Chapter 42

40 sets each!Combined with the discount sales, this is nearly [-] sales, Zhang Wenjun thought excitedly.

And this is just the beginning, and what I sell are tutorials and nothing else, the cost is very low, almost all net profit!

"The old man's money is really easy to earn!" Even Zhang Jiangang couldn't help but sigh at this moment. Zhang Jiangang remembered that the richest man in his province in his previous life made his fortune selling health care products for the elderly.

Fortunately, what I am selling are really good things, otherwise Zhang Jiangang really couldn't bear it.

Young people know that many health products are deceptive, but many old people just buy them.While there's a lot of social and other issues involved, it's really sad at times.

40 is nothing to Zhang Jiangang after his aura recovers in the future, not to mention that TV stations and radio stations have also spent a lot of money on promotion, although Zhao Yongjuan is pulling the strings in the middle.

But don't forget that it's only been a few days, 40 in a few days, and it's only near the East China Sea.

Zhang Jiangang also wants to send advertisements to the whole country and occupy the radio stations all over the country, but firstly, he has no time and energy, and secondly, he doesn’t have the money.

After all, after leaving the East China Sea, I don't have TV connections like Zhao Yongjuan and the others for the time being.

Enough is enough!

[-] sets may not seem like a lot, but at the moment Zhang Jiangang is full of ambition and looks forward to it.

He knew it was a great start.And this is just the beginning, because once the grandpas and aunts who bought [-] sets go back to practice and get the effect, the sales of Longevity Boxing and Zhang's Square Dance will definitely explode!

Just wait, Zhang Jiangang believes that that day is not far away.

Zhang Jiangang's guess was correct. In the next few days, more and more elderly people in the East China Sea began to practice Zhang's Square Dance and Zhang's Longevity Boxing, and the effect gradually appeared.And there is a tendency to spread to surrounding areas.

Twenty thousand sets, thirty thousand sets, fifty thousand sets, one hundred thousand sets!
In about a week or so, the sales volume of the two sets of tutorials officially exceeded [-] sets.

What pleased Zhang Jiangang the most was that the addresses of users who downloaded tutorials were no longer limited to the East China Sea region, and more and more users from other places and provinces began to download.

In addition, you should know that this is a square dance and health-preserving boxing, so selling a set does not mean that only one person practices it, there may be several or even a dozen old men and women practicing together.

At the same time, with the passage of time, the feedback from the uncles and aunts who bought the tutorials and practiced them also came back, word of mouth.

It's worth the 20 bucks!Even many young people lamented seeing their parents getting better and better.

However, Zhang's square dance and health boxing became popular, but it also caused a problem, that is, "The Most Dazzling National Style" resounded in various districts, parks and small squares in Donghai City at night.Some are still in the morning.

Young people are going crazy.

Uncle, let's change the song, shall we? We people in Donghai are almost sick of hearing it. Go and harm foreigners, countless young people shouted in their hearts.

Not only square dancing, but also cell phone ringtones!

I met ten old men and women in Donghai City, at least four of them were the most dazzling ethnic style when their mobile phones rang.There are also some shopping malls, barbershops, etc., all of which are scrolling!

Not to mention other grandparents and young people, even Zhang Jiangang heard this song when he went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and passed by the barber shop.But there is also a good thing, that is, with the copyright of this song, Zhang Jiangang has also made a lot of money during this period.

Comrade Zhang Jiangang also felt a little sick, it's time to launch the small apple, Zhang Jiangang thought.

During this period, there was another incident that greatly helped the sales promotion of Zhang's Square Dance and Longevity Boxing.

That's the ultimate trailer of "Once Upon a Time in the Sea of ​​Fury" is out!

Burned, accompanied by the melody of "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant", above the sea of ​​anger, the entire trailer is super-burned!This kind of passionate hero is lacking in this world, and it is a classic hero.

After all, Li Ke is a great director, and he spent a lot of money on promotion and publicity, so this influence is not comparable to that of Zhang Jiangang at this stage.Therefore, as soon as the trailer came out, it ignited the entire Internet, and countless netizens shared it, especially the song about self-improvement, a righteous and passionate man.

At the same time, Li Ke was also very interesting. At the following premiere, the author of "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" was specifically mentioned, and then he helped himself with a little advertisement according to the contract.

Almost immediately, the download volume of the two sets of instructional videos doubled.

And the pre-sale box office of "Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong" directly broke 8000 million, and the subsequent box office will never be lower.

Sure enough, on the first day of the film's release, the box office of Huang Feihong's Wrath of Hegemony reached [-] million.

It's on fire, Huang Feihong's Fury Sea Battle is on fire!

Li Ke even directly announced that Huang Feihong's movie is a series, and the second "Huang Feihong: Top Gun" is already in preparation and will start shooting soon.

Li Ke also specifically mentioned that the second script was provided by the respected old gentleman who wrote "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant", and he also sincerely thanked Uncle Zhang on Weibo.

Now it's all right, Uncle Zhang's sales have gone up again.

During this period of time, when everyone heard that men should be self-improvement, they thought of Huang Feihong, and they thought of Longevity Boxing.And when I think of these two, I think of the melody of a man being a self-improvement.

At the same time, the second beneficiary is the descendant of Huang Feihong in Guangdong Province, although he claims to be.

It is said that the young people who signed up for the martial arts gym opened by Huang Feihong's descendants during this period have gone crazy in line.

A movie directly evoked the martial spirit of Chinese young people, detonated everyone's martial spirit and the blood hidden in their bodies.

Maybe it's because the times are comfortable, but the martial spirit of Chinese young people has actually been sluggish these years.Just look at the ratings of fighting and boxing, it's super niche.

And when they saw the news that the martial arts gym of Huang Feihong's descendants was full, many people were jealous.

It can be seen that film and television works really play a great role in promoting these martial arts schools and even martial arts schools.And the same is true for a piece of classic music and melody that can make people associate for the first time.

And "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" became popular, and many groups were even more excited to use it directly.Because this song is too suitable, too imposing and profound.

Among them are some traditional sects that do not yet know that the spiritual energy will be revived.Now they are only concerned with enrolling students to make money, so they don't think about it so much.

However, Zhang Jiangang doesn't know much about these things, and he is not in a hurry to understand them.

Take it, use it, use it, it’s okay to make a fuss.However, after you guys become popular, I will sue you for copyright infringement, hehe.

Just kidding, the self-improvement of a man is the custom promotional background music of Zhang's Longevity Boxing, how can it be cheaper for you if you don't pay.

The first half of Zhang’s Longevity Fist including the second set is naturally a pure health-preserving exercise, but the second half is a real offensive and defensive cultivation exercise. I still want to use this song to promote and deepen the society. What about memory?

"Dad is here, and Xiaolei is working in this Yida Plaza."

"Go, go up, come to Lele, grandpa hug." Nodding, Zhang Jiangang took his precious granddaughter out of the car.

Originally, my nephew Zhang Weiping said that the relatives of the two parties met a few days ago, but somehow it was moved to today, and it was notified shortly, and the appointment was made at a high-end hotel by the sea.

Well, it just so happened that today was Saturday, so Zhang Jiangang took his family and prepared to go there.

The daughter-in-law, Yin Xiaolei, was working at the Baobaojiajia Maternal and Baby Store in Yida Plaza, so Zhang Jiangang and the others were going to pick up his daughter-in-law on the way to a restaurant by the sea.

"Dad, those few short videos have had a big impact on us. The elderly are fine, but I read the comments on the Internet. The young people on the Internet have a very bad opinion of our Longevity Boxing, especially you." Lock the car, Zhang Wenjun said.

"Well, don't worry about him. When I find out who is here later, I will definitely clean him up." While walking to the mall with his granddaughter in his arms, Zhang Jiangang returned.

Zhang Jiangang knew which short video his son was talking about, it was the video of the gang of Hunyuan Taiji boys making trouble that day.

To be exact, it is a video of Lao Song touching Cier in the name of his apprentice.

Zhang Jiangang didn't expect to release the video sooner or later. Someone released the video when Zhang's longevity boxing and square dancing became popular.

Saying that he is a big liar, saying that he is as good as Master Yanfang's fighting cattle across the mountain, in short, he has everything.For example, he used the banner of spreading martial arts to cheat money and so on.

I didn't say that I was Chuanwu!I didn't say that the first set of Changshouquan can be used for fighting, although the second set can indeed be used for self-defense, and it is very good.

To be honest, the video of old Song Pengcier had really bad influence.

"It's okay, they will understand soon." Zhang Jiangang was too lazy to answer those comments for the time being, and he didn't have the time.

As long as the old people can benefit and make money, then everything will be understood once the spirit recovers.

And even if I plan to launch a young people's version of the basic cultivation method for young people in the future, then Zhang Jiangang will have a way to solve this problem by then.

"Yes, that's fine. I'll call Xiaolei first." Knowing that his father had his own ideas, Zhang Wenjun nodded, and then called his wife to let her come down.

However, Zhang Wenjun's expression changed as soon as the phone was dialed, including Zhang Jiangang.

There was a lot of confusion on the other end of the phone, and there seemed to be voices of arguing.

what's the situation?
"Hey Xiaolei, we're here. What's the matter with you? Why are you so noisy? When will you come down? We're here at the entrance of the north gate of the mall." Zhang Wenjun asked quickly.

But just as Zhang Wenjun finished speaking, there was a burst of screaming from the other side of the phone.

"What's the matter, Xiaolei!" Zhang Jiangang also hurriedly asked, and at the same time glanced at his son, "Hurry up and have a look." Zhang Jiangang said, while holding his granddaughter while entering the mall.

"There are fights here in our maternity and baby store. There are two groups of leaflet distributors fighting in our maternity and baby store. Husband, please wait with dad first, ah~" Yin Xiaolei's terrified voice came from the phone.

Fight?Flyers?what's the situation?
At this moment, at the elevator entrance on the fourth floor of Yida Plaza, there is indeed a mess in front of a certain maternity and baby store. More than a dozen young people wearing two kinds of exercise clothes, each holding a flyer, are facing each other. The verbal conflict has an intensified rhythm.

These two groups of people wore [Dalong Taekwondo] white exercise uniforms in one wave, and T-shirts in [White Shark MMA Fighting Gym] in the other wave.

Two groups of people got into a fight because they robbed customers, and it was right in front of the mother and baby store.

They were all loud, and they all practiced martial arts. With so many people, countless people from the shopping mall were attracted over in an instant.

The person headed by White Shark Fighting is still an acquaintance of Zhang Jiangang, and it is the big man Gu Quan who led Hunyuan Taiji to the gym some time ago.

"We came first, why are you robbing us of our customers! You are not following the rules!" Gu Quan, the white shark fighting student, cursed while pushing and shoving.

"What's wrong with you guys coming first! This is your family, if you have the ability, just give it a try! What are you looking at!" Fang Dalong Taekwondo was not to be outdone, and several young men rushed up.

"Just now! Come on, I'm afraid of you! It's been a long time since I didn't like you! Show your fists and legs!" A big man in the white shark fight returned while pushing.

"Who are you talking about! You can insult me, but you can't insult Taekwondo! Don't blame me for being rude!"

"What's the matter with you! Come on! Can you do it? You, don't take root under your feet, fancy!"

"What are you talking about! Let them see how powerful Taekwondo is in Daehan!" The person who spoke was a bit broken in Chinese, but his words were very Chinese, and he had obviously lived in China for many years.

"I'm Cao Dahan? How old are you? When I was boxing in the ring, I was the best boxer among you! When did you hit your ring full of teeth!" Gu Quan directly sprayed.

 Congratulations to Aoguyan Huang Rongsheng as the new head of "Rebirth, Is It Okay to Be Later", and Wei Wanjun became the host of "Rebirth, Is It All Right to Be Later", thank you for the rewards.Thanks to Lazy Right Paw, Ling Lu Wolverine and other students for their support~
  The recommendation vote rank is 712. There is still 1 vote to catch up with the previous one. Please ask for a wave of recommendation tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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