Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 376 Establishment of [Longteng Immortal Realm], the earthlings' own fairy world!

Chapter 376 Establishment of [Longteng Immortal Realm], the earthlings' own fairy world!

There was no sound at the scene!

Uncle, please let us go?Leave us a way to survive, please, we are still children.

Cui Wei, who was about to help the uncle out just now, was also trembling with the muscles on his face.

The competition is too big!Unexpectedly, he was still an old senior.

Isn't that right, the opponents these graduates face when looking for jobs are not the students of these two classes, but the countless old students who have accumulated over the past few decades.Including some famous college students in their 70s and [-]s.

And they need academic qualifications, experience and experience, and many of them are already big players in the industry before retirement!

If I recruit a company, I will also ask them.God, let us young people how to live.

After all, they are still graduates of prestigious schools, so they still have some advantages.Those young people who have not even gone to college in ordinary colleges and universities may be even more stressed.

At the scene, one of the young people simply stood up and bowed to the old man, "I'm sorry for interrupting you, please leave! I have to catch up with the next interview."

"Ahem, goodbye, sir." Two or three young people who knew they had no chance withdrew directly.

Just kidding, there are only six or seven students from prestigious schools here, and there is also a grandfather from a prestigious school, how can we fight for it!
"Grandpa, do your children know that you are out looking for a job?" Cui Wei dared not leave, because there were not many opportunities left for him, and he had to seize every one of them.

I have a wife to support, and a child is about to be born. I don't have a house or a car, and the whole family depends on me.

If one is lucky enough to get a job in Litian Trading, this high income can relieve urgent needs.

"Yes, sir, you have come out to look for a job, where is your son and grandson?" Another young man who applied for the job also asked.

Hearing this, the uncle sighed and looked at the group of young people again.

"Hey, my son is also looking for a job, and he was just fired last month. As for my precious grandson, he plays games at home all day, and his heart is lost." The uncle said with a sigh.

It's not that the grandson doesn't want to make progress, he was really hit hard, otherwise he wouldn't have to come out to make money as an old man.

In half a year, his grandson was rejected hundreds of times when he was looking for a job, and his confidence was completely hit.

Being rejected hundreds of times in half a year is unbearable for a normal person.

The old man used to study economics and trade, and he knew the problems facing China, including the world.This is not just a question of finding a job, but a question of survival and development!

If these are not resolved, China's economy, including the world's, may go back more than ten years!
In fact, these young people are wrong. It is not so easy for old guys like me to find a job, especially for an old man like myself who has been retired for more than ten years and who has practiced Longevity Boxing relatively late. It is quite embarrassing.

After all, all these years of retirement, I have only taken care of my grandson at home.

The most popular ones are the kind of old men who have just retired or are still in office at the expert level, especially old men and women who have practiced Longevity Boxing well.

In addition, Litian Trade is relatively close to home, so the uncle came here with the mentality of giving it a try. Anyway, he is idle anyway, and it is time to come out to get some air.In fact, I was a little nervous in my heart, because once upon a time I was engaged in theory, not the front line.

Barely considered a scholar, not an expert.

But I can't starve to death, after all, my retirement salary is probably higher than the formal salary of most young people nowadays.

"Ah? You... your grandson is playing games at home?" Everyone was even more surprised.

"Well, let him vent and release it. After all, being rejected for more than 100 interviews in a row is not good, and he can't afford to be a blue-collar worker." The old man said.

Everyone understands that the old man's grandson is probably in the same situation as himself.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet, even somewhat dull.

"Actually, don't blame these companies for layoffs and high demands. In fact, they are not feeling well, and they are also experiencing the greatest difficulties in the past few decades. If they can't survive this time, there will probably be a wave of bankruptcy. .” The old man is still teaching everyone.

"Ah~" The applicants sighed, and Cui Wei was even more worried about his future.

How did this era make our young people catch up, everyone exclaimed.

And just when Cui Wei and the others were a little pessimistic and worried about their work, or at least whether they could apply for the job this time, something special happened!

I saw that a senior executive of Litian Economic and Trade came out of the office in a hurry, looking very anxious.

While walking, he also explained some things to the secretary next to him.

When walking towards this side, I took a look at these applicants, "Let them leave their resumes and go back to wait for the notice, Xiaomei, you go to other departments, so the senior managers above the department manager come to the office immediately, go quickly! "

The high-level person said very seriously and even anxiously.

this?As soon as these words came out, all the applicants who were waiting were anxious.

What do you mean?
Leave your resume and wait for the notice, no interview yet?Are they all eliminated?

This, how is this!
Everyone is really anxious!

You must know that some applicants have come all the way from other places or even other provinces!
And just when everyone was stunned, anxious and angry, and even wanted to ask what was going on, why they had to toss themselves so much when they obviously didn't have an interview, suddenly, the senior executive was stunned when he was about to transfer into an office, looked over here.

"Ms. Sun! Is that you, Professor Sun! Why are you here?" The high-level man called Mr. Xu was taken aback, looking at the old man just now.

The uncle also hurriedly stood up, "You are?"

"Oh, it's really you, Professor Sun! I'm your student, from the 87th grade. I've attended your class, but you don't remember me? Oh, I wasn't from your college at the time, this is you?" Mr. Xu was taken aback and asked, "You, are you coming to our company for an interview?"

The uncle was stunned. Indeed, he was a professor, but later he went to sea and struggled for a while.It's been so long ago that I really can't remember.

"Oh yes, this is not idle, is it idle? It happens to be close to home. I don't want to go far when I am old. The children are all in the local area. What's the matter? Why did you cancel the interview suddenly?" The uncle was puzzled arrive.

The other interviewers also looked at Mr. Xu.

"Oh my god, how can a person of your status use this? How about this, you give me your resume, and I will make the decision for the company. Our group can't ask for a scholar like you." This Xu Always a resolute person, "Oh, there is no rejection, we really asked everyone to go back and wait for the notice."

"Oh thanks, what's going on?" the old man pressed on, noticing that something was obviously wrong.Could it be that there is something wrong with Litian's economic and trade operations?
"Actually, we don't know too well, but we have just received two notifications from Huaxia Economics and Trade. One is that the state will provide the largest low-interest loan in history for the Chinese business community, so that all enterprises can pay attention to the latest developments. The other is that it seems to want to Issuing the largest "national debt" in history" to revive the economy, it is said that it is at least trillions in scale! "The president Xu said, "I don't know the details. Our chairman also asked all employees above the middle level to participate in the video conference immediately. "

Low interest loans?National debt?
The ordinary graduate applicants present didn't understand much, but this old man called Mr. Sun was stunned.

Trillion-scale national debt?Largest loan in history?
what's the situation!What happened?Is this a step too far?This is not just for fun, I am afraid that it will have to go through the planning of countless national think tanks.And we can’t just watch the excitement, we must also see the dangers involved, we must know that the current Huaxia currency is not an international currency in the world, and countless overseas financial giants are still waiting, especially now when the economy is in recession.

The whole body is affected by one hair, the loan is okay, the bond is not issued on such a large scale, especially the national debt endorsed by the national credit, and such a large scale, the hairs of the old man called Mr. Sun stand on end.

After all, the current financial hegemony still belongs to North America, and North America also holds the dollar hegemony.

Teacher Sun was really frightened, with a creepy feeling.National debt can be issued, but it doesn't have to be so fast, it can be issued bit by bit.

"Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, I'm really too busy now, so I'll visit you in person tomorrow." It can be seen that Mr. Xu really can't get away.

"Okay, you go." Teacher Sun didn't dare to delay others.

And nodded apologetically towards the uncle called Mr. Sun, this Mr. Xu went directly to the office next to him, and then heard his voice coming from inside.

"All the resigned employees who have decided before will stay. They will not leave or leave. The boss said that none of them will leave. They will all stay! Manager Zheng, come to the conference room immediately~"

"Stay~stay? Here, what's the matter, Mr. Xu?"

"I don't know, hurry up!"

The voice from inside came out.

Confused, in the corridor outside the door, all the applicants were confused.

But they are more worried, what's the situation, can they be eliminated or what's going on?I still have to support my family and children, and I still have to live on, so please give me a good word!

The young applicants were anxious, and each of them felt a little lost and confused.

Cui Wei was so dazed that he forgot what to do, and stood there for more than ten seconds before recovering.Because he was one of the few people who came by train from the north for an interview.

On the other side, the old man surnamed Sun was also very puzzled. He was more concerned about Mr. Xu's words just now.

Largest corporate loan in history?National debt?Does Huaxia official still have money?Is this national debt is used to support the recovery of enterprises?

Uncle Sun had countless questions as he walked.

And just when Uncle Sun was puzzled and worried about China's economy, suddenly, his phone rang. He was an old friend for many years, and now he is a well-known economist in China. I heard that he was also a member of the national think tank.

"Hey Lao He? Why did you remember to call me?" Lao Sun asked in a daze.

"Haha, why did I remember to call you? Old Sun, do you know that we are going through a great era! Soon, Huaxia currency will be internationalized and the great era of mastering the right to speak will soon come!"

"What? The internationalization of Huaxia currency?"

"Yes! Although there are still many obstacles, the future is infinitely bright!" said the other side excitedly.

Hearing these words, Uncle Sun felt his head flutter, especially what Mr. Xu said just now.

"What's going on? By the way, Lao He, what's going on with Huaxia's release of national debt? And I heard it's worth at least one trillion Huaxia coins?" Uncle Sun asked bluntly.

And then, Uncle Sun was shocked by the answer on the other side, and his whole body trembled.

"You figured it out pretty quickly, Old Sun, haha!" The other party said excitedly, "Yes, the announcement is probably coming out soon. But you made a mistake, it's not the national debt issued by the Huaxia government, but the national debt issued by Longteng Xianyu, to be exact It is said that the immortal debts for the construction of Longteng Immortal Territory are issued with the credit endorsement of Longteng Immortal Territory!"

"Dragon... Soaring Dragon Immortal Realm? What is that?"

"Haha, you will know in a while. You don't know that Huaxia and the cultivation world have been busy with this matter for several months, and have made all financial preparations and risk responses! The sacred place of the country and the government, you will know when the time comes, haha!"

"You! You're still playing tricks on me!" Old Sun was so angry that he was going to die.

And then another sentence from the old friend completely made Lao Sun and everyone unable to stand upright, their legs softened, and they almost fell down.

"This is not the most important thing, do you know, grandson, in a few minutes, Longteng Immortal Realm will officially launch its own currency on the first plane, Lingshi! It can be exchanged directly with Huaxia currency, compared to only allowing Huaxia currency currency exchange!"

Rock-shattering!The realm of comprehension is about to launch its own currency!
And it is linked to and only linked to Huaxia coins!
There is also the national debt, which is not issued by Huaxia, but by the cultivation world!
And Soaring Dragon Immortal Territory!The Cultivation Department and Mr. Zhang are about to become a cultivation world separated from the secular world, oh no, the fairy world?
(End of this chapter)

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