Chapter 977

Sea Desolation God Continent, the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

Su Mo couldn't believe what he saw.Because the Three Realms are long gone.Back then, Amu made the nine coffins merge into one, and then broke the causal roulette.

Since then, the Three Realms have ceased to exist.And the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms was already shattered when Murong Huang woke up with Lihen's physical body.

The Three Realms are in the past, how can they come again?

Su Mo took a deep breath.

In fact, he was wondering if this was a strange illusion.It's just that he was concentrating and meditating, and even opened the magic pupil, but everything around him didn't change in the slightest.

Everything in front of me should not be an illusion.

It seems that he returned to the former Three Realms through the dark tunnel before, just like he and Ye Wuhui returned to the Red Star Realm millions of years ago through the infinite ship.

Thinking of this, Su Mo's mood became a little eager.

Perhaps, in this world, he can still see those people in his memory.For example, Mr. Wen.Perhaps, then you can get their dao shadows.

Su Mo remembered the black hole before, so would Murong Haiqing also return to the Three Realms?Thinking of this, Su Mo didn't hesitate any longer, and went straight to the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

Su Mo's realm and cultivation are all there.

However, he failed to reach the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms in one step, but moved three times in a row before reaching beyond the Holy Mountain.The Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, just like before, stands majestically.

However, the strange thing is that Su Mo didn't perceive any magic circle.At the same time, he stood on the opposite side of the ice peak, and he didn't see the iron chain formed by the sea and white dragon.

Between the two mountains, the clouds are tumbling, but there are no iron chains.

Of course, with Su Mo's current state, no amount of restraining circles could stop him.He went up to the holy mountains of the Three Realms, like walking on flat ground.On the opposite side of the holy mountain, he stopped for a while, and then stepped up to the holy mountain in one step.

Although Su Mo is not as familiar with the Three Realms of the Holy Mountain as the people of the sea, he is not unfamiliar.After all, the entire Three Realms were once in his heart.

What's more, Murong Huang had been lurking in Lihen's body for a long time.

When he arrived at the holy mountain, Su Mo's spiritual consciousness explored carefully again.However, there seemed to be no one on the entire holy mountain.Su Mo directly entered the cave where Lihen's body was sealed.

The furnishings in the cave are exactly the same as those in those days, and there is a Tianchi on the top of the cave.However, the Tianchi Lake was empty, and there was no Lihen's physical body at all.

"Huh?" Su Mo frowned.what is happening?This is clearly the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, but why is there nothing?
Su Mo turned around, left this cave, and ran to several other caves.However, all caves are the same.Not seeing anyone, not seeing anything in particular.

However, when Su Mo turned to the back mountain, he suddenly found a line of words on a piece of bluestone: The stars change, things are different.

Judging from the color of that line of writing, it doesn't seem like it took long to write.

Murong Haiqing's handwriting!
Because, this handwriting is exactly the same as the handwriting in Leng Yu's tomb.It seems that Murong Haiqing has already arrived here first, and the situation he encountered should be the same as that of Su Mo.

Murong Haiqing also didn't see anything, otherwise, he wouldn't have written such words.

This Holy Mountain of the Three Realms is indeed the same but different from the original one.The four words "things are people and people are not people" are indeed very appropriate.

Su Mo turned around and found nothing else.

So, he directly left the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

Murong Haiqing must still be in this world.This is what Su Mo expected.Therefore, when Su Mo came out of the holy mountain, he crossed his legs in the void, and then dispersed his consciousness with all his strength.

Today, Su Mo is already a Lian Shi.

His spiritual consciousness can completely cover the entire three realms: the Sea Desolation Divine Continent, the Shura Demon Continent, and the Immeasurable Heaven Continent.In theory, he could see everything clearly if he wanted to.

This point, even when he was the Hades, he was able to do it.So, it's even easier now.

However, this time Su Mo encountered an obstacle.

He couldn't tell why.In the whole world, everything seemed to be absorbing his consciousness.His divine sense can only detect a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

It seems that in this world, Su Mo's abilities are inexplicably restricted.

However, Su Mo has also encountered such a situation.Therefore, he is not flustered.Simply, he headed south all the way to the Arctic Fairy Sea.

However, Su Mo did not stop when he arrived at the Arctic Fairy Sea.Because the conditions of the Arctic Fairy Sea and the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms are exactly the same.

There didn't seem to be any monks in the whole cold plain.

Soon, Su Mo arrived at the hometown of the Northern Cold Sect.The five peaks of Tongtian, Tianzi, Wangnan, Sunset, and Zhenbei are all there, but there are still no monks.

Su Mo then went west.

Because, the western part of the Northern Wilderness in the Sea Desolate Divine Continent was once under the control of the Tianhuang Gate.The former Great Murong Dynasty was located in the western part of the Northern Wilderness.

Apart from the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, that is a place where Murong Haiqing might go back, after all Murong Haiqing was once the princess of the Great Murong Dynasty.

Also, even Su Mo wanted to see if there were any ruins of Taihuang here.After all, both the Great Murong Dynasty and the Tianhuang Sect are the power of the Taihuang Sect.

All the way west!
Finally, Su Mo felt that the world was no longer empty.Because, as soon as he arrived at the territory of the Great Murong Dynasty, he discovered the existence of monks and even mortals.

This made Su Mo very happy.

This at least shows that this world is not really empty, but there are living beings.However, Su Mo only sensed their existence, but didn't really go for a walk.

Because those are not the purpose of Su Mo's trip.

The monks of the Great Murong Dynasty are nothing but spiritual monks of the Three Realms.Unless there is something related to Taihuang, Su Mo doesn't plan to stay longer.

Su Mo is already a Lian Shi, and looking at everything in the current Great Murong Dynasty, it seems that countless worlds are separated.

Immortals look at ants, really tasteless.

The feeling of intimacy is seldom, more strange, and even Su Mo doesn't remember that the Great Murong Dynasty he saw existed in that year.

Because, looking at the lifespan of the entire Great Murong Dynasty, it is also a moment for Su Mo.

He still didn't find Murong Haiqing.

At this time, Su Mo landed in a valley.Because, he once walked through this valley with Mr. Wen.However, not long after he landed, he turned a corner, and a monk suddenly walked towards him.

The monk, dressed in green, was dressed like a scribe.Judging by age, it's only around forty.A strand of long beard drifts away from the heart.

"Sir!" Su Mo couldn't help being taken aback.Because, it was none other than Wen Muran who came to meet him.And Wen Muran in front of him is not one-armed.

Wen Muran was walking leisurely, so he didn't pay attention to Su Mo at all.

At this time, when Su Mo called Mr., he couldn't help but looked around and saw no one around, and then smiled at Su Mo, "Little brother, are you calling me?"

(End of this chapter)

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