My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 12 Get the Sea Pearl and Receive Xuanyuan as His Disciple

Chapter 12 Get the Sea Pearl and Receive Xuanyuan as His Disciple


Taoist Hongjun!Master Tongtian!Yuanshi Tianzun!Taiqing Laozi!Quasi-mentor Taoist!Pick up the Taoist!Nuwa saint!
The figures of these people flashed past his mind!

The saint is invincible, but as long as the people under him are not saints, they are just a grain of sand in the way of heaven, which is dispensable!

Recalling what Zhunti told him in his mind:
"Jiejiao's life is exhausted, join my Western Cult, I will protect you from worries..."

Duobao suddenly realized!

Then he bent down and cupped his hands, saluting respectfully.

"I have never seen a person who can see the prehistoric world so thoroughly. Hearing the words of fellow Daoist, it awakens the dreamer. I admire, admire!"

Afterwards, Duobao took out a magic weapon from his sleeve, let go of his hand, and left in a hurry without saying a word.

"This treasure is bestowed by Master, it is called Dinghai Pearl, and there are 24 of them. Among them, the brilliance is so bright that it can make the world tremble. Now I give it to fellow Taoists!"

As soon as the words fell, Duobao disappeared.

"24 Ding Haizhu?"

Zhao Lang recalled frantically.

It turned out that this treasure was not his own. It should have been handed down to him by the Master Tongtian after he joined the Jiejiao. Later, because of Zhao Gongming's disappearance, Tongtian gave it to Taoist Duobao. It's back in my hands!
Can't help secretly happy, go to the cave.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhao Lang wanted to try the power of these 24 fixed sea beads immediately.

Immediately, spiritual power gushed out from his body, but at this time his spiritual power was not completely golden, and there were some purple, red, blue in it...

Because the power of the ancestral witch belongs to the source of spiritual power, it is not the only spiritual power stored in Zhao Lang's body.

What he cultivated on his own body was the Hunyuan Dao method, and his own golden spiritual power was mixed with these later sources of power, making his spiritual power colorful and quite gorgeous.

Injecting the spiritual power into the Dinghai Pearl, Zhao Lang was stunned for a moment, and there were six on the Dinghai Pearl that gradually changed their colors, which were the same as the three spiritual powers of time, fire, and water. The two became one, each divided into yin and yang.

Feeling the brilliance in the Dinghai Pearl, Zhao Lang secretly rejoiced.

If the power of the ancestral witch can be collected completely, these 24 Dinghai beads will be transformed into twelve strands of spiritual power, and each strand of spiritual power will be divided into yin and yang. This kind of magic weapon may be comparable to the treasure of chaos!
Putting away the Dinghai Pearl, Zhao Lang suppressed the joy in his heart.

At this time, the Western Sect should have joined forces with Yuanshi Tianzun to target the Cutting Sect. Taoist Duobao's aptitude is extremely terrifying, and the rest of the sects want to recruit him.

I am afraid that they have already begun to calculate each other.

Zhao Lang nodded and continued to retreat, as long as I don't come out, these things have nothing to do with me, unless the Conferred God War hits his hole.

Continue to retreat!

In the prehistoric times, gradually came the period of Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

After Fuxi was born, immortals and gods came down to teach him how to practice.

During this period, disciples from Interpretation Teaching, Intercepting Teaching, Western Teaching, and Heavenly Court continued to come to help.

They want to become Fuxi's biggest project, so that after Fuxi unifies the human race, they can respect their sect.

With the influx of Taoist sects into the human race, things in the prehistoric are much quieter.

The human race is concentrated in the middle of the land of China.

During this period, the human race was proud, thinking that they were the masters of the wild.

He declared war on Heaven.

In the end, they were all blown away by the palm of the Jade Emperor...

After that, all the monks of the human race broke away from the tribe, and either went to heaven to become gods, or opened sects in the prehistoric, far away from the world.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, Fuxi unified the human race and became the emperor, opening the prosperity of the human race.

In the end, he abdicated Shennong, flew into the Huoyun Cave by himself, and became the sub-sage of the human race.

Shennong was ranked as the Emperor of the Earth. Under his leadership, the human race became stronger and stronger, and the initial civilization began to be born.

But after that, the human race began to split apart...

"Is there anyone! If there is no one, I will break in!"

Zhao Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and his spiritual sense came out of the cave, but he saw a person covered in blood and scars.


Zhao Lang appeared outside the cave, the coercion of the late quasi-sage was overwhelming!
Seeing this, the man passed out and was dying.

Who is this?
Zhao Lang was wondering in his heart, but three lines of words appeared in his consciousness:

"It is detected that Xuanyuan, a man of great luck, is about to die, and you can choose."

"One, ignore it, let it fend for itself, and you can get Chiyou's sword."

"Second, save him and accept him as an apprentice to get a Chaos Pill."


Zhao Lang frowned.

At this time Shennong is the emperor of the earth, Xuanyuan should be the next king appointed by him, but at the same time Chiyou should also rise.

Chi You thought that the king should be the one who can live there, so he wanted to snatch the throne.

If I save him, I will be infected with karma...

Zhao Lang hesitated, but after all, this is a man of great luck in the human race, and if Chi You really gets the throne, wouldn't the world suffer untold misery?

After making a decision in his heart, Zhao Lang moved it into the fairy cave.

I do not know how long it has been.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes in a daze.

Seeing Zhao Lang in front of him, he was shocked!
"I swear to defend the tribe to the death!"

Smiling, Zhao Lang watched Xuanyuan struggling to get up.

"I am not from the Chiyou tribe."

"Then who are you?"

"I am your master."

"But I don't have a master!"

"There is now."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang showed his own spiritual coercion, stunned Xuanyuan, he had never seen such a powerful aura.

"Master, be respected by the disciple!"

Smiling and waving his hand, Zhao Lang signaled him to get up.

"I know that you have lost the battle with Chi You, but your luck is still there, and the position of king is still yours. You just need to follow me and teach you some cultivation methods as a teacher, and then you will fight Chi You again. You will win."

When Xuanyuan heard the words, his eyes were full of expectation.

After that, Zhao Lang gave Xuanyuan the Jade Qing Lotus Kung Fu, Thousand Mountains Shocking Thunder Palm, and even the Jade Cauldron Dragon Bone Cone. After all, he already had 24 Ding Haizhu, Shenshen Spear, and Pangu Zhanyuan Sword. It doesn't do him much good to keep it.

A few years later, Xuanyuan left and returned to the wilderness to fight Chi You again. As expected, Chi You was defeated.

At the same time, Xing Tian awakened the blood of the great witch, and directly killed the Heavenly Court to fight against the Jade Emperor.

There is no need to guess the ending, Xing Tian suffered a disastrous defeat and was directly laid down in the world.

However, Houtu, one of the twelve ancestor witches who used to be in charge of the six reincarnations, even if Chi You and Xing Tian died tragically, because they were the reincarnation of great witches, their souls still have a place to go.

Zhao Lang took a deep breath. After refining the Chaos Pill rewarded by the system, a purple-gold air mass formed in his body, surging rapidly, and containing vast spiritual power in a strange and terrifying way.

Before he could think too much, the air mass exploded in vain, pouring into every meridian in his body in an instant.

At the same time, thunderclouds suddenly gathered outside the cave, and the aura surged.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun slowly opened his eyes.

"The power of chaos?"

He muttered to himself, and his consciousness fell into the prehistoric land.

Is it him again?
Hongjun became more and more curious about this person.

Why is this person able to arouse the power of chaos even though he hasn't become a saint yet?
"It should be a magic weapon."

He thought to himself, and then continued to observe.

After the spiritual power of Chaos Pill was completely absorbed by Zhao Lang, he felt that the strength of his physical body had increased several times in an instant, which made him feel refreshed.

"This pill is so miraculous?"

Zhao Lang thought, if there were a few hundred more, he might be able to reach the pinnacle of quasi-sage directly!

But this is impossible, the Chaos Pill is extremely rare, and it takes hundreds of millions of years to gather the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth to form it. It is already extremely rare to get one.

Just when Zhao Lang was excited, a person flashed into the cave.

Zhao Lang noticed it immediately, and frowned.

There are only two people who can directly break into the secret realm.

"Little friend..."

Zhao Lang was startled, hearing this voice...

Not Hongjun!

(End of this chapter)

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