't finished yet?" the nun in yellow asked.

"Hmph!" At this time, the elder sister in pink couldn't help but sneered, "I think that the task that Elder Guo gave us probably didn't have good intentions. I tried that little monk during the day, but I couldn't get close at all, and suffered a dark loss. "

"Wanhuang Temple, known as the three hundred yuan infants, is not a joke." The pink-clothed female cultivator frowned, "Our charm skills can't move her heart and soul at all. The bell at dusk makes me even more uneasy .”

"In my opinion, it would be useless for Elder Guo to come by himself. If you get a monk, if you fail to achieve dual cultivation, it will probably cost the lives of our sisters. If the Nascent Soul is angry, the four of us will be wiped out in an instant."

The elder sister in pink was right, the other three female cultivators nodded and remained silent.

"However, it doesn't seem easy for us to spend the night like this." The female cultivator in yellow said worriedly, "Elder Guo blamed it, it's not easy."

The punishment in the Bliss Palace is very cruel.

"Hehe!" Senior Sister Fenyi laughed, "Third Sister is right. However, if we sisters don't go out, it doesn't mean that we can't attract men. Just now, among those monks, I think there are many people who lack xinxing."

"This firewood room is spacious. If we can invite a few of them, first, we sisters can enjoy the spring night. Two, they can also stop Elder Guo's mouth. Third, if they can't walk to the firewood room, we will Let's also see what's weird in the night of Wanhuang Temple."

"Elder Sister, you are absolutely right!" The other three female cultivators agreed.

So, the four of them looked at each other and smiled.

Look again, the four nuns each took out a long incense stick from the storage bag.However, the color of the long fragrance of the four people is not the same.

The four colors of pink, red, yellow, and green are exactly the same as their clothes.

That is the secret method of the Palace of Bliss, which is specially used to attract bees and butterflies.That kind of fragrance is very peculiar and has a strong aphrodisiac effect.Those who lack xinxing will not be able to hold on to themselves after taking a sip.

The fragrance is divided into four colors, because each person's fragrance is infused with their own aura.Those who smell different fragrances will find different nuns to have sex with, but they will not be interested in other nuns.

Bliss Palace specializes in these, so it is extremely powerful and specialized.On the Bone Continent, I don't know how many male cultivators have been sucked into medicine dregs by them.

Those four female cultivators are all high-ranking foundation-building monks, and they are also prostitutes on weekdays, so they naturally don't want to have a bad night.

The little monk can't get it, if there is someone who takes the bait, it's better than nothing.

chi chi-

Four people lit the butterfly incense at the same time.


At the same time, the four of them blew lightly.

The fragrance wafted directly into Wanhuang Temple along the crack of the door.

It has to be said that the secret method of bliss is extraordinary.

The Butterfly Fragrance can float in a radius of hundreds of feet, and gradually disperse and condense, it will not completely follow the wind, nor will it gather at one point.Four sticks of incense, in four colors, spread out slowly in the dark night of Wanhuang Temple, and went straight to each guest room.


Su Mo and Guan Xiong have the strongest spiritual sense.

Both of them were meditating in the guest room, but a faint fragrance came.

The two couldn't help opening their eyes, and then looked at each other.

"Hey! Yin Die Xiang!" Guan Xiong lifted his nose and said laughingly, "You really deserve to be a female cultivator in the Palace of Bliss. Buddhism is a pure place, and you dare to seek pleasure?"

Guan Xiong took two deep breaths, making a face full of intoxication.

"It's really sweet! It's a pity that Guan Ye is not interested tonight. Otherwise, I will fight them for three hundred rounds. Ha!"

The Butterfly Fragrance is useless to Guan Xiong and Su Mosi.Because their realm is too high.

If the monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul are impure in heart, they may be disturbed by it for a while.However, for Soul Transformation and Divine Tribulation, they have no effect at all.

"It seems that there will be a good show in a while!" Guan Xiong laughed.Because, he knew that there were many low-level monks living in the guest rooms of the entire Wanhuang Temple.

If people below Yuanying do not have secret methods and magic weapons, unless they are extremely determined, it will be difficult for them not to be tempted by the Butterfly Fragrance.

Su Mo, on the other hand, didn't have much to say.

He just wanted to see what was in the night.

At this time, the most painful and the happiest are the monks in other rooms.Especially those male cultivators who covet beauty during the day.

When the aroma enters the nose, hallucinations are instantly produced.

Four-color beauties come floating in.Take off your clothes and belts, winking with seductive eyes.Yindiexiang directly confused their consciousness.The lowest level of those who can come to participate in the God's Day Ceremony in the southern region of the Bone Continent is the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

However, these monks could not resist Yindiexiang.


There was a sound of the door, and five or six monks pushed the door straight out.They looked intoxicated, as if they were sleepwalking, and went straight to the direction of the woodshed in the front yard.


Suddenly, a shrill and terrifying scream spread throughout the night.

(End of this chapter)

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