My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 11 Jade Emperor's visit, Duobao's concern

Chapter 11 Jade Emperor's visit, Duobao's concern
"Senior sent his first apprentice to the Heavenly Court, so I naturally want to thank you face to face."

"Jade Emperor." Zhao Lang said with a faint smile, and then moved him into the fairy cave.

Although Haotian's strength is also in the quasi-sage at this time, it is only at the middle level, and Zhao Lang has already come to the high-level quasi-sage, so he is not a threat to him.

After all, it is the Jade Emperor, the fairy boy beside Hongjun, it is still necessary to meet him.

The body appeared in the fairy cave in an instant, and Haotian couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he saw Zhao Lang for the first time.

Zhao Lang was also nervous. After all, he was the Jade Emperor. Originally, his destiny was to be summoned by him after he became a god. However, Zhao Lang came through time travel, and these things would never happen.


Haotian cupped his hands, after all, he was the person mentioned by Hongjun, and since he was hidden in the world since the Lich Tribulation, it is still necessary to respect him a little.

After returning the gift, Zhao Lang said with a smile: "I have already agreed to Hongjun about the matter of my disciple, there is nothing to thank."

"Of course it's not just at this time. I come here for another reason. I want to invite seniors to come out of the mountain and enter my heavenly court. At that time, there will be one person under ten thousand in the heavenly court. What do you think?"

Haotian was straightforward and didn't hide it at all.


"It is detected that the Jade Emperor, the top lucky man, invites the host to enter the heaven, and you can choose!"

"One, agree to the invitation, and return to the Heavenly Court with him, and he can be reused by the Heavenly Court."

"Second, if you refuse the invitation and continue to retreat, you can obtain the power of the ancestral witch and the source of water."

The origin of water?

Zhao Lang was taken aback.

Looking at this situation, if the system gives him some more powers to gather the power of the ancestral witches, it will be able to reach the combined strength of twelve ancestral witches.

It was extremely terrifying, but Zhao Lang didn't dare to yearn for it. Counting the source of water, it was already the third one, and he was already very satisfied.

And join the Heavenly Court and get reused?

He smiled mischievously.

When the Heavenly Court becomes stronger, there will be no one person under ten thousand people. The Haotian before the conferment of the gods and the Haotian after the conferment of the gods are completely two people, maybe because of the great power, maybe because the saints all No longer come out, Tianting has become the biggest protagonist in charge of the world.

And he controlled the world, how could he allow someone of equal status to him?

"I have no intention of being contaminated with karma. I have already told Daozu about this. The Jade Emperor forgives me."

Zhao Lang was very polite, although he didn't want to have too much interaction with the Jade Emperor, he didn't want to cause trouble either.

Seeing what he said, Haotian was not too surprised. He only had the attitude of giving a try to the people that Hongjun couldn't invite.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a treasure.

"Senior, this is the Pangu Zhanyuan Sword. I hope that you can help the Heavenly Court when there are difficulties in the future."

buy me?
But to help, you don't have to go out of the pass to help!
After receiving the magic weapon, Zhao Lang was a little surprised. It was an acquired treasure, second only to the innate treasure.

After receiving the magic weapon and Haotian saluting each other, Zhao Lang moved it out of the fairy cave.

Looking at the Pangu Zhanyuan sword in his hand, Zhao Lang could deeply feel the spiritual power in it, which was extremely violent.

As expected of Hongjun's fairy boy!

Such a generous shot!

The source of water, the ancestral witch's power, also entered his body at this time, and began to fuse with other spiritual powers.

Due to the existence of the source of fire itself, after the source of water entered the body, it first rubbed against it for a while, but in the end the two forces were still surrounded by the source of time.

Feeling the increase of spiritual power in his body, Zhao Lang let out a pleasant cry.

Haotian Jade Emperor wants to go to heaven, but Haotian has never met him before?

Why do you seem to know me very well when we meet each other? Why do you let me sit so easily when you are under one person and above ten thousand people?

Zhao Lang was puzzled, but after he figured it out, a name appeared in his mind.


Zhao Lang couldn't hold back from speaking out.

It must be him, as expected, he has already been noticed by Hongjun, and it must be the former's arrangement for the Jade Emperor to come to him.

I always feel that Hongjun is calculating himself.

Zhao Lang broke out in cold sweat, and immediately sat cross-legged.

Too scary!

I won't go out to see how you can calculate.

Zhao Lang snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and continued to retreat.

At this time, there was one person who was as nervous as him, and that was Biyou Palace's Master Tongtian.

"What does Master mean?"

Taoist Duobao stood in front of Tongtian, his eyes full of doubts.

Tong Tian sighed, and frowned, "Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu don't send anyone, they just want me to stop teaching and send people to the Heavenly Court, Daozu's meaning is also ambiguous, as if I should recruit people to the Heavenly Court , he doesn't care."

"Could it be that you feel that Master's disciples are not qualified enough?" Duobao asked.

Shaking his head, Tongtian was silent.

After a while, I suddenly thought of something, "That Bu Zhoushan has become a quasi-sage, and the Taoist ancestor has also noticed him. You can pay a visit on my behalf, and by the way... ask him if he has changed his mind."

Duobao nodded, and then exited the hall.

Zhao Lang is thinking about the three origins.

Time... Fire... Water...

What if the power of the twelve ancestor witches could be gathered together?
Couldn't he, alone, be able to activate the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons Formation?
This formation is comparable to Donghuang Taiyi's innate treasure Chaos Clock, Demon Emperor Dijun's Hetu Luoshu, and Zhou Tianxingdou formation without one ancestor witch!

If so...

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang's heart was full of enthusiasm.

Suddenly, he felt a breath appearing outside the cave.

Da Luo Jinxian is at the peak level, but he has an impression of this person.

The figure flashed out of the fairy cave, just in time to collide with Taoist Duobao who had just landed.

"Fellow Daoist, you are really powerful. I heard that Master said that you have successfully achieved quasi-sage. I still can't believe it. When I see you now, you are indeed extraordinary and refined, which is completely different from before!"

Duobao's eyes were full of disbelief.

"It's just a coincidence. Daoist Duobao came all the way, so why?"

Zhao Lang smiled politely.

"I want to invite fellow daoists to come out of the mountain again, and fellow daoists will not agree."

Taoist Duobao asked tentatively.

Smiling and nodding, he, Zhao Lang, will never leave the customs unless he is a sage.

However, Duobao seemed to have other things on his mind. After hesitating for a while, he looked at Zhao Lang, as if he had some concerns.

"If you have anything to say, you might as well speak out, Fellow Daoist Duobao."

Zhao Lang saw his thoughts and smiled faintly.

Indeed, Duobao has something on his mind.

Because recently, the two sages of the Western religion have always sent him voices and dreams, wanting him to join their religion. In their words, it seems that they are dying.

This person in front of him looks ordinary, but his strength is definitely above the middle-level quasi-sage.

What does it mean to be able to survive from the time when the lich catastrophe was all over the golden immortals?
It shows that the person in front of him is by no means simple!
Not for the weak.

But facing the invitation of the saint, he actually said he was afraid of death?

After thinking for a while, Duobao finally said, "I would like to ask, why is fellow Taoist not willing to come out of the mountain? As a quasi-sage, is it enough to make a name for yourself in the prehistoric world?"

Hearing this, Zhao Lang was taken aback.

It seems that Taoist Duobao's mind is indeed more meticulous than those saints.

They only knew that they were retreating, but they never knew the real reason for his retreat. As quasi-sages, they didn't doubt it because they were afraid of dying.

Facing Taoist Duobao's question, Zhao Lang did not answer immediately.

If the truth is told, there will be an immeasurable catastrophe afterwards, and almost half of the strong in the prehistoric world will disappear.

In this way, after Duobao becomes the Buddha of Western religion in the future, will he take revenge on himself?

Zhao Lang didn't want to have anything to do with the God Conferred Tribulation.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Lang replied in an illusory tone, "It's true that I retreated not only because I was afraid of death, but I only believed in myself, even a saint, so I chose to retreat, just wanting to stay away All causes and effects in the world."


Taoist Duobao savored these words carefully in his heart, and began to think wildly.

What does it mean?
Saints can't be trusted?

Daoist Duobao muttered to himself, "The sage is the strongest in the world, immortal, and now in the prehistoric world, there are seven of them..."

Suddenly, Duobao felt the creeps!
(End of this chapter)

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