Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 22 Xiao Xu, listen to the uncle, don't float, you know?

Chapter 22 Xiao Xu, listen to the uncle, don't float, you know?

"Old Xu, did you really get this song from a neighborhood uncle?"

"Yes, yes~" Although Xu Da replied, he never took his eyes off the TV for a moment, and his chest heaved with excitement.

"You don't know, Mr. Zhang is definitely a capable person! Not only can he write military songs, but he can also compose plays. Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhang's father is still a veteran. Got the medal!"

While explaining, watching TV at the same time, he couldn't help singing loudly, keeping pace with the beat, very excited.

"Hehe, look at Dad~" Seeing this scene, Xu Da's wife couldn't help laughing.

It has been many years, and my husband is not so excited.

Hearing this, the son also laughed.Yes, I have never seen my father like this in my memory.

"Hey, phone, Dad, your phone is ringing." Seeing the phone on the sofa ringing suddenly, Xu Da's son hurriedly said.

"Old Xu, stop singing, you have a phone call."

"We are soldiers, oh oh oh, come, give it to me~"

"..." Xu Da's wife wiped off her cold sweat.

"Hello? Oh yes, it's me, I'm Xu Da, who are you?" Then Xu Da picked up the phone and frowned at the unfamiliar number.

"Oh teacher Xu, hello, I'm Zhao Yongsheng from Shonan Satellite TV, you can call me Xiao Zhao. That's it, we just watched the live broadcast of CCTV, and the song "We Served as Soldiers" you sang was so good...You See if you have time recently, we hope to invite you to participate in a program on our station. You don't have to worry about the concert fee, we..."

"Do you think you have time?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Holding the phone, Xu Da himself couldn't believe it.

There was even a TV station that invited me to perform!

In my life, I have only been on TV three or four times in the past few decades, and I have always gone in groups with art troupes.

"What's the matter, old Xu, who's calling?" Xu Da's wife asked after seeing her husband's expression, and his son Xu Maogong also looked over.

"The TV station, Shonan TV station invited me to perform!" Looking at Xu Da again, he was so excited.

"Ah? Dad, you want to be on Shonan Satellite TV? It's real!" His son Xu Maogong couldn't believe it.Shonan Satellite TV, that is one of the most popular satellite TVs in China, and it is the satellite TV with the largest audience of young people!
"It's true, it's true!" Xu Da also nodded excitedly.

In fact, as a singer of the Navy Art Troupe, and not a very well-known singer, Xu Da's usual income is not very high, at least it is incomparable with those current stars and pop music stars.

Business performances, endorsements, etc. are even more incomparable.

"Good thing, good thing, old Xu. Did they see that song you sang?" His wife Liu Yan also asked excitedly.

Liu Yan knew that, according to the information disclosed above, China is very likely to cancel the art troupes of the major armies next year or the year after.As a singer of the art troupe, and not yet well-known, once it is cancelled, the income will drop sharply, and he will have to support himself.

These days Liu Yan is still worried about this, wondering what her husband will do in the future.

As a result, I didn't expect someone to invite my husband to perform right away.

"Yes, yes! Go to Shonan the day after tomorrow!" Look at Xu Da's vigorous nod. "I, wait, another call."

While talking, suddenly the phone rang again.

"Ms. Xu? I'm from Jiangdong Satellite TV... We want to invite you to perform at our place."

Another call!
And when Xu Da answered the call, the mobile phone notified that there were other calls at the same time.

After answering this call, Xu Da hurriedly connected to another one.

"Mr. Xu, I'm Zhao Yong from Jiangdong xxx Group. Our group has just established a large complex in Nanshan... which includes a shooting range, catering and entertainment, etc. We will officially hold a store opening ceremony next Monday, and we would like to invite you ..."

The call just hung up for 5 minutes.

"Old Xu, congratulations! This time you are in the limelight. I just watched your live broadcast on CCTV. In less than half an hour, our art troupe has already answered several calls asking us to go to the performance. Okay, okay, see you tomorrow, okay!"

The call was from the head of the Northern Fleet Art Troupe.

"Hello, is this Mr. Xu? I'm CCTV...We have a cultural evening next month, do you think you can attend?"

"Mr. Xu, we are Koukou Music, so, can you put your song and mv of "We Serve as Soldiers" on our Koukou Music? We hope to get your exclusive authorization, copyright Fees are negotiable."

"Mr. Xu, we are from NetEase Cloud Music..."

For a long time, Xu Da dared not answer the phone.

Even Xu Da's wife and son were dumbfounded.

Is this the song's influence?How many calls did my husband answer in the past few minutes?
Some friends congratulated, and seven or eight came to invite their husbands to perform!
As a family, you look at me, and I look at you, and there is a feeling of dreaming in the excitement.

for a long time.

"I really convinced Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang guessed it right!" Xu Da sighed.

"What's wrong? What did Mr. Zhang say?"

"That's right, what did Grandpa Zhang say, Dad?" Both the wife and son looked at Xu Da curiously.

Xu Da sighed, and said with admiration, "Mr. Zhang was joking with me at the time. He said that maybe I could rely on this song for a lifetime. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Mr. Zhang hit it right! "

"Ah? Really fake?"

"Is that so, Dad? Is this grandpa Zhang so powerful? Then when will you definitely take me to meet this old grandpa?" Hearing this, his son Xu Maogong expressed admiration.

"All right, all right, I'll take you to visit Mr. Zhang in person after a while. By the way, I have to say good news to Mr. Zhang quickly!" Thinking of this, Xu Da dialed out the phone.

Not only the good news, but also those calls from commercial performances, I have to choose carefully.After all, I am a soldier, so I absolutely can't accept all commercial performances, and I can't lose face as a soldier!

On the other side, when he heard what Xu Da said on the phone, Comrade Zhang, who was busy writing songs for "Zhang's Longevity Fist", finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Good thing, good thing, finally red!

Not only is it popular, but I also have a contract for 10% of the follow-up income of "We Are Soldiers".

And Zhang Jiangang believes that it won't be long before someone will come to ask for songs!

"Okay, okay, congratulations, Xiao Xu! But it's a good thing to be famous, but you can't float away, you know? Don't accept all kinds of messy commercial performances, after all, you have a special status."

"Okay, old Zhang, I'll write it all down."

If others tell him that he is not like a peer, Xu Da may still feel that the other party is self-aggrandizing, but Mr. Zhang is different.Mr. Zhang is the earnest instruction of the elders, he must listen to it.

the other side.

Hanging up the phone call from Xu Da, Zhang Jiangang wrote down the customized song of "Zhang's Longevity Healthy Boxing" that he wanted in one breath with this excitement.

After finishing writing, Zhang Jiangang also sang and tried it out, looking for his feeling.

It's that feeling when you sing it!The longer the merrier!
And just when old comrade Zhang Jiangang was proud of his customized song of Changshouquan.

In a luxurious room of the West Burton Hotel in Donghai City, the sound of the piano floated, with a bit of atmosphere, but only a bit.

"No, no, brother Yunsheng, your song is still a bit lacking in feeling. It has enough atmosphere, but it lacks some feelings, too chivalrous, and it doesn't match the theme of the movie. What I want is the feelings of family and country, and the feelings of the nation. !" After listening to the new theme song played by Huang Yunsheng, Director Li Ke shook his head.

"Not yet? I think it's much better than the previous one." Huang Yunsheng looked at Li Ke.

"No, it doesn't feel right. What I want is not only chivalry, but also righteousness and national integrity! Let the audience think of our movie "Once Upon a Time in the Wrath of the Sea" when they hear this song. Let everyone When I think of movies, I think of this song!" Li Ke said.

"By the way, it's the song "We Serve as Soldiers" that Mr. Xu inland broadcast live on TV just now. It has a similar but different feeling. The kind full of righteousness and masculinity, The kind that doesn’t lose its atmosphere.”

Li Ke deliberately mentioned the song just now.

Hearing this, Huang Yunsheng frowned.I also saw that song when it was broadcast live just now, it is indeed a classic.

However, Huang Yunsheng asked himself that he could not write that kind of song, after all, the living environment and background are different.

Similarly, Huang Yunsheng is also confident that the other party will not be able to write the theme song of "Wrathful Sea Fighting Hegemony", because of his experience and life background.

"Then I'll try again?"

"Okay, don't worry, if it doesn't work, relax." Li Ke patted Huang Yunsheng on the shoulder.

"Director Li, since you like that song so much, do you want Teacher Xu to ask you about the composer?" A senior crew member next to Li Ke asked.

Li Ke froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"It's not the same. The types of songs are different, and the social environment and background experience we live in are also different. I want righteousness and heritage, but what I want is not simply tall, do you understand?"

"Besides, let me find an old man who was laid off from the inland community and repaired shoes at the gate of the community to write songs. You let people in the circle know how to think of me. Is there no one in the Xiangjiang music scene? No, no, no." Li Ke shook his head vigorously.

 Congratulations to my classmate Xiang Kunlun, Baby Chengcheng, and Tian Xinyi for becoming the new helmsman of "Rebirth, I'll be fine later". Tian Xinyi, Fengling Wuqingxin, Baby Orange, and all friends who have recommended book lists for collection~~
(End of this chapter)

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