Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 326 I Feel So Guilty

Chapter 326 I Feel So Guilty (Fifth)

From what the husband and wife said above, it is estimated that Lao Zhao will be back soon, so Zhang Jiangang didn't go up either.Another thing about coming back by myself is that as few people as possible know about it in the early stage, the better.

Notified a large group of people, but no one responded. Zhang Jiangang was also very depressed.

It was as if there was no one in the whole world, only myself and Lao Hu were left.

Turning around to look, Unit 302 [-] not far away happened to be Lao Hu's home.

Even Zhang Jiangang could hear the screams from such a distance, although it was obvious that Lao Hu used the restraint to cover it up.

Frowning slightly, Zhang Jiangang simply walked over.However, Zhang Jiangang used the middle-aged Zhang Ye's face throughout the whole process, because the old Zhang's old face was not suitable for showing up. As for Zhang Miao's face, he was embarrassed to show it, it was too embarrassing.

Yes, Zhang Jiangang has already named the third face, just like Zhang Miao.

Zhang Jiangang couldn't afford a name, so let's make do with it anyway.

He strode towards the location of Lao Hu's house.

But after a while, Zhang Jiangang was stunned, his mouth grew big.

"Damn it!" Zhang Jiangang even couldn't help shouting.

I saw that Zhang Jiangang, who hadn't gone upstairs yet, was frightened just by looking at the unit door.

"Pay off your debts! 302 Hu Bancheng Doesn't Pay Back the Money, Lost His Conscience!Don't learn how to gamble if you don't have money! "

"Desperate for conscience, Hu Bancheng's whole family is dead, I wish you a son with no ass eyes!"You've lost all your father's humiliation for a day, pay back the money! "

"If you don't pay back the money after a week, don't blame us for going to the Changshou Boxing Association to make a fuss. We won't make it easy for you, and neither will you!" "

On the security door of the unit, there are all kinds of typewritten small-character posters densely packed.

Floor after floor, the community's bills for collecting property fees, water and electricity bills were all covered up.

"..." Zhang Jiangang had black lines all over his head.

Got it, Zhang Jiangang now understands why Lao Hu beat up his son violently at home.

Moreover, some of these big-character posters for reminders are incomplete, apparently torn up by the property management company, but they couldn't help but they posted more and more, and they kept posting them.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Zhang Jiangang opened the door and left the unit.

After entering, Zhang Jiangang found not only the anti-theft door below, but also the entire corridor of the unit going up.

Some are pasted paper, some are sprayed with paint, and the walls are colorful and lively.


After going to the third floor, the door of 302 is even more exaggerated.

Red chicken blood was spilled on the door, and next to it was written in big blood red and black characters, debt repayment, all kinds of abuse.Even the anti-theft door was burned with ax and fire, as if a robber had entered it.


"Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't~"

The voice of Lao Hu's son came from inside.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiangang's face changed a little, and he couldn't care about anything else, so he hurriedly opened the door.

Just pushing it away a little, the scene inside scared Zhang Jiangang too much.

It was a mess, with all kinds of furniture scattered all over the place.

Where exactly is the furniture?Except for two broken benches, a three-legged table, and a few broken bowls, there was nothing in the huge room.

Dirty, messy and smelly!

This scene almost reminded Zhang Jiangang of the scene in the slums of the base.

The 'son' of Lao Hu from the slums at least has a broken TV to watch, and now there is not even a single household appliance in this house.

And it's freezing cold in the room.I'm afraid this room is the only unheated owner in the entire unit.

More importantly, after entering, Zhang Jiangang's face changed drastically. He saw Lao Hu's son curled up on the ground, hugging his legs and backing away, curled up in a corner.

Looking at Lao Hu, he was also trembling with anger, and slapped his son non-stop.It can be seen that Lao Hu may have beaten this kid for half an hour.

Although it was extremely hard, Lao Hu's eyes were red, clearly full of tears.

"Don't call me dad! I can't give birth to something like you!" While cursing, Lao Hu slapped his son without asking for money.

If you haven't been to plane 64, it's okay, Lao Hu might be angry and fight, but not so much.

But when I went to plane 64, I saw the virtues of my other 'son' in the slums, and compared with Hu Bancheng's virtues now, Lao Hu was so angry!

Eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling are all the same!If he hadn't come back early today, this prodigal son would have almost sold his sister's house!

As for the villa, the sports car?I've been defeated by this kid a long time ago!
Lao Hu even heard from the neighbors that this bastard even had ideas about his grandson, trying to use his grandson to coerce his daughter-in-law into giving him money.

How the hell did I give birth to such a thing!At this moment, Lao Hu really wanted to die!
When he has no money, his son is good, but when he has some money, he starts acting like a monster!

As for the things on the Internet, Lao Hu hasn't had time to read it yet, I'm afraid if he reads it, he will have the desire to kill someone!

"Don't hit me wrong. I'm your son, Dad. Don't blame me. They cheated me." Lao Hu's son begged for mercy, covered in blood and scars.

One was terrified to death, and the other was terribly angry. Before he even noticed that Zhang Jiangang had arrived, he stood at the door and watched them.

I wanted to go in, but seeing this scene, Zhang Jiangang backed out silently.

Zhang Jiangang doesn't want to be a nice guy.

And when I said it, this kid really deserved a beating!This is not my son, if Wenjun is like this, I must break his legs!

And at this time, if I went in to persuade him, it would be counterproductive.

If this kid doesn't beat him up, he will definitely not have a long memory, and positive education alone may not be useful.To be honest, Zhang Jiangang even suspected that he might not have a long memory even if he was beaten.

I guess Lao Hu also knows the video of this kid on the Internet, Zhang Jiangang thought to himself.

Zhang Jiangang was wrong, Lao Hu really didn't know.If you knew it, it would definitely not be this kind of punishment.

As long as no one is killed, he walked downstairs silently. Zhang Jiangang was waiting downstairs, watching that no one was killed.

What a shame.While waiting downstairs, Zhang Jiangang also sighed.

I thought the return would be complete, peaceful and warm, but Lao Hu's son really made Zhang Jiangang very angry and made things very difficult.

Zhang Jiangang found that there really shouldn't be too much negative energy in life.

Fortunately, my family is still peaceful, my son and daughter-in-law are all happy, and Xiao Lele is also obedient and obedient, which makes people feel warm to dispel the hostility, otherwise it would be really annoying.

And upstairs, after more than ten minutes of tossing and crackling, "Lao Hu is down, I am downstairs." Zhang Jiangang said via voice transmission.

"Brother?" Old Hu who hadn't had enough beating upstairs was taken aback for a moment, "Okay, I'll come down right away. You... Did you see everything?"

"Don't dawdle, come down quickly, or you will die if you hit again." Zhang Jiangang just returned, and at the same time cast his eyes on the upstairs of a unit not far away.

The lights in the room on the third floor of that building were off, and there was no one after a cursory glance.

"Sigh." Looking in the direction of the room, Zhang Jiangang sighed.

After a rough calculation, I guess I haven't seen Lifen for four or five months, right?
It seems that since the spiritual recovery, I have met the beautiful Wang Lifen no more than five times.

"Where are people?" Looking in the direction of the big and beautiful house, Zhang Jiangang couldn't help sighing.

To be honest, I don't know why, Zhang Jiangang found that because of the twists and turns of his identity and age after rebirth, his aesthetic tendency seemed to have changed a bit.

To be precise, it is not changed, but a very strange state.

For example, on the way back to Donghai during the day, on the plane.When those youthful and beautiful young girls walked by him, Zhang Jiangang couldn't help but take a second look at the energetic atmosphere.

But I don't know why I always feel that something is missing, and sometimes I feel guilty, really!
 Over the past period of time, Da Xia’s mentality has really collapsed, not the mentality of writing, the mentality of writing books, Da Xia has never collapsed, but in life.

  During this period of time in life, it was indeed a big blow, with a sense of frustration, and even a shock to the three views.Not to mention, I don't want to spread negative energy. In short, we still need more positive energy in life and maintain an optimistic attitude. Prawn hopes that he can continue to maintain the current good attitude and optimistic attitude. Come on.

  It’s the end of the month, please ask for a wave of xxx, I hope everyone will leave some monthly tickets for prawn next month tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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