A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 978 ?????? Northerners!Different Mr. Wen

Chapter 978: Northerners!Different Mr. Wen

Wen wooden smile, polite and polite.

"Sir, you don't know me anymore?" Su Mo said.

"Huh?" Wen Muran looked a little embarrassed, "Forgive me, I really can't remember when I met my little brother."

When Su Mo heard this, his heart trembled slightly.

Because, this kind of thing is just unbelievable.How could Wen Muran not remember himself?Now, he looks like Xiao Luo back then, and Wen Muran will remember him even after reincarnation.

"You, are you Mr. Wen?" Su Mo asked tentatively.

"That's right! In the following, Muran, may I ask your brother's name?" Wen Muran clasped his fists at Su Mo.

"I'm Xiao Luo!" Su Mo said.

"Xiao Luo?" Wen Muran listened to Su Mo's name, and pondered for a while, as if trying hard to think when he had seen this beautiful monk.

Su Mo's face is like a monster, if he has seen such a character, he will never forget it.However, he can be sure that he must not know this young man.

"Are you from the Northland too?" Wen Muran asked Su Mo.

"Northern country?" Su Mo couldn't help being slightly taken aback.Because, in his memory, there is no such country at all.In fact, Liu Town was in the North Country back then, but Su Mo didn't know it.

The Northland is too small for Su Mo.

"With a radius of ten thousand miles, isn't this the territory of the Great Murong Dynasty?" Su Mo asked back.

"The Great Murong Dynasty?" This time it was Wen Muran's turn to be stunned, "Brother, at first glance, you are not a local. There is no Great Murong Dynasty in the entire Northern Wilderness. The Northern Kingdom is the only immortal in the Northern Wilderness." A country that coexists. It has existed for tens of thousands of years. Except for a few fairy gates in the Northern Wilderness, the Northern Kingdom has completely unified the Northern Wilderness."

"Oh?" Su Mo was shocked.At this time, he understood a little.The current Three Realms is probably not the Three Realms I used to live in at all.

This is a time and space that is similar to the previous Three Realms, but completely different.

"Sir, I am indeed a little confused!" Su Mo apologized, "This seems to be a little different from what I understand, please enlighten me, sir!"

"I don't dare to teach you!" Wen Muran said, "But, if my brother is fine, I would like to accompany him to the city. We people in the north are very hospitable."

"Okay! Thank you, Mr. Su Mo." Su Mo nodded.At the same time, he expressed some emotion in his dull tone. He did not call himself a monk, but a native of the Northland.

What a wonderland!
This is divided according to the realm of the Three Realms back then.According to the division of Yizang's world, Wen Muran should be in the Immortal Realm.In any case, in the eyes of Su Mo today, this realm can be said to be an extremely low realm.

However, Wen Muran's body seems to have a carefree temperament.That kind of temperament was something Su Mo had never seen in Wen Muran's body before.

Wen Muran pointed forward with one hand.

"Seventy miles away is Yunqi City in the Northern Kingdom. I am going to visit an old friend in that city. If you are interested, you might as well go with me."

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded and said, "I came to your place for the first time, and I also traveled. I am not familiar with everything, so I happened to follow Mr. to see and see along the way."

Wen Muran nodded.

In fact, Su Mo didn't exist in his memory at all.At this moment, he couldn't see through Su Mo's cultivation at all, and of course he didn't care if Su Mo was a fairy or a mortal.

However, when he saw Su Mo for the first time, he felt like a good match, not to mention that the monks in the Northern Kingdom were originally hospitable.

Therefore, he walked with Su Mo all the way.

Seventy miles away, if they use spells, it can be said that they will arrive in an instant.However, Wen Muran walked leisurely and leisurely all the way, just like ordinary people.

The views on both sides are excellent.

Wen Muran was like a tour guide, giving directions and explanations to Su Mo everywhere.

Su Mo nodded beside Wen Muran and asked a few questions from time to time.

In fact, Su Mo had been to this valley before, but it was the first time for Su Mo to hear many humanistic allusions that Wen Muran talked about.At that moment, Su Mo was even in a trance for a moment.

Because, all of this is the same as it was back then.

However, when passing through this valley, Mr. Wen talked to him about the general trend of the Northern Wilderness and how to practice and advance.Today, Mr. Wen's tone is relaxed and humorous.Back then, Mr. Wen's tone was deep and sighing.

After all, it was Wen Muran's lifelong desire to cultivate Xiao Luo and rebuild the Taihuang Sect.Therefore, every minute and every moment of those years, Wen Muran was devoting himself to the Taihuang Sect and Xiao Luo.

He never belonged to himself.

However, Wen Muran in front of him is traveling in mountains and rivers, happy and carefree.He is completely different from Wen Muran back then.

Seventy way.

Su Mo followed Wen Muran until it was getting dark.

They finally arrived outside Yunqi City.

Su Mo saw this city before.However, he didn't pay much attention.At that time, it seemed that there was no such city here.Wen Muran still brought Su Mo into the city normally.

Along the way, Wen Muran did not cast any spells.If Su Mo hadn't been able to see through Wen Muran's cultivation, he would have thought he was a mortal.

In Yunqi City, immortals live together.

With a slight sweep of Su Mo's divine sense, he knew that the proportion of immortals here is half to half.Such an immortal ratio is rare in ordinary places.

If it is an ordinary town, there are usually more mortals, and monks talk about it; if it is a fairy city, there are generally more monks, and few mortals.

However, Yunqi City is different.

There seems to be no boundary between immortals and mortals.

Because, Su Mo saw with his own eyes that the man who sold the steamed buns was actually a cultivator, while the man who bought the steamed buns was a pure mortal.They are completely equal to each other and get along naturally.

This scene was something Su Mo had hardly seen before.Everything here is subverting Su Mo's cognition.

Inside Yunqi City, it was quite lively.

In Su Mo's memory, Wen Muran didn't like this kind of excitement very much.Because, he thinks that it is too noisy, which affects his thinking.

Back then, Wen Muran and Su Mo mostly stayed in deep mountains and deep valleys.On weekdays, I would never come to an ordinary city.They are either practicing or on the way to practice all the time.

And Wen Muran in front of him, with a peaceful expression and a slight smile on his face.He seemed to appreciate this scene of immortals having fun together.

"Sir, do you come here often?" Su Mo asked.

"Yeah!" Wen Muran nodded, "I come here every five or six years, mainly to see old friends, and then leave after staying for a while. The world is big and there are many friends, but I can still get around! Ha!"

Wen Muran was very interested.Su Mo nodded.

At this moment, he was a little curious as to who Wen Muran's old friend was, and whether he knew him.

After crossing a long street, I turned another corner.They arrived at a relatively secluded long street.At the end of the long street, there is a yard.

The courtyard has high walls.

Two large black doors with brass knockers.From the looks of it, although this is not a mansion of a prince, it is definitely considered a wealthy family.

Wen Muran stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker.


"Who is it?" someone asked at the door.

"Ha! Bai Fu, tell the old man with white eyebrows that I, Wen Muran, have arrived!" Wen Muran said with a smile.

Old man with white eyebrows?

Su Mo's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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