Chapter 210 Borrow a few drops of blood
Turning his gaze, Zhao Lang looked beside him.

Driven by spiritual power, he grabbed it casually, and pulled a person into the pavilion from the void black hole that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man was startled, everything happened so suddenly and inexplicably, he didn't react at all.

When he came back to his senses again, he looked at Zhao Lang's smiling expression, and couldn't help frowning.

"You're not dead?"

This person is Lu Ya.

As for fire, what is more fire than the sun?
Each of the Golden Crows can incarnate into the sun, and naturally there is a very strong fire in its blood.

Looking at Zhao Lang, Lu Ya, who used to be at ease in the wilderness, was shocked.

One is surprise.

It was rumored that Zhao Gongming Zhou Shengren had fallen from the throne, but he still couldn't believe it. Seeing that Zhao Lang was intact today, he was naturally relieved.

The second is this guy, look at his eyes...

Not quite right!

"Tell me, what can you do?"

Lu Ya thought that Zhao Lang was in trouble and needed his own help to "invite him over" directly, but he didn't expect that Zhao Lang would ask for a drop of his blood.

Want my blood?

Lu Ya was taken aback, what does this mean?
"Since when did you get used to it?"

Puzzled, Lu Ya impatiently stretched out his palm, and his other hand slid across his palm in a sword-like gesture.

A wound that was neither shallow nor deep appeared, and the pale golden blood leaked out of it.

Normally speaking, a man of his cultivation has a golden body, and his body is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire.

But he was willing, so Zhao Lang could easily get the most authentic Golden Crow blood.

Looking at the few drops of Golden Crow's blood essence in the jade bottle.

Zhao Lang nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Lu Ya glanced at him, shook his palm lightly, and the wound disappeared instantly.

"I thought it was because your conscience found out that you fell from the throne, but now I know that you are not dead, and I am so disappointed!"

This sentence is obviously a joke.

Zhao Lang didn't care.

He smiled faintly, the relationship with Lu Ya now is more like an old friend.

After questioning, Lu Ya has been outside these years.

He has almost traveled all over the prehistoric world, and he will stay for a while wherever he goes.

At the same time, Lu Ya was proud of himself.

Zhao Lang's heart itch.

This guy, is he in a hurry for me?
I smiled wryly for a while.

Indeed, the former can now travel in the wilderness because he truly has no enemies, everything in the wilderness has nothing to do with him, he is happy and happy.

However, Zhao Lang still has a lot of things to do. At the last moment, he was still fighting wits with Zhunti!
Sighing, Zhao Lang chatted with him, and sent Lu Ya back to where he came from.

He didn't have to worry that Lu Ya would be watched by the saints, who might not even know that the latter was still alive.

Zhao Lang was the only one left on the pavilion, and he looked at the jade bottle in his hand.

Standing up slowly, he took a step, shrinking the ground into an inch, and came directly to the Chaos Palace.

I haven't stayed here for a long time, and the huge palace is a bit cold.

But he's already used to it.

Not paying attention to the environment, Zhao Lang walked straight to the side hall.

After not refining treasures for a long time, Zhao Lang waved his hand lightly. With the infusion of spiritual power, a scorching spiritual power began to operate slowly outside the treasure refining cauldron.

Familiar with the way, he put the jade bottle in his hand into it, and Zhao Lang started to make fire.

This kind of fire can be said to be unique in the great wilderness and even the chaos.

It is voluntary to make Lu Ya, the only surviving Golden Crow, bleed like this. I am afraid that Zhao Lang is the only one.

Frowning, Zhao Lang started to make fire.

Only by owning one's own kindling can one fully integrate the Law of the Way of Fire.

Watching the spiritual power in his hands gradually pouring into the Lianbaoding, Zhao Lang became extremely focused at the same time.

at the same time.

Penglai Island in the East China Sea, inside Biyou Palace.

In the huge treasure hall.

Master Tongtian casually looked at Wu Yunxian in front of him.

After hearing what the latter said, there were no obvious expressions or words.

Wu Yunxian said the last, waved lightly, and flung out a person from his sleeve.

It was Hong Jin.

The latter also seized Shen Gongbao's strength and came to Jinxian, but he was like a doll in the hands of a big Luo Jinxian, and he had no means to display it.

Throwing it out of his sleeve, Wu Yunxian stepped back.

Only the Master Tongtian and him remained in the hall.

The former looked at Hong Jin indifferently, although he didn't speak, but the monstrous holy power couldn't be concealed.

Vaguely, Hong Jin only felt that his primordial spirit was about to be squeezed and shattered.

"Saint, spare your life! Saint, spare your life!"

However, although his appearance is extraordinary at this time, his behavior is extremely depreciated.

Master Tongtian didn't want to look at him too much, just one glance was enough to figure out the cause and effect.

"You are a disciple of Zhoushan Sect. Let me ask you a question, and you must answer truthfully."

at last.

The sect master of Tongtian said lightly.

Hearing this, Hong Jin nodded repeatedly.

"The sage is above, how dare the little ones disobey!"

"Is Zhao Gongming dead?"

Without any nonsense, Master Tongtian just asked what he most wanted to know.

As far as he was concerned, Zhao Gongming had died as a saint. He was very happy but couldn't believe it.

I haven't really fought against him, so why did I die?

Looking at Hong Jin, he narrowed his eyes. If the former has any intention of lying, you can catch him on the spot.

But how could Hong Jin know that it was 1 years ago when he went down the mountain.

Although many things happened to Zhou Shanzong, but he was rejected by Zhou Shanzong, how dare he go back?

Upon hearing this question, he hesitated.


Tong Tian frowned slightly, his eyes darkened.

The sudden powerful coercion of the saint made it difficult to breathe.

"Ah! Saint, I really don't know! When I went down the mountain, the saint of Zhoushan hadn't fallen yet!"

He hastily explained.

Through cause and effect, it is not difficult to analyze that what Hong Jin said is indeed true.

"Saint! Please spare my life! I would like to worship you as my teacher, to be like a bull and a horse, and to go through fire and water!"

In order to survive, Hong Jin did whatever he could. He already had a teacher, but he worshiped someone else as his teacher. First, he humiliated the teacher, and second, he humiliated the ancestor.

Tong Tian snorted coldly, to be honest, although there is no discrimination in teaching, but not everyone can worship him as a teacher.

Looking at Hong Jin, the latter trembled...

Not in the mountains.

Suddenly, in the peaceful mountain range, a burst of fire burst into the sky, but it was pressed down by a huge and vast spiritual force immediately after.

Zhao Lang looked at the golden flame in the treasure refining cauldron in surprise, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

With the help of the blood of the nine-legged Jinwu clan, he successfully refined his own kindling.

In this way, the Dao of Fire can be smoothly integrated!
While excited, several options suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Ding! It is detected that Hong Jin has been sentenced to leave the division to join the intercepted teaching, and the host can choose."

"[-]. Immediately break through the level and go to the Jiejiao to kill the traitor, as an example to others. You can get Hong Jin's body, but it will be exposed."

"Second, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. The main thing to be quiet and patient is to hide yourself, and you can get an acquired treasure."

Seeing this news, to be honest, Zhao Lang had the idea of ​​directly using his holy power to suppress and kill him.

How dare you betray my ancestor?
Zhao Lang snorted coldly, but he suppressed the anger in his heart.

It's just a piece of brocade, why do I need my ancestor to do it myself?
Wouldn't it be easy for any of his disciples to kill him at that time?
I frown.

Zhao Lang was about to start merging the law of the Dao of Fire.

Months passed.

Zhao Lang took a step forward and came to the long pavilion in Buzhou Mountain.

Slowly exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, he felt the breath of pure yang flames surging in his body.

Among the five elements, fire is the strongest.

He really felt this today.

Looking at an acquired treasure in his hand, it was created by the system again.

He hadn't even heard of it.

But it doesn't prevent its rank is indeed high, and its power is definitely terrifying.

Casually throwing it into the spirit of the Ten Thousand Treasures Immortal Array, Zhao Lang sat down slowly.

The line of sight shifted, the Lingsuo blocked his holy power, and Zhao Lang's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the boundless wilderness.

Turning his gaze to the mainland of China, he found that Cheng Tang was already in a city outside the Xia Dynasty.

Cheng Tang, who possessed great luck in the human race, soon recruited many talented people to accompany him.

Although there is no turning back at this time, it can be regarded as laying the foundation for the future.

Looking carefully at the people beside Cheng Tang, Zhao Lang was taken aback.

Because he saw someone who shouldn't be there.

(End of this chapter)

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