Chapter 243 Surpassing Hongjun's Strength!
Cheng Tang's ascension to the throne has also ended at this time.

So everyone's eyes were attracted by Zhou Shanzong again.

"This Zhao Gongming is really not dead. How did he manage to let the human king lead the human race to follow him after disappearing for so long?"

This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

However, when everyone thought about these things, they couldn't help but gasped, thinking about it with horror!
a time.

Countless fiery gazes were all focused on that magnificent figure in the Buzhou Mountain.

I saw Zhao Lang.

Three thousand brunettes dance wildly!

The black gauze and gilded Taoist robe came out of the dust, hunting and hunting, and the power of law lingered around him!

At this time, under the sky around Buzhou Mountain, the bright moon rises in the sea, the sky is full of flowers, the ground is full of golden lotus, the universe is reversed, Yin and Yang are out of balance, and all kinds of wonders and wonders that shake the world are all gathered on his immeasurable fairy appearance!
Zhao Lang at this moment, although he has not stepped out of the secret realm of the Great Dao.

But he is like a god, floating and sinking between heaven and earth, supreme!

The end is a unparalleled posture!
All living beings are looking up at this peerless demeanor, and when they cast their eyes here, they are all amazed at the majesty of the Zhoushan sage!
The creatures around Buzhou Mountain couldn't help but kneel down and worship!
This is the first time they have seen such a realm, this kind of power!

But it is to see that Yuanshi Tianzun has not given up on constantly casting magic power.

Daoist spells struck like destroying heaven and earth.

It seemed that he would do everything in his power to kill Zhao Lang.


At this moment, Zhao Lang also made a move!

I saw that his body was still majestic, standing on top of the Chaos Palace, motionless as a mountain.

But his mind flickered slightly.

It has already affected the true meaning of several laws.


In this piece of heaven and earth, there is an infinite force, which seems to come from the secret realm of the great avenue, and also seems to come in from the chaos through the prehistoric Tianhe!

On the contrary, all the chaotic spiritual power is gathered in Buzhou Mountain at this moment!

The prehistoric world was shocked!

What is this realm?
What kind of cultivation is this?
They were terrified, Zhao Gongming had never shown such strength before!

When I was shocked, I saw a wave of spiritual power condensed on the secret realm of the Great Dao at some point. This chaotic spiritual power quickly gathered, and soon formed a giant hand that could cover half of the vast and desolate land!

Suddenly, he patted Yuanshi Tianzun.

Just a moment.

Almost everyone, including Yuanshi Tianzun, was shocked by this spiritual power!
"How did Zhao Gongming improve his cultivation so much?!"

The anger in Yuanshi Tianzun's heart at this time has been mostly occupied by panic!

Zhao Lang's giant hand condensed with spiritual power was already carrying infinite spiritual power, destroying and killing, and came towards him violently!

This blow was really terrifying!
Even the rest of the saints in the sky had no choice but to call out their holy prestige at this time.

Tong Tian was shocked, Zhao Gongming became stronger again?

Lao Dan breathed a sigh of relief, "No wonder you can get rid of the inner demons, it turns out that you have already far surpassed the realm of the old man!"

The rest of the saints, the immortals in the heaven, the Jade Emperor, and the Queen Mother of the West are all terrified of the Zhoushan saint at this moment!

If it wasn't because of the fierceness of Zhao Lang's blow, then why?
Yuanshi Tianzun felt a little regretful at this time.

In the end, I was still a little hasty, which angered Zhao Gongming. If I was not his opponent, wouldn't it be even more ugly?

It never occurred to him that Zhao Lang's blow might destabilize his holy fruit!

Yuanshi Tianzun tried to use magic weapons or supernatural powers to resist, but the giant palm covered the sky and was already close at hand.

What to do?
at this time!

A golden light flashed across the sky!
The golden lotus springs from the ground, the psychic power and aura surges like crazy, and the mana of the vast saints is rampant!
An old man in a gray robe descended slowly, his brows were light and his face was solemn.

Immediately, hundreds of millions of living beings were shocked and awe-inspiring!
Daozu Hongjun!

"Old dog, do you really think that I will be afraid of you if you appear?"

Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

The expression didn't flinch in the slightest.

But he didn't continue to shoot.

Hongjun spread out his hand, clapped his palm and dropped it.


An invisible palm turned down, like the sky falling, and went towards Zhao Lang's giant magic palm!

"My God! Saint Zhoushan is going to fight Daozu!"

"Sage Zhoushan is too strong to be able to attract Dao Patriarch!"

"What a terrifying coercion of a saint, ah! I have a splitting headache!"...

All living beings talked about it.

Hongjun's move also aroused the amazement of all creatures in the prehistoric world!

For a moment, everyone felt their scalps tingling for a while because of the monstrous spiritual power produced by the collision of these two huge mana forces!
The huge roar reverberated endlessly in the wilderness.

The blow was followed.

But Hongjun frowned tightly.

It is not difficult to see that his face is very ugly at this time.

"Zhao Gongming, you are not dead."

Hongjun's voice came down, and he fell into the flood.

"Let Daozu down?"

Zhao Lang snorted coldly, and his voice also resounded through the prehistoric world.

This guy, after becoming a saint, can still improve his cultivation so much. What kind of skills did he get?
Or magic weapon, supernatural power?
Hongjun frowned.

It is definitely irrational to take action. It is hard for me to eliminate my karma. If I do it myself, it is inevitable that the magic power will bring disaster to all living beings around.

Their lives are not important, what is important is that they will have karma added to them.

"Zhao Gongming, of course it's best if you don't die. It's not bad if the merits of heaven fall on you. Thank you for your contribution to the prehistoric creatures!"

One word at a time, as if the words were squeezed out from between Hongjun's teeth.

Zhao Lang didn't respond, but just looked at him jokingly.

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little at a loss at this time.

A dignified sage of the heavenly way, he attracted the help of the Taoist ancestor.

What does this mean?
This shows that Zhao Gongming's blow is likely to cause him a big loss!
Rejoicing in his heart, Yuanshi Tianzun squinted his eyes and looked at Zhao Lang in the secret realm of the Great Dao.

His eyes were full of killing intent.

"Since this is the case, this seat will take your disciples in the wild!"

But he didn't dare to say it, he could only think of this sentence in his heart.


After a cold snort, Yuanshi Tianzun turned and left above Buzhou Mountain under Hongjun's signal.

Hongjun looked at Zhao Lang.


"Okay, okay."

After speaking, he turned around, stepped out, and disappeared into the world.

After everything subsided, it was calm.

But after this day.

Everyone in Honghuang will know the character Zhao Gongming.

Saint Zhoushan!

Time flies, since Yuanshi Tianzun made a big fuss, and Cheng Tang ascended the throne and established the Shang Dynasty.

Tens of thousands of years have passed.

It was fairly quiet during this period.

Zhao Lang knew that the saints must be gathering together at this time to discuss how to deal with him.

But he is not afraid, all the disciples now have the merits of heaven.

If the saints, or the disciples of their sect dared to attack Zhao Lang's disciples and grandchildren, then they would lose even more merit.

So he can rest assured.

But he also knew that Yuanshi Tianzun would definitely not let it go.

Master Tongtian should still study his Six Soul Banner in order to defeat Zhao Lang.

Western religions will continue to save people to go to Western religions.

Except for Taoist Yang Mei, Zhao Lang could predict almost everything.

After facing Hongjun, Zhao Lang retreated for another ten thousand years.

In the past ten thousand years, he has integrated all the existing powers of the Dao law to obtain the corresponding magic weapon and sword, and he has also replaced them in the Wanbao Immortal Formation.

Buzhou Mountain.

Among the peach groves.

Zhao Lang slowly got up from the gazebo, and after taking a breath of stale air, his brows flickered.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of his mouth raised.

"How is the recovery?"

Asking softly, Zhao Lang slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him was Yuan Feng who appeared at some unknown time.

She has lost all her spiritual power now, if Zhao Lang hadn't rescued her and nourished her daily with pills, she might not be able to survive even these ten thousand years.

With her beautiful eyes fanning slightly, she just nodded lightly.

Then he slowly sat down beside Zhao Lang.

Shaking his head with a wry smile.

Zhao Lang looked at her beautiful face with great interest.

Although he has regained his complexion, he is still a little thin.

Back then, she was the mighty leader of the Phoenix Clan in the Chaos Realm!

It has fallen to this point...

And if she didn't say anything, Zhao Lang couldn't ask what happened.

Zhou Zhan has not recovered yet.

Can only wait.

Zhao Lang got up, and lightly brushed off the peach blossom petals on his body.

Starting to leave, Yuan Feng also stood up and followed behind Zhao Lang as before.

"It's all like this, do you still want a magic weapon?"

Zhao Lang laughed jokingly.

However, Yuanfeng shook his head.

She sank her head, as if she was thinking about something, but she couldn't speak.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you, stay with me, you don't have to worry about anything."

Zhao Lang chuckled twice, walking among the peach trees, leisurely.

Yuanfeng continued to follow closely behind.

"Can you briefly describe what happened?"

Zhao Lang stopped suddenly and asked tentatively.

Yuanfeng was silent.

Forget it, Patriarch, what am I asking?


With a wry smile, Zhao Lang continued walking.

"From today onwards, I will ask Bi Xiao to take you to practice. With my elixir, you will be able to recover your spiritual power soon, but I am afraid it will not be as good as before."

Zhao Lang walked and said.

However, Yuanfeng never answered.

Zhao Lang didn't want to ask.

After staying in that kind of place between life and death for so long, I don't know what I have experienced.

In that state, it was not unexpected that Yuanfeng, who was not happy or angry at all, became more taciturn.


What the hell is that Dao Palace, and why even a person with his own cultivation would feel a strong sense of fear when he enters it.

What are the plans of those terrifying demon gods?
Sighing, Zhao Lang felt that it would be better to ask Zhou Zhan when he recovered.

I was thinking in my heart.

Yuanfeng suddenly spoke.

"You saved me."

Hearing the sound, Zhao Lang unexpectedly turned around and was startled.

Undeniably nodded.

"Huh? What?"

"You are going to be the new leader of the Phoenix Clan."

Yuanfeng's voice was very cold.

first reaction.

She's not right!

Eyes narrowed slightly, Zhao Lang gave a wry smile.

"You still want to go back to the Chaos Realm? The Phoenix Clan is a thing of the past. Wouldn't it be good to just stay with me and practice?"

Hearing this, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhao Lang.

Looking at each other, the latter suddenly had a bad feeling!

A moment of silence.

"You have to marry me."

Even if it was such a happy word, when Yuanfeng said it from his cold mouth, what Zhao Lang felt was only surprise.

"Ding! It is detected that Yuanfeng wants to marry the host, and you can choose."

"One, accept the marriage and form a marriage with Yuanfeng, you can get the Dao of Fire."

"Second, if you refuse to marry and devote yourself to cultivation, you can get [-] acquired spiritual treasures."


Zhao Lang was shocked.

He never thought about these things.

But Yuanfeng's move was indeed beyond his expectation.

Acceptance is impossible.

"what happened to you?"

Zhao Lang frowned, and was speechless for a while in embarrassment.

Yuanfeng hesitated, and a trace of strange emotion flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"The rules of the Phoenix Clan are like this, I must abide by them, and so do you."

What's the point?
Is it okay to buy and sell by force?
Why do I have to abide by the old ancestor? Do you think that you can spare the old ancestor my Dao heart by being good-looking?

"Uh... Yuanfeng, this..."

at this time!

Yuanfeng in front of him suddenly did something unexpected!
(End of this chapter)

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