Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 43 I really want to make a fight~

Chapter 43 I really want to fight ten of the group's destruction~ (Add more for Aogu and Wanjun~~)

The more you talk, the stronger the smell of gunpowder.

When Gu Quan finished these few words, the other party couldn't bear it anymore, and went straight to his lap.

Some of the onlookers watched the excitement, some took pictures, some helped find security, and some wanted to fight.

But I just thought about it. In fact, these two groups of people are tall and powerful, and they also know martial arts, so they don't dare to go forward.

"Ah, stop fighting!"

"Where are the security guards, where are the security guards!"

"Don't call in our mother and baby store, how do we do business~ah~~"

The two groups finally got into a fight, and the manager of the mother and baby store, including Yin Xiaolei, and the two employees were in a hurry and were about to cry.

Especially Yin Xiaolei, she didn't expect to encounter such a thing when she was about to go downstairs.

Amidst the screams, a flower basket in front of the mother and baby store was directly hit.

It was too late, and the two sides had already scuffled together.A dozen strong young men wrestled together and no one dared to get close, and several female employees of the mother and baby store were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Suddenly, one of the taekwondo students directly picked up another flower basket, and was about to throw it at the opposite white shark fighter.

Because of too much force, when I flicked it, it fell directly on the female employee of a certain mother and baby store.

With a scream, the female employee fell directly to the ground.And this female employee is Yin Xiaolei.

"Xiao Lei!" When seeing this scene, Zhang Wenjun, who just came up in the elevator, had red eyes and became anxious.

"Mom!" Xiao Lele cried even more, struggling to come down from grandpa's arms to see how her mother was doing.

"Male Gobi! Dare to hit my daughter-in-law, look at Lele!" Comrade Zhang is also on fire!
Originally, I was going to take my daughter-in-law's family to the engagement banquet today, but this kind of thing happened to me during such a festive time.

Look at you guys, you are making trouble in front of the mother and baby store, why don't you go to the nursing home!

Putting down his granddaughter Xiao Lele, Comrade Zhang became angry and rushed over.

The next moment, under the eyes of countless people, an old man with a strong aura rushed into the crowd.

As soon as he went up, a slap in the face directly slapped a taekwondo practitioner and staggered that kid directly.

"Master, what are you doing!"

With a bang, he kicked the dog to eat shit.

I rely on!At this moment, countless onlookers gasped. Whose old man is so fierce.

Even the two security guards who had just arrived were stunned.

After being shocked, Xindao, you don't go to participate in the cooperation with your old arms and legs.

On the other side, Gu Quan from the white shark mma fight also recognized Zhang Daoquan.

"Zhang, Uncle Zhang!" Gu Quan opened his mouth wide in shock.But at the same time as shocked, Gu Quan was kicked in the face in a trance.

"Fuck! I'll kill you! Grandpa, don't get blood on your body!" Gu Quan went crazy, and was about to beat up the taekwondo student who had black feet.

And the other side!
Just after finishing speaking, Gu Quan just felt that someone kicked his stomach. Fortunately, there are railings on the fourth floor, otherwise he would have been kicked downstairs.

Stuck out of breath, stepping down, Gu Quan directly leaned on the railing and got out of breath.

Gu Quan swears that before retiring, he was KO'd in games, but he never got KO'd so soon!
In addition, Gu Quan is very confident in his ability to resist blows, and his abs are just right.So Gu Quan was frightened.

This is definitely not a coincidence!
Maybe this old man really has kung fu!

Especially when he saw the Taekwondo student who was kicked by the uncle on the other side and couldn't get up, Gu Quan was shocked.

Grasping the railing with one hand, pointing in the direction of Zhang Jiangang with the other hand sluggishly on the floor, "Master, my own people~ are all Chinese, stop~"

"Who the fuck is with you!" I saw the uncle spit out, and then under the shock and panic of another taekwondo student, he fell over his shoulder and directly laid a taekwondo coach on the ground, foaming.

Return your own people?Made a group of old men blocking the door of the human mother and baby shop to fight, you think the people in the mother and baby shop are so bullying!

Another taekwondo student was taken aback. At the same time, because of his fighting instinct, this student subconsciously threw a taekwondo-style second kick towards Zhang Jiangang's head.

This is the second kicker who just lifted halfway up, and was kicked firmly on the crotch by the other foot.

The next moment, the buddy covered his crotch with tears in his eyes.

"Still playing with my feet! You can't even let your three feet go up together!"

That is to say, you haven't entered the era of spiritual energy recovery, otherwise you will be wiped out with a small spell by the uncle, and you still need to spend this effort!

It was also a coincidence that when Comrade Zhang Jiangang was killing the Quartet, the singing of "Men should be self-improvement" came from a sporting goods store not far away.

The next moment, under the attention of countless customers on the fourth floor of the shopping mall, a certain old man chopped melons and vegetables, turned a dozen or so Taekwondo beaters on their backs, and was powerless to fight back.

Was shocked, the audience was shocked!
On the fourth floor, a large crowd of people opened their mouths.

On the fifth floor, countless customers leaned on the railing and looked down, with their mouths open.

On the third floor, countless people looked up.

Too fierce, this uncle is too fierce!

"Who else is there!!" Uncle Zhang said domineeringly as he glanced at the two 'sects' that had been wiped out by the regiment.

Hearing this sound, no matter if it is from Taekwondo or MMA Fighting Club, all the students lying awake on the ground, and the coaches, everyone was scared by the uncle and tried to crawl farther away.

Lying on the ground, a dozen young men were beaten half to death by an old man, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Most of them were knocked unconscious, and the remaining three or two were also lying on the ground trembling, for fear that this violent old man would beat someone up again.

"Master, we know each other, have you forgotten that I am your nephew? The police can testify that I was opposite Dongfang City that day, my uncle~" I saw this uncle panting towards the only one who was still sitting on the ground. Walking over by himself, Gu Quan almost cried.

Referee, referee, come and save me, this old player is still going to fight, give me the countdown!
"Oh, it's you, nephew!" After warming up and venting his breath, Zhang Jiangang pretended to recognize Gu Quan, but he was still walking towards Gu Quan.



"It's okay, wife."

"It's okay, it's okay, I just scratched my skin." Yin Xiaolei, who was helped up by her husband and crying daughter on the other side, said.

"Dad, Xiaolei is fine." Seeing this, Zhang Wenjun heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time said something to his father.

Looking back at his daughter-in-law, Zhang Jiangang also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I really didn't know you were the uncle's daughter-in-law. Don't worry, I will cover your mother and baby store from now on." Seeing that the woman who had been arguing for a long time was Zhang Jiangang's daughter-in-law, Gu Quan almost cried.

No wonder the uncle was so ruthless, it turned out that the person who was beaten was the uncle's daughter-in-law.

But sir, it wasn't us who beat it, it was those sticks who beat it.

However, Gu Quan noticed that although they were all beaten and lying on the ground, the group of sticks and taekwondo students were obviously worse. Several of them were directly hit on the vitals, especially the third leg.

Another eye was swollen.

Can't use high skills, is this the legendary high skills that can't be used, death or disability.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything that day, otherwise he would have been beaten to death, and at the same time, Gu Quan broke out in a cold sweat.

As a former professional boxer engaged in martial arts fighting, Gu Quan, including many of his colleagues, knows that many of the martial arts transmissions are actually fake.

Or it's not fake, and it's exaggerated.In addition to moves, people who practice martial arts are basically crushed by modern fighting in terms of attack power, combat experience, and other aspects.

They lack professional training and confrontation too much. After all, this is not the age of war in ancient times.

In the past, Chuanwu was absolutely powerful, but now the masters of Chuanwu are only focused on earning money to recruit students, everything is wasted, and only their mouths are left.

Even the many traditional martial arts moves are not comparable to modern fighting. After all, modern fighting is born for actual combat.

It can be said that if he really fights, he can beat his former master Niu Baoguo ten times!

But today, Gu Quan's cognition was overturned.

Chuanwu is Chuanwu, it's really amazing!
Gu Quan didn't know that Comrade Zhang didn't use traditional martial arts at all.

 Ask for a wave of recommended tickets, collect them ~ quack

(End of this chapter)

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