Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 21 Xu Da: I just want to eat one song for a lifetime, Quack~

Chapter 21 Xu Da: I just want to eat one song for the rest of my life, Quack~
Don't turn on the TV for children, absolutely not!Once you turn it on, the TV doesn't belong to you anymore. At this moment, Zhang Jiangang fully comprehends it.

Not to mention Zhang Jiangang, even his daughter-in-law Yin Xiaolei couldn't help but want to watch urban dramas.

"Dad, what are you going to watch? I've been waiting since 06:30." Yin Xiaolei was also very curious to see her father-in-law, who rarely stayed in front of the TV early.

She thought that her father-in-law was going to watch the news broadcast at seven o'clock, but it was too early to wait for the news broadcast, since she had been waiting since dinner at six o'clock.

"Oh, the song I wrote will be played on TV later. You know the song about Dongfang City that you saw in the short video. It's the song "We Serve as Soldiers", which I wrote."

"Ah? The real dad?" Yin Xiaolei was taken aback.I thought to myself why I don’t believe it, and it’s even on CCTV?

"Dad, you can play too well, you wrote the song "We Serve as Soldiers"?" Yin Xiaolei chuckled.

She always thought that her father-in-law had heard that song from somewhere else, and then improvised and sang it at his anniversary.

As a result, the father-in-law told himself that the song was written by an old man of his, and it was going to be on CCTV!Isn't this nonsense?
"I can still lie to you. You haven't heard anyone say it in the past two days. I sold it to Xu Da in front of your Auntie Lifen and the others that day. Hush, don't talk, come here!" While talking, suddenly Zhang Jiangang's eyes lit up as he looked at the TV.

Warmly celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Huaxia Navy and review the history of the Navy!
Sure enough, at the moment of [-]:[-], the picture of CCTV set changed.

Firstly, it introduces the 65 years of the China Navy in the form of a short film. From the passive and difficult survival at the beginning of its establishment, to its rise and growth step by step, to the current three domestically-made aircraft carriers that have formed combat effectiveness, the viewers are filled with emotion. The blood is surging.

But the front was fine, but when she saw the end of the short film and a music mv dedicated to the Navy's 65th anniversary, Yin Xiaolei was stunned.

In the picture, the guard of honor of the three armed forces first appeared, marching in uniform steps, with the battle flag flying!

Then, the steel guns of the entire phalanx shot out, flashing a cold light in the sun, full of murderous aura!
And at this moment, a magnificent melody appeared on the screen, and under the corner was written:

"We Are Soldiers"

Lyricist: Zhang Jiangang
Vocal: Xu Da!
At this moment, Yin Xiaolei's mouth became O-shaped, and then she looked at her father-in-law in disbelief.

Is this a coincidence or true?The songwriter really has exactly the same name as my father-in-law!I can't believe it, my father-in-law is so good, he even appeared on CCTV!
And just as Yin Xiaolei couldn't believe it, under the majestic melody floating in the screen, the singing voice from a middle-aged tenor singer also came out.

Clang, blood, full of power!
And the lyrics are exactly the lyrics Yin Xiaolei saw on the short video before sung by her father-in-law.

It's different from what my father-in-law sang casually a few days ago.Xu Da in the picture here is dressed in a Chinese navy uniform, full of energy, sonorous and powerful, very contagious, and people can't help but feel emotional.

Not only that, the background picture in the mv on TV is also exciting and exciting.

Accompanied by the melody of our soldiers, the destroyers, frigates, and aircraft carriers of the Chinese Northern Fleet are on the screen, riding the wind and waves in the sea, with the battle flag flying!
Accompanied by the melody of our soldiers, the officers and soldiers in white navy uniforms in the picture stand upright on the deck, holding steel guns, facing the sea and the battle flag, holding their heads high, proud and confident!
Accompanied by the melody, the carrier-based helicopters hovered into the sky, the aircraft carrier fighter jets soared into the sky, and the fleet's air-to-air missiles and ship-based artillery pierced the sky!

Accompanied by the melody, the landing craft, the airborne division, and the marines landed on the beach, facing the artillery fire!

"We soldiers are all longing for glory and winning glory!"

Coupled with Xu Da's more powerful singing voice, heroic and proud melody, and the picture in the background, even Yin Xiaolei is infected at this moment, as if there is a fire burning on her body, and she can't help but feel for the Chinese soldiers. And proud, proud of having such soldiers and troops in our motherland!
Xu Da sang the heroic aspirations of soldiers in the new era, and also sang the value of soldiers in peacetime!
And the first sentence "We are soldiers" sang the might of the army with the momentum of the first voice!

That's right, this song is really right for Xu Da!
Looking at the picture, even Zhang Jiangang was very excited.

Just look at the daughter-in-law. A girl who usually only likes to watch urban bubble dramas watched it so seriously, which shows that Xu Da really sang this song alive!

"It's so majestic, even a woman like me wants to be a soldier." Looking at her daughter-in-law Yin Xiaolei, she not only stared at her intently, but her eyes were even a little red.

Especially when you hear "It's different, but it's the same, they are all young and passionate".

The daughter-in-law is emotionally sensitive and easily moved. Zhang Jiangang already knew this.But Zhang Jiangang could understand her mood at the moment.

In the era of reform and opening up, in fact, as in the lyrics, these modern soldiers are no different from ordinary people in the final analysis. They are all young and passionate.

But at the same age, when ordinary people lived a comfortable life, many of them gave up their personal opportunities and performed the sacred duty of surrounding the motherland and the frontier with the spirit of selfless dedication.

Watching Xu Da's interpretation of us soldiers in the screen, Zhang Jiangang suddenly had an idea about the soundtrack of his "Zhang's Longevity Fist" while being deeply moved.

Soon, this mv is over.What Zhang Jiangang didn't expect was that his daughter-in-law Yin Xiaolei was in a hurry, because she hadn't heard enough, and even went to the Internet to search for this song and this mv at the first time.

Zhang Jiangang didn't know that there were too many viewers like his daughter-in-law in Huaxia at the moment.

Countless viewers were shocked and infected by the mv and song they saw by chance.

It's hot, in the Internet age where Chinese pop songs are prevalent, a military song "We Serve as Soldiers" suppressed by Xu Da has become popular!
At this moment, like Yin Xiaolei, there are millions or even tens of millions of people who search for this song on the Internet and discuss this song!And that's just the beginning.

Especially those male audiences, whether young, middle-aged, old men or even students, they were all infected by the heroic self-confidence of the soldiers in the new era in this song.

At the same time, they were also shocked by the military appearance and indomitable momentum of mv Zhonghua Xia Navy.Everyone's heart can't help but be filled with pride and pride!
At the same time, somewhere in Donghai City, Xu Da, who was also waiting in front of the TV early, was also excited and his eyes gleamed.

"Dad, you are so cool! I declare that from today onwards, you will be my Xu Maogong's idol!" Xu Da's junior high school son shouted excitedly when he saw the show on TV.

"Mom, my dad is so cool! I really didn't expect military songs to be so good."

"Yes, yes, cool, cool, hehe~" Xu Da's wife next to him also laughed from ear to ear.

This song is definitely going to be my husband's new hit!No, it's not just a masterpiece, this song will definitely become a classic among Chinese military songs!
My husband is really lucky, he was able to ask for such a good song in his middle age.

And listening to my husband, I bought this song from an old man in the neighborhood.

 Good morning, the first update~~
(End of this chapter)

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