Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 375 The Curtain Opens From Today

Chapter 375 The Curtain Opens From Today
Five months gave Zhang Jiangang enough time to prepare and adjust, enough.

Therefore, many previous deployments and plans only need to be slightly adjusted, and there is no need for large-scale trade-offs, which will greatly save resources.

These plans do not conflict with what will happen 5 months later, but they can promote each other.As long as he can be stronger during these critical five months, Zhang Jiangang will not let go of a single detail.

Moreover, human beings must not only focus on these five months, let alone give up long-term strategic goals and their own development for the war five months later.

In a word, you hit yours and I hit mine!
Take a multi-pronged approach, as long as the entire mortal world can rise rapidly in all fields, then do it.

Zhang Jiangang hurriedly contacted the Ministry of Cultivation and the senior management of Huaxia to report the matter, but the specific details were kept secret, and they had to be kept absolutely confidential!

In particular, it cannot be leaked to let the demons and immortals lurking overseas, including some in China, know that they have mastered the specific time and place, as well as the number and strength of the invaders five months later.

Of course, so is his hole card!
"This group of immortals who have already smelled the smell are probably gearing up now, so excited that they can't fall asleep?" Thinking of this, Zhang Jiangang couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Jiangang knew that in the next five months, these immortals and demons lurking in every corner of the earth would never be idle.The entrance to the world is opened, and the first batch of their kind will come to the No. [-] plane, which means nothing to them.

We must fight to make them give up!

It just happened that through this incident, some immortals and demons with evil intentions were about to be caught!


Sure enough, in the next few days, the whole world seemed to suddenly quiet down.

The overseas immortals who had been very active before suddenly became quiet. They who used to occupy the homepage of overseas media seemed to talk a lot less. The quietness even made people a little scared, and even ordinary people noticed this.

And some things often happen when people don't pay attention.

However, the people may not be in the mood to care about this for the time being, because they are more concerned about their own lives.

During this period of time, the people, including the Chinese people, have been greatly impacted!

And what is closely related to ordinary people is naturally the economy.

Since all countries lost their dominance of the sea, and the oceans and waterways were occupied by awakened sea monsters, the global economy has been hit hard!Basically every country's foreign trade, especially the trade involving shipping, has suffered a severe setback.

What's more, especially at this time, some countries are taking advantage of the fire to loot and make trouble, obstructing the trade of other countries.

A large number of unemployment, a large number of business bankruptcy, resulting in an unprecedented economic crisis.

Even in terms of energy and food, the blockage of sea transportation has also received a catastrophic blow.

Not to mention marine fisheries and aquaculture, that's the first to bear the brunt.

Modern society is a globalized society, and the economy depends on globalization.So it’s not to say that spiritual recovery can be cultivated, and the health level, individual life expectancy and physical fitness have improved, but the severe setback of sea transportation and even air transportation has once again brought the world to the bottom!

This is the case overseas, and the same is true in China.After all, China's shipping and foreign trade account for a very large part of the economy, and the world is also very dependent on China's products.

It can be said that if the problem of shipping and marine monsters is not solved, the economies of all countries in the world will definitely go back ten years, and it may be even more terrifying if the sea monsters fully grow in time!
If all these can be revitalized, then the entire globalization will be alive, and the entire earth will be rejuvenated!
Time is fast, three days later, Litian Century Trading Company, a city in southern China, on the third floor.

In the hallway, candidates waiting for interviews were startled by an argument in an office not far away.

A dozen or so applicants sitting on chairs with their resumes looked at me and I looked at you, inexplicably nervous and curious.

Litian Century is one of the leading foreign trade enterprises in Xiping City.But they seem to have heard that Litian Company is going to lay off staff and cut off some projects just now!
What's the situation, layoffs?Hearing the layoffs, these applicants were taken aback, feeling inexplicably nervous.

At this time, another voice came from a department manager's office not far away.

"What do you want me to do! I was scolded by Mr. Zheng just now, and the company's freighter in South America was attacked again. If it weren't for the escort fleet, I might be gone." Stomach fire "Look at how much the company's overseas orders have been cut these days, we are now almost living on orders from Southeast Asia!"

"I'm also an old employee. After so many years, you think...if it weren't for the government subsidies, our company would be fine~"

"Now we try our best to keep orders from Southeast Asia and East Asia, and then switch to overland trade. Shipping by sea is too risky. Let alone us, the board of directors just quarreled."

As the voice from that office came out, the applicants in the corridor were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

The candidate Cui Wei, who was about to be his turn soon, was so nervous that his palms were sweating.This month, I have already applied to no less than ten companies, and all of them have been rejected.

It's true that the interview has an anxiety disorder.

Isn't it, the life of Litian Trading is not easy?Cui Wei's heart skipped a beat, feeling that it was even colder this time!
Cui Wei, who was sitting on a chair in the corridor, felt extremely anxious about gain and loss.

Cui Wei looked at the two people in front of him, and at the people behind him. Everyone's expressions were similar, obviously they all heard what the department manager of Litian Company said.Including the old man in his 60s sitting on his right.

Uncle, how old are you and you still come out to apply for a job, can you give us young people a chance.

"Litian Trading is the top three big groups in the city, why is it like this?" The young man in the second row in front of him couldn't help but say hello to Cui Wei .

"Yeah, I really have no idea." Cui Wei hurried back, clutching his resume tightly in his hand.Today, only three people are recruited, but there are almost forty people who come to interview, and it's only in this time period.

"I heard that other companies are worse than Litian Trading, and they have collapsed a lot during this time." Opening the chatter box, the applicant next to him also chimed in.Everyone seems to have found a common topic.

"Me too. The company I interviewed before also saw its revenue drop by more than 60%. They only want elites now, and a lot of ordinary employees have been fired." A young man behind him also poked his head and said.

"Isn't that right? Now I'm forced to work part-time secretly. I go to interviews during the day when I have interviews, and drive online car-hailing when I don't have one. At night, I have to write online novels to supplement my family expenses." A somewhat panda The young man sighed and said.

"I envy you, brother, you still have a car. I don't have a car or a house. My mother-in-law has objections. I've been working part-time at Meituan and during this period. I have no choice but to live first." The other person said in sympathy. "It's sad. When I didn't graduate from my senior year last year, I still felt that the future was infinitely bright. A 211 college student would not starve to death. In the end, in the end, it was all tears! By the way, can writing novels make money?"

The guy even asked.

"What! Brother, you are from 211, which university do you go to? Write novels to make money? Well, I advise you not to understand this idea. Nowadays, there are more young people writing novels than reading novels. I have more than ten classmates For writing, only five people have earned back their internet fees." Hearing the complaint from the person just now, the applicant on the left of Cui Wei poked his head curiously and asked.

"Oh, it's not worth mentioning that you're from Western University." The man was ashamed just now, and at the same time a little bit disappointed, he pointed to the questioner, "Brother, what school are you from?"

"Ahem, Master of Yu University. I'm ashamed, I really can't afford to support my family, and I haven't found the money for the baby's milk powder." The other party returned with some sighs. "I knew I would have resigned from Yike, and now I can't go back even if I want to go back. The real estate is not good, and there are large-scale layoffs."

"Yu University? When I went to [-], Master...Master?"

"Isn't it, so miserable? Sad, so sad!"

"..." Seeing this scene, Cui Wei smiled wryly and shook his head.This is miserable?Why am I still a graduate of the Chinese University of Science and Technology, which is second only to Qinghe University and Tianjing University, so I still sit with you?
I don't know why, but the previous companies still have the patience to train young people, especially young people with high degrees from prestigious schools.Now look directly at the experience!

Thinking of this, Cui Wei felt a little lost.Not to mention that there is no house or car, just say that my wife is about to give birth in five months, what should I do?

At the beginning, my wife and mother-in-law saw themselves as graduates of prestigious schools, and thought they were steady and stable and didn't want to leave their daughter with the house and car to themselves, but they haven't found a job yet, so how can this be worthy of them.

"Boys, don't be discouraged, you will get better slowly." Maybe because the young people were too depressed, the old man who had been sitting next to Cui Wei, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke and comforted him.

Everyone looked at the old man who was also an applicant, "Master, you said it lightly. I don't know when it will be better." One of the applicants didn't take it seriously, but he didn't dare to offend too much.

"By the way, what education do you have, sir?" The man asked again.

"It's not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning. You can't just look at the school you're looking for when looking for a job. Experience, professionalism, and character are also very important." The old man in a suit and leather shoes hurriedly said, with a feeling of modesty or embarrassment. "Regardless of the school or qualifications, there should be fair competition."

"Don't, sir, let's take a look, it's not a big deal."

"That's right, that's right." Several other young people who lined up in the distance also booed.I guess it was because I was overwhelmed by the aura of my uncle and aunt on weekdays. Today, I finally saw an old man who was about the same age as me queuing up for an interview. The boys wanted to get back the place.

"Ahem, you children, what is there to see?"

"Sir, don't be modest, let's open our eyes." Although there was no serious malice, many young applicants still booed and joked.

Because they know that people in Huaxia's uncle's age group are not highly educated. Generally speaking, high school or even junior high school students are considered very good.

Seeing this scene, even Cui Wei couldn't stand it anymore.What's the situation, you guys, have you become so depressed all this time, why are you having trouble with the uncle?
"You..." Cui Wei was about to help the uncle, but at this moment, the uncle sighed, and took out a yellowed, old version that was almost handwritten.

It says Tianjing University - Bachelor's Degree in International Trade!
And this was not over yet, and then he took out a yellowed, English-filled master's degree certificate from a well-known Ivy League university.

"Oh, I finally found it at home. I really regret that Teacher Zhang didn't learn it well when he taught Changshouquan. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to go back to his old job. After finally retiring, he has to continue doing it. It's really annoying. "While speaking, the uncle caressed the old yellowed degree certificate nostalgicly, as if recalling the youth that could not go back.

(End of this chapter)

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