Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 566 A New Outlet!

Chapter 566 A New Outlet!

Is this book really not for people to read?
Boss, are you praising me or scolding me?
Seeing this message, the writer named Pepper and Salt Prawn couldn't laugh or cry.

"What do you mean big?" Having confirmed the identity of the other party, Salt and Pepper Prawn now adds the word "big" to every sentence.

"That's right. This new category is mainly aimed at the Miracle Clan. Our novel website is planning to enter the Miracle Realm. On the 8th, the starting point of the Miraculous World's version of the Heavens and Different Worlds will be launched soon."

"That's why we need a lot of enchanting works now." The other party said.

The Meijie version of the novel website is about to go online?
Your own book is mainly aimed at demons?

When seeing these, salt and pepper prawns were speechless for a while after being shocked.

My book is for the enchanters of the No. 8 Enchantment Realm?I'll go, so awesome?
etc!Is there an internet connection in Magic World?

At the same time, the salt and pepper prawns seem to have discovered a big news.

"The local Immortal Realm is assisting the Charm Realm to build a network. The Ministry of Comprehension held a meeting a month ago to make us, the cultural industry departments, ready." The other side replied again.

"Is it so awesome?" The salt and pepper prawn couldn't help but return.

"Yes, that's right! The server may be placed on our side, or it may be placed in the Demon World." The other party said.

"Oh my God!" Salt and Pepper Shrimp exclaimed, and at the same time, after logging into the writer's section of the website, he found that the site was indeed short!
The local fairy world is actually building a network communication in the enchanted world!

This broken book of mine has caught up to the hottest trend!

Fortunately, I didn't delete the book with a shake of my hand just now, especially the saved manuscript!
"Big brother, can my book work? I read it again from beginning to end, and also read some other latest popular books, and found that the routines of my book are too old, and there are indeed some bloody plots."

"Even the readers said that it's not good to persuade them to quit, saying that this is the style of novels more than ten years ago." Salt and Pepper Prawn asked cautiously.

"They are right." The other party returned.


"But it's okay, don't forget that the people who read books are not ordinary people, but ghosts. They haven't been exposed to these before, and now they may not be able to accept new types of books."

"On the contrary, your kind of books are very popular, and there are very few books on the Internet that feature the evil as the main character, especially the ones like yours that have uploaded 20 words." The editor Nanming replied.

"Besides, Meimei is different from ordinary people. For them, the more bloody and clichéd the novel, the better. They can't understand new themes and genres, so don't be discouraged, and don't affect your mood just because of poor grades before." Said on the other side.

"Hmm~" Salt and Pepper Prawn hurried back, even though he was at the desk, he nodded desperately.

Not only do I feel that what the other party said makes sense, but more importantly, this is the first time that an editor or even someone has talked to me like this, and explained it to me so comfortingly and patiently.

At the same time, the more you dictate the salt and pepper prawns, the more excited you become.

"You are like other categories on our website now, such as fantasy, fairy tales, urban, science fiction, etc., especially urban and science fiction. Don't look at these categories. We like to watch them, but not only do we not like to watch enchanting horror, but we also don't like it. Understand."

"Such as urban and science fiction, their culture and history make them have no sense of substitution for these things." said the editor in charge opposite.

"They may not even be able to accept the two themes of fairy tales and fantasy for a while, because the cultural background is too different. So once the starting point is launched, our category will definitely shine!"

"Yes." The salt and pepper prawn nodded desperately.

He didn't know that the new editor-in-chief opposite was no less excited than he was.

Because once the starting point Qimei sub-station is opened, the advantage of this new category is too great!

The editor-in-charge, Nan Ming, knew that in the past two days, the other editors on the entire Internet would probably be like him, desperately robbing people and books!
"Do you know, I read it. Although your book is bloody, it has an advantage that other books with enchanting themes do not have. That is the background of your book story, including the specific setting, history and geography in it. It fits with the background of the Demonic World, you have collected a lot of information on the Demonic World before, right?" Nanming sent a message.

"Yes, it's great."

Indeed, Salt and Pepper Prawn put his heart into this book, and even collected everything about the Phantom World through various methods on the Internet, including history, geography and culture.

"Great! You just write it the way you wrote it before."

"By the way, I see that you have uploaded 20 words, have you saved the manuscript?" the other person asked again, and he was a little nervous.

"Yes! There are less than 50 words of manuscripts left, but I almost threw them away because I couldn't sign a contract. I can't even sign a contract. Let alone 50 words, what's the use of 100 million words, and I can't make money. money.

Especially after reading it myself, it is indeed the routine and style of more than ten years ago. To be honest, after reading too many books, I feel that I can't stand it anymore.

And hearing this, the editor-in-chief opposite, Nan Ming, was very excited.

Save the manuscript!What editors love most is that the author has a lot of manuscripts on file.

"Great! How about this, you sign the contract online first and send the contract over, and then I'll help you change the signing status of the work immediately. There will be a heavy recommendation from the editor of the new category on the homepage the day after tomorrow. You prepare, I plan to Keep it for you, and promote it well!" said the other side.

Seeing this, the heart of the salt and pepper prawns almost flew out at this moment.

"Thank you so much, thank you so much!"

The salt and pepper prawn said excitedly.

This happiness came too suddenly! [Editor's heavy recommendation] Although this recommendation is not as good as Dafengtui and other recommendations, it is also excellent among all the recommendations.

Salt and pepper prawns did not expect to book a premium recommendation before signing a contract.

"It's okay, just write well, maybe I still have to rely on you writers of charm genre." The other side also said politely. "You go to sign the contract online first. Let me know when you're done. I'll help you change the signing status of the work and automatically smile."


At this moment, the writer Pepper and Salt Prawn, who was once lost and confused, temporarily closed the chat, and he was already full of energy and ambition.

At the same time, in the field of novels on the Internet, starting from the starting point, editors of many websites have been moving around the Internet this night, frantically grabbing people and books!

"Rebirth of the Demonic Emperor", "I am the Demonic Blood Emperor", "The Commander of Demonic Demons"... "The Demonic I Am Not an Ant" and so on!
Record-breaking, a large number of novels with ghosts as the theme and protagonists were signed overnight, shocking the entire Internet literary world.

Several online novel forums in Huaxia exploded. Ordinary authors were talking about it. Even some great writers couldn’t sleep all night because of this big incident. They all went to their respective fan groups and novel forums, asking what happened. something happened.

Everyone knows that a new outlet is coming!
 Good night, friends~~~
(End of this chapter)

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