Chapter 211 Chen Tang Pass?
Zhao Lang stretched out his spiritual thoughts, cast his spiritual power and lowered his head to have a look inside the city.

Before and after Cheng Tang are the eighteen disciples, and on the left and right are some casual cultivators among the human race.

But the one opposite him.

Isn't that real Taiyi?

Frowning tightly, Zhao Lang was afraid that Cheng Tang would leak his information, so he hurriedly used his spiritual power to listen carefully to their conversation.

In the words, it seems that the real Taiyi has been here for a long time, and the name of this place is...

Chen Tangguan?
Anyone else would definitely not understand why Zhao Lang's expression is so wonderful.

Could it be that during the Chengtang period, Taiyi real person had already put Nezha here?
Chentangguan is close to the East China Sea, most of the casual cultivators here have good friends with members of the Jiejiao sect, and Master Taiyi has not been targeted by them here, so he is quite capable.

With a slap in the ear, Zhao Lang heard him say to Cheng Tang.

"Young Taoist friend, you have a good foothold in the poor Taoist temple, which one is your teacher?"

Taiyi smiled all over his face.

The expression was extremely flattering, presumably he could see the luck of heaven and earth in Cheng Tang.

Zhao Lang suddenly regretted it.

He shouldn't have given the Emperor's Heart and Xuanyuan Sword to him so early!

Wherever Cheng Tang went now, anyone with a higher cultivation base than him could tell at a glance that this person had a golden glow on his body and carried the great luck of the human race!
While hiding more dangers, it will also cause some unnecessary troubles.

For example, the real Taiyi at this time, judging from his appearance, obviously wanted to take the opportunity to win him over.

If you add luck to your body, if you help him to become the master of the human race, and then believe in and explain the teachings, it will be a great merit!
Thinking of this, Daoist Taiyi felt refreshed!

If it can bring benefits to the teaching, it must be rewarded in front of Yuanshi Tianzun!
These cultivators, the things they care most about are often unwarranted pretense.

It's enough to look good on the face, they don't care about anything else.

Looking down, Zhao Lang knew that Daoist Taiyi didn't have any good intentions, but he couldn't let Cheng Tang say that he was bald.

So with the blessing of spiritual thoughts, the spiritual power was transmitted to Cheng Tang and said.

"Don't mention me and Zhou Shanzong."

Just as Cheng Tang was about to say it, the word "Zhou" came out. After hearing Zhao Lang's voice transmission, he immediately spoke.

"Walking around the world, how can there be any teacher!"

Good boy, the reaction is quite fast...

Zhao Lang gave a wry smile, and under observation, Daoist Taiyi suddenly became nervous for a moment.

The shadow of Zhao Gongming, the sage of Zhoushan, was too great for him.

He will never forget the situation when he went down the mountain and was taken captive by Zhao Lang.

He never mentioned that incident to outsiders, but he couldn't deny that he feared Zhao Lang far more than he did his master, Yuanshi Tianzun.

After all, the latter didn't scare him that much.

Hearing the word "Zhou", the corner of Master Taiyi's mouth twitched, but after continuing to listen, he realized that he was thinking too much.

The scene was a little awkward, and he smiled lightly.

As the Golden Immortal of Explanation and Education, this is the time to show his personal charm!

Nodding his head, Daoist Taiyi began to brag about how invincible he is in teaching, how noble and elegant the Saint Sect is...

Cheng Tang was naturally not in the mood to listen to his nonsense. At this time, he was going to enter the territory of the Xia Dynasty, and Chentangguan was an obstacle. First, he had to deal with the general soldier of Chentangguan.

A group of people come here, how can they have time to listen to this guy's praise and teaching here, not to mention that they, as disciples of Zhoushan Sect, can be said to be loyal.

After finding a way to talk, Cheng Tang offered to resign first.

But Daoist Taiyi has such a thick skin that he even followed them along the way.

Of course, with such a lucky person, who wouldn't want to seize the time to win them over?
There are also many people who agree with him.

Zhao Lang told Cheng Tang via voice transmission.

"Reverend Taiyi has nothing to be afraid of, just follow along."

The latter had no choice but to take orders, and the other side began to head towards the Chentangguan General Army.

And inside Chentang Pass.

It was extremely lively at this time.

Zhao Lang was not surprised. Although the development speed of the human race was countless times faster than he expected, it was far from reaching the state of his previous life.

It can only be said that there is a prime minister for the first time.

His eyes came to the densely populated place, secretly observing the route Cheng Tang was going to take.

He was relieved after not finding any interception disciples.

But at this moment, Cheng Tang secretly transmitted his voice to Zhao Lang, saying.

"Master, what should I say after I go to see the commander-in-chief of Chen Tangguan?"

Zhao Lang was taken aback.

Where do I know?
I am not a lucky person of the human race, and I have never been a king!

So Zhao Lang didn't respond to Cheng Tang.

The latter also always thinks that he, the master god dragon, sees the beginning but does not see the end. He was still paying attention to him one moment, and he is likely to be busy with other things the next moment.

After all, he is a saint, how can he put his mind on a junior like him?

With a wry smile, Cheng Tang and his party slowly entered the city.

However, coming outside the pass city, he saw.

There are countless beggars and homeless people along the way. They are ragged, stooped, and skinny.

So poor.

Cheng Tang couldn't bear it, and with the blessing of mana, he transformed into clothes and rations.

As a cultivator, but also as a human race.

Although his cultivation is not very high, Cheng Tang has always believed that as much ability as he has, he must make as much contribution as he can.

Zhao Lang, who was observing, nodded again and again.

It seems that my ancestors taught me well, and my disciples have both good conduct and good conduct!
While feeling proud, he heard Cheng Tang's heartfelt voice.

"The common people are living in poverty, and the king is greedy for pleasure. How can we sit idly by in such a dark world?"

Nodding his head, Zhao Lang sent a voice transmission to him.

"Just a few sentences are good, that's what you and the chief soldier said."

Cheng Tang was startled, but he shook his head and laughed without stopping, and said in embarrassment.

"The disciple is single and weak, and his own strength can only save the suffering in front of him, so how can he compare with your grand master and your majesty?"

"Good and evil in the world always have cause and effect. If you want to establish the foundation of great good, you need to eliminate violence with violence."

Zhao Lang's voice came into his ears lightly.

Coming outside the city gate, looking at the lazy guards, Cheng Tang stopped in his tracks, and the chattering voice of Daoist Taiyi beside him could not be heard at all.

He only recalled Zhao Lang's words in his mind.

"Could it be that the master wants the disciple to..."

How stupid!
Zhao Lang smiled lightly, and the voice came out.

"That's right, you will be the next king, Xia's luck is exhausted, you want to attack Xia."

Now, Cheng Tang finally understood what great luck is.

I finally know why the Saint Sect wants to curry favor with him.


He will be king.

But this matter is also uncertain. If he insists on dying, he will die in the end, or be replaced by a stronger person with luck.

Immediately, Cheng Tang felt that there was a long way to go, and with the words of his master engraved in his heart, he headed towards the city firmly.

"Stop, stop!"


The soldiers guarding the gate saw them and stood up to stop them.

All of them look lazy and have irregular military discipline.

Cheng Tang hadn't spoken yet, but Daoist Taiyi stood up.

"Presumptuous, don't you see that the poor are here!"

he snapped.

Those soldiers were so drunk that they couldn't even see what Cheng Tang looked like, but when they heard this sentence, they hurriedly rubbed their eyes, watched intently, and quickly smiled.

"It turned out to be Daoist Taiyi! Disrespect and disrespect, you little one has eyes but no eyes, please forgive me!"

As they said that, the soldiers pushed away one after another, and Cheng Tang and his party successfully entered Chentang Pass.

Not far from the inner city gate, it is a crowded place.

Zhao Lang found out a long time ago, but he didn't tell Cheng Tang.

After all, it is the ancestor who reminded everything and told Cheng Tang everything in advance, which actually harmed him. How could such a generation of benevolent and wise masters grow up?
With a glance, everyone has already come to the bustling place while talking.

Cheng Tang saw that it was a bow and three arrows.

It goes without saying.

Zhao Lang has known for a long time that when Xuanyuan fought Chi You, these two innate treasures were left here. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, these things are infinitely powerful. .

Cheng Tang was still carrying the Xuanyuan Sword behind his back, and he wanted to compare which of these two magic weapons was stronger and weaker.

So he stretched out the sword and held it in his hand.

Are there sharp-eyed people on the stage who caught a glimpse of the golden Xuanyuan Sword Empress? Their eyes shine brightly!

Scanning with spiritual thoughts, Zhao Lang, as a saint, can check what everyone is thinking at the moment.


Zhao Lang was surprised, and paid attention to the person on the stage, staring at Xuanyuanjian with malicious intent in his heart.

The point is, he also discovered something even more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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