Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 327 Please Call Me Lover

Chapter 327 Please Call Me Lover

Also, the life expectancy of both men and women in the Reiki Age has increased.

People in their 20s are really equivalent to minors, while those in their 50s are more like middle-aged people.

So on the contrary, it is more attractive to look at those who are more mature and graceful.

And more than that.

For example, because of cultivation, Zhang Jiangang feels that the in-laws who have just become very young and wear pajamas are more attractive than some little girls.

Of course, Zhang Jiangang was just making an analogy, and it was absolutely meaningless to his mother-in-law.

"Fuck, I don't need to see a psychiatrist, do I?" Thinking of this, Zhang Jiangang shuddered inexplicably.

This is not impossible.Lao Zhang, you have to remember that you are a young man, Lao Zhang.

Although you already have sons and even grandchildren, you have never been married, Lao Zhang!

Zhang Jiangang kept saying to himself.

It's just that the more such psychological hints, the more Zhang Jiangang found himself resisting.

"Follow the fate, as long as it is true love, don't deliberately consider your age, don't be too vulgar, of course, you want to be the best age." Zhang Jiangang even muttered in his mouth, self-hypnotizing himself.

Want to be the best at your age?What age, is it from the previous life or this life?

Zhang Jiangang hypnotized himself, but forgot that there were loopholes in his words.

But these are not big problems, at least Zhang Jiangang is not in the mood to fall in love, nor is he ready.

"True love? What true love brother?" Just as Zhang Jiangang asked himself to be hypnotized, Lao Hu also came down, his face still angry.

"Ahem, come down." Zhang Jiangang looked at Lao Hu in embarrassment and returned.

"Well, it's coming down, alas!" Lao Hu replied with a sigh at the same time, and he didn't forget to look back at the room where his son was on the third floor. "This bastard!" Lao Hu cursed even more.

"Okay, calm down, didn't you think about it when you left?" Zhang Jiangang comforted, "Teach him a lesson properly, otherwise he won't know what will happen in the future, but don't kill anyone."

"I know big brother, just leave me alone, don't worry. If I can't deal with him, my life will be in vain." Lao Hu nodded, obviously still angry. "Look at that kid on Plane 64. His leg was broken and he was lying in the shack for more than ten years. Just thinking about it makes me angry!"

"In the final analysis, his mother died too early, he was too spoiled since he was a child, he has never seen anything in the world, and he doesn't know his last name if he has money." Lao Hu said.

Zhang Jiangang didn't say anything.He thought that Lao Hu knew about the video of his son on the Internet.

"Hey brother, why are you here? Aren't you at home with your granddaughter?" At the same time, Lao Hu remembered something and asked Zhang Jiangang.

Before Zhang Jiangang could answer, at the same time looking at the house where Damei lived, Lao Hu's eyes lit up as if he understood something.

"Oh, oh!" With an expression that I understood, Lao Hu made an oh-oh sound, "You want to be so beautiful?"

"..." Zhang Jiangang had black lines all over his head.

"What nonsense, I'm here to find Lao Zhao. They are also evil, and there is no one who answers the phone, so I came here. But Lao Zhao is probably coming back soon." Zhang Jiangang continued, "It's just a good time to see when I come here." It’s something posted by the account reminder on the door of your unit, so I just went up to take a look.”

"Pretend, keep pretending, who said it was true love just now?" It can be considered that they lived and died together, and the two of them also traveled to an outside plane together, so Lao Hu and Zhang Jiangang talked casually very.

"You heard wrong."


"Okay, okay, I got it wrong, but brother, let me tell you that you and Damei haven't seen each other for four or five months since the last time, right? Now Damei looks good..." Lao Hu deliberately looked at Zhang Jiangang and smiled Said.

"Oh, that's fine, let's get down to business. The situation is a bit messy now, and I just heard what Xiaolei and the others said, me." Zhang Jiangang hurriedly changed the subject, but suddenly remembered something, "Hey, what are you doing now, beautiful?"

"..." And you said you don't care about Damei?
"She, I don't know the details, but she seemed to be there before she left, ahem, I won't tell you."

"Go to hell."


"But to be honest, big brother, you can almost find one. Even if you don't look for a beautiful one, you can find a young one." While waiting for Lao Zhao, Lao Hu started talking.

It is estimated that he just beat his son to vent his anger, and Lao Hu burst out saying everything.

"Old Sui who practiced Longevity Boxing with you, you know? It's the one who is about to lose his head. The one whose wife left the year before last. We found a little girl a week before we left. She's only in her twenties!" Hu said excitedly.

"Can you be more serious?" Just that old Sui?That guy looks like a shoehorn, but he can still find a new wife, and he's only in his 20s?
"Why are you so unprofessional?" Lao Hu still talked to himself, "I'm telling you, big brother, Liu Meijuan from the neighborhood behind Dongfang City knows, right? Just that little old lady in her 60s who looks quite temperament, remember? ?”

"Liu Meijuan? Oh, I remember." Zhang Jiangang was stunned for a moment and nodded.To be honest, Liu Meijuan is really good looking. I believe she was definitely a beauty when she was young, not much worse than Damei.

Tall and thin, she still looks good when she is in her 60s. She maintains a good figure and has good qualifications. She is also a leader in spiritual practice in their community.

"That's right, she is in her 60s. As far as I know, several young men in their 30s and [-]s are chasing after her." Old Hu Ruoshu said, "You don't know that when a young man was dancing in the square that day, a young man was holding a flower in front of everyone. A bunch of old men and old ladies knelt down to propose to Liu Meijuan, it's so fucking romantic."

"Later, another handsome guy who just graduated from college came, and the two started fighting. At first we thought that guy was Liu Meijuan's son, but it turned out that he also came to chase Liu Meijuan. Do you think it's fun?" Lao Hu said.


What a fart!
"My God, you said that these young guys and girls should practice hard, can't they, they are all so crooked!" At the same time listening to these Zhang Jiangang, he was also sighing.

If it is said that some people bought these things for wealth in the past, then it is not wealth that preserves the value the most now, but cultivation base and cultivation aptitude.

"Hey." Lao Hu still knew how to laugh.

"Then why don't you find someone?" Zhang Jiangang also joked.

Old Hu shook his head vigorously, "We don't do that, shame on us." If we don't, Old Hu added, "Slow down, the social acceptance is not high now, even though our age is now considered as the average life expectancy. Young man."

Zhang Jiangang rolled his eyes at this guy.Yes, it does make people poke the spine.

Especially the identities of the two are here, including the other four heavenly kings and Lao Wu.

However, if he meets true love, Zhang Jiangang still won't care about the worldly eyes, not to mention that he is a young man.But, what exactly is true love?

And just as Zhang Jiangang and Lao Hu were chatting about the mountains here and telling Lao Hu some questions by the way, suddenly, the scene in the distance in the snowy night made them stunned and almost fell down.

At the gate of the community, Wuling Rongguang, a carriage full of freshly stuffed sausages, drove in, and an old man was sitting in the driver, it was Lao Zhao!

I haven't seen him for a few months, and Lao Zhao has become younger again, although he still has a strong urban-rural fringe painting style.

Under the streetlights in the community, Lao Zhao obviously also saw Zhang Jiangang and Lao Hu.

His eyes widened, and Old Zhao had a look of surprise!

However, this is not the most important, absolutely not!

The most important thing is that at the moment Wuling Rongguang's co-pilot, a stylishly dressed, pretty hot girl is actively hugging Lao Zhao's neck, and then happily planted a strawberry on Lao Zhao's face while driving!
Then they were talking and laughing, clearly deliberately making Lao Zhao happy, with a sense of admiration and happiness on his face.


"I'll wipe~" Lao Hu couldn't help but uttered a sentence.

"Me too." Zhang Jiangang twitched his face twice and added.

(End of this chapter)

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