Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 567 Create it, coders!

Chapter 567 Create it, coders! (first update)
It is said that although the influence of online novels has gradually increased over the years, it has not yet reached the point where it has attracted the attention of the entire society, or even caused a sensation.

But this night was indeed beyond imagination, causing quite a stir on the Internet.

Snake Sky Forum is one of the most influential forums in Huaxia Network Literature.

Here, there are old or popular Internet writers, as well as countless new Internet writers. Everyone chats in this forum, chats about writing experience, predicts the development direction of Internet literature, analyzes popular new books, and so on.

Countless Internet writers gathered on this forum, sharing their understanding of writing, and talking about their confusion and experience in the writing process.

And from about twelve o'clock tonight, the user traffic of the entire Shekong forum began to increase sharply.

And not only Huaxia's online writers, but even many ordinary netizens who didn't pay much attention to online novels came to join in the fun.

Overnight, a lot of posts about the world of evil spirits popped up in the forum. Of course, there were also posts about editors of major novel websites robbing people for books.

"What do you think of the classification of enchanting novels suddenly appearing on a certain website? "

"My novel was contacted and signed by Da Da Nanming, the title of the book is "The Charm of the Abandoned Young Master"! "

"The latest news, another novel about ghosts and ghosts that hit the street has been signed by xxxuan novel website, it seems that the Qidian family is not taking action! "

"The spring of online literature is here, I noticed that the headlines of major portal websites are all novels classified by ghosts"

"The latest watch out, in addition to the starting point, four other major online literature sites have announced that they will add the charm category! "


"What the hell happened, why is the whole internet buying up ghost novels overnight? "

On this forum, which is similar to the Writer's Home of Internet Fiction Writers, there are posts like this everywhere.

Some posts quickly sank due to screen swiping, but most of them were comments and messages.Most of the entire forum are network writers, especially since this matter is closely related to everyone, everyone is naturally very concerned.

Because every time a new category of online articles appears, it means that these writers have another opportunity.

After all, when the new online literature category first came out, the number of novels was small, and relatively speaking, whoever wrote it had more opportunities to get it.

For example, there are millions of books in the library of old categories such as Xianxia City, and the editors are exhausted just reading, so they can only select high-quality and potential good books for heavy recommendation.

On the contrary, there are only a few hundred or even a dozen books in this enchanting category.In this case, one can imagine how these dozens of books will be treated by editors and fiction websites.

It can be said that the previous categories such as City and Xianxia are all kinds of advertisements and recommendation places on the website waiting for books, while the latter is all kinds of recommendation places waiting in line for books!
That's the pay gap.

So, not to mention the excitement of countless low-level writers, wanting to know what's going on, that is, many famous and god-level Internet writers couldn't sleep tonight, and they all ran to the Shekong forum.

"Confirmed with the editor, Qidian will enter the Demon World! Not only Qidian, but also five other novel websites will also enter the Demon World, and open a sub-site on the 8th Demon World!"

Under a post with the most comments, a user whose Id is 'Angry Eggplant' left a message, which quickly attracted a lot of followers and comments.

Without him, this angry eggplant is thought to be a master of web literature, and he is a newly promoted platinum master!

"Catch the eggplant alive! What do you mean? Does the eggplant mean that Qi Meijie also needs to connect to the Internet?" Soon, there were a lot of follow-up comments below.

"Really? Isn't this too explosive? No wonder the Internet, especially the writers, are crazy."

"Entering the No. 8 Demon World? The Demon civilization is not the same civilization as ours. They don't even have electricity. How can the website open a branch there?" A Shekong user asked anxiously.

"Qi Da went on to say, break the news quickly!" Seeing that someone finally broke the news, a novice author replied anxiously.

"I guess it's a physical book? Is it a big eggplant?"

"Chida, you are my idol. When will the new book come out? The old book has been finished for a month, and I can't wait."

"How is it possible? The Charm World doesn't even have a network. They are a bit like the situation in ancient China at this stage, and they don't have the hardware conditions at all."

There are all kinds of content in the message, but most of them still ask what is going on.

"The latest news, the local fairyland has notified several top web sites, and the relevant personnel of Longteng and Huaxia are building a charming Internet on the 8th in the magic world! I don't need to say more, you all understand, right?" Soon the Eggplant replied.

"In short, through the economic and trade cooperation between the two worlds, the local Immortal World and China are ready to start large-scale assistance to the infrastructure of the No. 8 Demon World, especially the power and Internet infrastructure!"

Assistance to the infrastructure of the enchanted world, and it starts from the direction of electricity and the Internet!
As soon as this message came out, the entire comment area exploded.

"real or fake?"

"I'll go! Someone really guessed it right!"

"This is so awesome, who came up with the idea?"

"So in the future we will be able to cross planes to communicate with Meimei, and even video chat with people from another world?" Everyone discussed.

"Building the Internet in the Demon World? Can this signal pass through?" The person who spoke was a network writer majoring in science and engineering.

At the same time, someone soon commented under this man of science and engineering, he should also be an internet writer who graduated from science and engineering.

"Actually, whether the signal can pass through is not that important. Even if it can't pass through, it doesn't matter. It is equivalent to two independent Internets. If the two parties need data transmission, they can directly bring the data over by physical means. Anyway, when the time comes The content of the server is also brought over from our side."

These writers of science and engineering went astray after discussing, but other network writers were not taken away by them.

No. 8 Enchanted World!That is an entire plane, a plane that is countless times larger than our earth, especially the population is almost countless times that of the mortal world, and the market for online articles is too big!

In an instant, everyone reacted!
Just thinking about it, these online novel practitioners are extremely excited.

It's like the book you wrote suddenly has a sales channel, and this sales channel is even infinitely larger than the sales channel of the main website!
Not to mention some Internet writers who have already made some achievements, even countless writers who have been on the street before are excited.

"The spring of web writing is here!"

"Haha, I just opened a new book a few days ago, and it turned out that this kind of good thing happened, no, I will go downstairs and read a bunch of skewers later to reward myself."

"Me too, I just published an urban novel last week, haha."

"Thinking about it makes me excited! With such a large population and such a huge online literature market, we hard-working Internet writers are about to prosper, ahaha!"

"When will your new book be released, Mr. Eggplant? Is it also classified by the charm? Do you have any suggestions for everyone?"

"It's no wonder that the category of ghosts has been added, but authors of other categories may also get a share. After all, the readership has increased so many times in one fell swoop. Moreover, the environment in which ghosts live may have few entertainment methods, and novels must be popular! "

"I remembered one thing. There was a news two months ago, saying that we had assimilated the demons and even immortals who had been lurking before. They often read online articles, vibrato, etc., ahaha."

"I've seen this on the news, and I heard that Mei Mei can also use the shake, people nearby function to hook up with girls."

"Haha, I've seen this too."

(End of this chapter)

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